Tucker Carlson Reports Officer Sicknick had no head injury.....

I just watched Tucker and he is reporting that Officer Sicknick, who is being reported as dying from head injuries during the Washington Riot, was not hit with a fire extinguisher as is being reported, and in fact was not injured at all during the riot.

What the heck is going on.?
  • oeb11
  • 02-10-2021, 06:45 PM
i would like to see published teh autopsy report.

something the DPST/ccp and LSM will suppress - very likely.

Just like suppression of knowledge of the DPST/ccp voter Fraud bureau.
was teh officer poisoned with novichok - part of teh 'Russia Hoax"???
txdot-guy's Avatar
Check Tucker's list on politifact. He's not exactly known as a truth teller.

Judge rules Tucker Carlson is not a credible source of news.
I just watched Tucker and he is reporting that Officer Sicknick, who is being reported as dying from head injuries during the Washington Riot, was not hit with a fire extinguisher as is being reported, and in fact was not injured at all during the riot.

What the heck is going on.? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The fact that you get news from Tucker Carlson says it all. You realize that he admitted he doesn’t provide facts right.

Fox News won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
The former Playboy model Karen McDougal filed a defamation suit against Fox alleging that Carlson slandered her during a December 2018 episode of his show, "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
The network asked a judge to dismiss the case, arguing that "Carlson's statements were not statements of fact and that she failed adequately to allege actual malice."
The judge agreed with Fox's premise, adding that the network "persuasively argues" that "given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes."

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" takes the primetime host Tucker Carlson seriously, a new court filing said.

The case was brought by the former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who said Carlson defamed her on his show, "Tucker Carlson Tonight," by saying she extorted President Donald Trump "out of approximately $150,000 in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair," the filing said.

Fox News asked the judge to toss out McDougal's case by arguing that "Carlson's statements were not statements of fact and that she failed adequately to allege actual malice."

McDougal said two of Carlson's statements during the episode on December 10, 2018, were defamatory:

Carlson's claim that McDougal "approached Donald Trump and threatened to ruin his career and humiliate his family if he doesn't give them money."
Carlson's claim that McDougal's actions amounted to "a classic case of extortion."
But Fox News argued that Carlson "cannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect," the ruling said.

It added that Fox News "submits that the use of that word or an accusation of extortion, absent more, is simply 'loose, figurative, or hyperbolic language' that does not give rise to a defamation claim."

US District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil agreed with Fox's premise, adding that the network "persuasively argues" that "given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes."
winn dixie's Avatar
Tucker tells it like it is and reports what is not pc!
I would put his record on reporting what happened and why against anybody with the lsm!
Tucker tells it like it is and reports what is not pc!
I would put his record on reporting what happened and why against anybody with the lsm! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Which is exactly why you say dumb and idiotic things.
Lapdog's Avatar
Tucker tells it like it is and reports what is not pc!
I would put his record on reporting what happened and why against anybody with the lsm! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Is Tucker the person who told you where Barack Obama was born? Is Tucker the reason why you feel "creepy" about Fred Rogers?
  • oeb11
  • 02-11-2021, 07:58 AM
Tx-dot, 1b1, ld - and all the Socialist sheeples

Thank you for your revealing comments - it is your 'cancel culture' rampant - that anything jake tapper and Xinn do not inform you - is 'not credible" to your DPST/ccp idiotology.

Tucker, hannity, and laura are not perfect - but focus on Truth and Facts - unlike the blatant lies of your Xinn narrative.

So - go blithely forward - blinded by rump hatred.

The DPST/ccp nomenklatura plan for their Amerika - does not include U.

Their plan is for -re-education camps' - to 'purify' the populace.

and when they come for me - my defense will speak for itself.

i will die in defense of America and its' Constitution Bill of Rights - and Rule of law with equality for All under tht law

Concepts you all reject in favor of marxist totalitarianism.

There will a price to pay for embracing tyranny - and it will be a very high Price - while Xi and Putin laugh at the fools of the DPST/ccp party doing their bidding as sheeples.
I mentioned this a week or so ago

that there was an autopsy that isnt being released

some theory is that he might have had a reaction to chemical irritants used against the people who were breaking in
  • oeb11
  • 02-11-2021, 08:08 AM
DPST/ccp sheeples and LSM do not want to contradict their narrative of the officer's death with truth and FACTS.
Typical Lies of teh LSM!
Tucker said all 5 people who died including the cop were Trump supporters. The cop may have died from smoke or chemical irritants.
Tucker said all 5 people who died including the cop were Trump supporters. The cop may have died from smoke or chemical irritants. Originally Posted by gnadfly
yes the cop had voted for trump

as most likely had the vast majority of police

the dimocrats want to purge the ranks of the police now because of that, in addition to the military

your politics now become a test of employment
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Interesting that the posters saying Carlson is full of shit don’t even attempt to refute the story (which is 100% correct).
HedonistForever's Avatar
Easy enough to prove or disprove, release the autopsy report which they won't do. Two of those five apparently died of a heart attack and a stroke. The one killing by someone that was armed, was a law enforcement officer who shot a Trump supporter. So yeah, all five were likely Trump supporters and over on CNN, Mr. Vanderbilt is comparing what happened to the genocide in Rwanda. On other LSM, they are calling it another 9/11.

Talk about hyperbole.

But the funniest story of the week was a California news reporter saying that her Trump neighbors had cleared her driveway of snow without asking her and commented that Hezbollah did nice things for people without asking too! Hezbollah for Pete's sake.


LA Times op-ed slammed for comparing Trump-supporting neighbors to Hezbollah

A Los Angeles Times opinion column is under fire for comparing supporters of former President Donald Trump to Hezbollah and Nazi sympathizers.
“This woman compares her Trump-supporting neighbors, who plowed her driveway, to Nazi sympathizers & Hezbollah & wrestles w/whether to show them any kindness since she can’t give them absolution.

The Los Angeles Times published a piece last week titled “What can you do about the Trumpites next door?” which described how author Virginia Heffernan’s driveway was cleared of snow by her Trump-supporting neighbors.

“Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?” she wrote. “These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in the neighborhood.”
Heffernan went on then to compare the act of clearing her driveway to how Hezbollah “also gives things away for free.”
“The favors Hezbollah does for people in the cities Tyre and Sidon probably don’t involve snowplows, but, like other mafias, Hezbollah tends to its own — the Shiite sick, elderly and hungry,” she wrote.
Tucker's a Fulkerson. Pure and simple, all about ratings.