Hillary Clinton: 'I would have done a better job' than Trump handling coronavirus pandemic Mica Soellner

  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 06:13 PM

President Trump's onetime Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, said the coronavirus would be under better control in the United States if she were president.
© Provided by Washington Examiner "We sure could have done a better job saving lives — modeling better, more responsible behavior," Clinton told the Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcast. "I don't think we necessarily should have had as deep an economic assault on livelihoods and jobs as we have. So I know I would have done a better job."

Clinton, a former U.S. senator, secretary of state, and first lady, added that she felt "frustrated" being stuck on the sidelines.
The coronavirus pandemic, the outbreak of which has been tied back to Wuhan, China, has led to 2.8 million cases in the U.S., and more than 130,000 of those who became infected have died.
Recent spikes, largely in the South, have prompted state and local officials to halt plans to reopen their economies and enforce new restrictions meant to curb the spread of the virus.
Trump, who has defended his administration's actions against critics who say he didn't react to the outbreak quickly enough, has been pushing for states to reopen. Even with large swaths of the country seeing a jump in cases, Trump claimed the crisis has been "handled" as he touted an economic comeback.
Trump's refusal to wear a mask publicly has also been a topic of national interest, and the president only recently appeared to change his tone, saying, "I'm all for masks."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that "people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain." Some states and localities have enacted mandatory face mask orders.
Clinton slammed Trump's leadership, saying he is an example of a president who wasn't prepared for the job. She also said Russia helped him win the 2016 election, in which she won the popular vote but not the Electoral College.

H... - Look at that pic - good Lord what a malevolent facies.

Still convinced Russia made her lose - what a laugh
Old hag cannot and will not hold herself responsible for her arrogance and disdain of "deplorables"! Not to mention the 2016 election results.

a total lack of self-responsibility - ala Benghazi. and this is one of the best for an office of Ultimate responsibility.

H... is still running - she wants the VP slot since Biden has the delegates. And to be the heartbeat between H.. and the oval Office is the most dangerous position in teh World.

H... is running.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I noticed you didn't address the OP subject. Good thing for you.
She would have done a better job. Plus her administration wouldn't have been full of rejects and relatives.
How many Benghazi investigations found nothing? How many found evidence of a crime?
Where have you been? Russia did help beat her.
And your douche-bag has made a joke out of the presidency and our country. All he does is lie, devide us, and prove what racists he and his followers are. You blame all his fuck-ups on the dems. Watching his reelection wind go out of your sails is one of the few silver linings this year.
And if you think Clinton is running..
I think that shows you aren't thinking.

To sum up, of course Clinton would have done better at handling the Covid-19 crisis.


President Trump's onetime Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, said the coronavirus would be under better control in the United States if she were president.
© Provided by Washington Examiner "We sure could have done a better job saving lives — modeling better, more responsible behavior," Clinton told the Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcast. "I don't think we necessarily should have had as deep an economic assault on livelihoods and jobs as we have. So I know I would have done a better job."

Clinton, a former U.S. senator, secretary of state, and first lady, added that she felt "frustrated" being stuck on the sidelines.
The coronavirus pandemic, the outbreak of which has been tied back to Wuhan, China, has led to 2.8 million cases in the U.S., and more than 130,000 of those who became infected have died.
Recent spikes, largely in the South, have prompted state and local officials to halt plans to reopen their economies and enforce new restrictions meant to curb the spread of the virus.
Trump, who has defended his administration's actions against critics who say he didn't react to the outbreak quickly enough, has been pushing for states to reopen. Even with large swaths of the country seeing a jump in cases, Trump claimed the crisis has been "handled" as he touted an economic comeback.
Trump's refusal to wear a mask publicly has also been a topic of national interest, and the president only recently appeared to change his tone, saying, "I'm all for masks."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that "people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain." Some states and localities have enacted mandatory face mask orders.
Clinton slammed Trump's leadership, saying he is an example of a president who wasn't prepared for the job. She also said Russia helped him win the 2016 election, in which she won the popular vote but not the Electoral College.

H... - Look at that pic - good Lord what a malevolent facies.

Still convinced Russia made her lose - what a laugh
Old hag cannot and will not hold herself responsible for her arrogance and disdain of "deplorables"! Not to mention the 2016 election results.

a total lack of self-responsibility - ala Benghazi. and this is one of the best for an office of Ultimate responsibility.

H... is still running - she wants the VP slot since Biden has the delegates. And to be the heartbeat between H.. and the oval Office is the most dangerous position in teh World.

H... is running. Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 08:29 AM
So nice to have socialist propaganda spewing on Ignore.
Lapdog's Avatar
If you choose to ignore, you choose to be ignorant.
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 08:34 AM
So nice to have Socialists spewing narrative propaganda on Ignore!
matchingmole's Avatar
To sum up, of course Clinton would have done better at handling the Covid-19 crisis.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
From the perspective of a leftist, of course that would be the narrative.

Oh, the dreams you lefty's must be having in Hillary being able to completely shut down and have government takeover of the economy. Oh how she could have enforced martial law and expansion of Federal government control.

Socialism could have been advanced for decades to come, all at the expense of our simple freedoms and independence of the Feds.

But sadly, hindsight and lefty wishes aside, we had Trump to keep the leftists from taking control.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I see that Munchies ignited the OP and went off on a irrelevant tangent. Considering how deep in the pocket of China Hillary is there would have no travel shutdown until way late in the game. Hillary would probably blame an aspirin factory in Somalia like Bill did. Like Schumer,Pelosi, and De Blasio she would have encouraged people to go out because her economy would be struggling without the deregulation Trump provided. Her response to 3 million dead...what difference does it make now. He response to failed businesses after the belated shutdown...I can't be responsible for every underfunded business. Both things are quotes from Hillary.
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 04:16 PM
H... has no sense of personal responsibility for anything.

She is at least a borderline personality disorder wit obsessive leanings , or a flagrant sociopath with dictatorial tendencies.

Whatever the Dx - it is dangerous to be the heartbeat between H... and ascension to the Oval Office.
Lapdog's Avatar
[QUOTE=oeb11;1062111278]TRUMP has no sense of personal responsibility for anything.

HEis at least a borderline personality disorder wit obsessive leanings , or a flagrant sociopath with dictatorial tendencies.

FIFY, you're welcome!
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 04:23 PM
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You see, changing someone else's pronoun is considered grade school.
If you choose to ignore, you choose to be ignorant. Originally Posted by Lapdog
The truth is Hillary Clinton is a Criminal and you choose to ignore that fact. So what does that make you? If you're not sure just reread your post,lol.
bambino's Avatar
TRUMP has no sense of personal responsibility for anything.

HEis at least a borderline personality disorder wit obsessive leanings , or a flagrant sociopath with dictatorial tendencies.

FIFY, you're welcome! Originally Posted by oeb11
Decipher that would you? It appears it’s a post from a complete illiterate.
You can go back and forth about what could have been done differently, but the fucking idiot shouldn’t have turned wearing a mask political.