Pale redhead or blondes

Okay ladies I'm looking for your help. I have a complete and unabashed love of pale redheads and or pale blondes freckles are a definite plus.

So are you pale and redheaded or blonde? Do you know a girl who is? Do you have a friend who has been considering getting into the hobby and you want to break her in with someone who will worship her?

Talk to me!!!!!!

If the search provider function had an option for pale I would be all set, but it sadly doesn't. Don't make me drive to Houston for that milky skin, help me find it here at home!!
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 03-06-2015, 08:59 PM
Use the Request forum, it would be more likely to give you the results you want.
I've done with little to no results.

I'm also asking if any other gentleman know a lady or two that would fit.
Me! I have milky skin pure as the driven snow.

I don't have the freckles you're looking for, but I also don't have tattoos or blemishes.

I'm a natural blonde with freckles
Redhead with pale skin and freckles
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
Redhead with pale skin and freckles Originally Posted by Blueeyedginger
Personal FAVORITE.
Guest042715's Avatar
Damn! I thought this was gonna be about beer.....
FireKitten's Avatar
True red....
Thank you we are a rare bunch!