Stupid China

Chinese TV features blackface performers in New Year’s gala

"BEIJING (AP) — Chinese state TV included dancers in blackface portraying Africans in a holiday gala for the second time in three years, prompting criticism online, as Asia welcomed the Year of the Ox with muted festivities amid travel curbs to contain renewed coronavirus outbreaks.

The “African Song and Dance” performance Thursday came at start of the Spring Festival Gala, one of the world’s most-watched TV programs. It included Chinese dancers in African-style costumes and dark face makeup beating drums.

The five-hour annual program, which state TV has said in the past is seen by as many as 800 million viewers, also included tributes to nurses, doctors and others who fought the coronavirus pandemic that began in central China in late 2019."

That is official China state TV - racists assholes!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lol! they really dont give a shit do they!

however, they do give a shit when they're put in a bad light.
lol! they really dont give a shit do they!

however, they do give a shit when they're put in a bad light. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That is why it is important to shine the light on them