Attn!!!! Oral surgeon, crazy marine, play doh, medal of Honor, Ivan Drago or whatever the fuck

Ladies if I'm going to provide a reference for someone it's over pm and if you want more info I will talk to you after via text or I'll call you!!! That review from oral is a fake and I've already brought it to the attention of a mod!! Stay the fuck on your toes and pay attention!! That is all
No doubt, you mean this one:

Glad you caught it, especially since it was posted in May. We all do indeed have to "stay on our toes."
Yeah I saw it and so far it won't be removed because I cannot "prove" it didn't happen. This guy is a douche
Lmmfao! Who is tht ugly troll sukn his tiny winnie in his avatar! Shes uglier thn his girlfriend! Hes banned cause its obvious its him why wouldnt all disputed reviews be removed?
Lol cash you have such a lovely way with words! He keeps using the same fucking pic so I don't know why it won't be removed. Plus if I ever see him most likely it would be to put a .45 somewhere mushy. I don't like being put on the spot like this, I'm trying to build my gunslinger empire.
Based on your first post, this does not qualify as an alert. Moved to COED.
From what I understand, if this review was on TER you could easily have it removed! That's why TER sucks!

Quinci - sorry you're distraught over this! You're a great gal and building a solid reputation!
I honestly think this should be an alert since he keeps being let in to fuck girls over and harass them, but it's whatever I guess as long as someone is getting fucked around here what does it matter of safety.
I honestly think this should be an alert since he keeps being let in to fuck girls over and harass them, but it's whatever I guess as long as someone is getting fucked around here what does it matter of safety. Originally Posted by Quinci
Unfortunately that is EXACTLY how most of this site feels..jus be safe and worry about yourself,cause every1 here is doing the same. Xoxo
nerdy123's Avatar
I knew it was fake when he said not therapeutic. Quinci has skills that kill! I was in pain, she put me to sleep and woke me back up in the best of ways!
I knew it was fake when he said not therapeutic. Quinci has skills that kill! I was in pain, she put me to sleep and woke me back up in the best of ways! Originally Posted by nerdy123
Lol goofball I love your face!!!
The mods know this guy why is he still here ?
Japeth's Avatar
Lol goofball I love your face!!! Originally Posted by Quinci
Quinci, shut your ghetto apartment ass up ... I did see you ... And i even called your cell and asked if you wanted me to post a review on you. Ams tou said sure ...

[Staff edit. M]

You gave a shitty massage and your afro needs to go... Did you find a bed frame yet for your nasty mattress... Better yet... Did you take care of your nasty cat smell ??!!!!!
Japeth's Avatar
Unfortunately that is EXACTLY how most of this site feels..jus be safe and worry about yourself,cause every1 here is doing the same. Xoxo Originally Posted by CashmereLove
Cashmere you still conning this old fat perverts into believing that you're 28 years old ? LMAO!!

That was like 13 year ago when you escorted on the express news
Japeth's Avatar
Lmmfao! Who is tht ugly troll sukn his tiny winnie in his avatar! Shes uglier thn his girlfriend! Hes banned cause its obvious its him why wouldnt all disputed reviews be removed?
CJ YOUR ASS TRASH ASS PUNK BIYCH! get at me. Weak BITCH! Originally Posted by CashmereLove

Cashmere ... Why 28 though? Are you afraid older men dont like 40 year olds?

Gents this lady is no drug talk - VSthe alcoholic beverage ...