Discount in exchange for Eccie Reviews

Hi there Ladies and Gents,

I have a question/idea that has been presented that I wanted to run by everybody. I know that I am not the first to come up with it, but I had a question...
By offering a discount for an ECCIE review, would that be considered trying to bribe someone for a good review?
Would some gentleman be only motivated by the discount, with no interest/intention of writing an honest review, or even one at all?
Just wanted some opinions...Thanks!

Kira Swan
Hi there Ladies and Gents,

I have a question/idea that has been presented that I wanted to run by everybody. I know that I am not the first to come up with it, but I had a question...
By offering a discount for an ECCIE review, would that be considered trying to bribe someone for a good review?
Would some gentleman be only motivated by the discount, with no interest/intention of writing an honest review, or even one at all?
Just wanted some opinions...Thanks!

Kira Swan Originally Posted by Kira Swan

It is not a bribe unless even if he had a bad time you tell him he has to write a good review. By offering a discount for the guy's honest opinion in a review, it is not a bribe at all. Reviews are your best form of advertisement, good or bad and may make or break you especially if you are new to the scene.

Yes, there are lots of cheap asses who will take advantage of the discount and not do a review. The ones you really have to be careful of are the guys who demand a discount because he is a certified reviewer, and will put that he paid your regular donation in the review. Plus do the review in a way that might get you in trouble as other guys who see you based the reported embellished activities in that erotic novel of a review thinking it is really what happened. Then consequently, those guys may write a bad review saying you did not perform to expected the expected level. It is all about consistency.

A lot of guys will not like this, but my advice is to have first time clients see you at your regular rate, then the next time he sees you after he reviews his first visit, give him that discount. That way, you will get your full donation and do not have to worry about him writing a review after you have given him the discount. It also gives you the motivation to treat him well and make that great first impression so much so that writes that review and he wants to come back and see you, not so much for the discount, but because he wants to see you again.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It is not a bribe unless even if he had a bad time you tell him he has to write a good review. By offering a discount for the guy's honest opinion in a review, it is not a bribe at all. Reviews are your best form of advertisement, good or bad and may make or break you especially if you are new to the scene.

Yes, there are lots of cheap asses who will take advantage of the discount and not do a review. The ones you really have to be careful of are the guys who demand a discount because he is a certified reviewer, and will put that he paid your regular donation in the review. Plus do the review in a way that might get you in trouble as other guys who see you based the reported embellished activities in that erotic novel of a review thinking it is really what happened. Then consequently, those guys may write a bad review saying you did not perform to expected the expected level. It is all about consistency.

A lot of guys will not like this, but my advice is to have first time clients see you at your regular rate, then the next time he sees you, give him that discount. That way, you will get your full donation and do not have to worry about him writing a review after you have given him the discount. It also gives you the motivation to treat him well and make that great first impression so much so that writes that review and he wants to come back and see you, not so much for the discount, but because he wants to see you again. Originally Posted by davidfree986
+1000000000000000 on what he said ^^^^^^^^^
ForeignPlaytoy's Avatar
Personally I have never done review specials for the above reasons. I do offer specials on occasion and and am happy to offer specials to my regulars.

I suggest the return session be discounted just as davidfree has stated.

Good luck and stay safe sweetheart

Kisses ��
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-08-2015, 03:22 PM
However you should only offer the discount on the Second Visit.

Meet the Client, offer the discount, for a follow up visit after he writes the review , not before !! You give discount before you are going to be disappointed when they don't write one. !!



Great point and advice !!!
TsSelenalopez's Avatar
Reviews what are those... O those are when they supposed to write about you and all the good things you do in the session. Child I haven't had. Review written in about year and I have seen more then handful. The dude wrote the review didn't even put it in a dallas thread so it was fucking worthless. it was in the general area of forums. But altogether was a great review. Good luck on the review thing..
Mojojo's Avatar
Something i've observed here is the way providers move with this. I've seen providers offer this to guys with 0 reviews or old reviews then not get one done after the session. If a guy has zero reviews more than likely you won't be his first or only.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
From one woman to another, don't offer a review special. It might take some time to get your first one, but a man who generally will review, won't mind doing a review for you without the special.

Guys get "credit" for writing a review and so it's not like he has no vested advantage to writing a review anyway.

Just my thoughts on it.

When you're new, men will come out of the woodwork offering advice. Always think about the motivations behind that advice before taking guys up on it.

Best of luck to you,

edited to add: For some reason, I thought that you were new to this and you're not. And are you planning to travel to Dallas? Dallas has a lot of guys here who like to review. If you're in Denver, well it might be more difficult to find clients who review on Eccie. Just something to consider.

I don't think that anyone would mind, if they're a regular Eccie contributor, if you asked him if he would write a review for you if you really connected and had some good chemistry. All he can say is no.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think you have received some good advice as to how best to do a review special, and some good thoughts from the ever thoughtful Elizabeth Whispers on reasons you may not want to do one.

Though I've never taken a girl up on a review special, primarily because I'm out of town most of the time and scheduling is difficult, I have always told them that I would feel compelled to reveal the discount in my review so a reader of the review could have an honest opinion of whether the discount affected my judgment and review. Some felt that was fine, but other girls didn't like my efforts at transparency. You might think this angle through before you decide.
Redsan's Avatar
A showcase with good clear sexy pictures
would probably bring you more business
than discounting your service for reviews.
I agree with Elizabeth. It's easy to get stuck in the review special theory. I've done it without knowing any better when I first began, now I rarely offer specials.

However, do what you feel will FIRST and foremost , give you the clientele/target market you desire and are fit for.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm in the discount the first-time Camp (maybe I'm the only one?)..

a new restaurant doesn't advertize for you to come in, pay the menu price, write a review on Yelp, then get a discount the next visit.. the point is to give a discount for a try-out that is less likely to occur without a discount.
I'm in the discount the first-time Camp (maybe I'm the only one?)..

a new restaurant doesn't advertize for you to come in, pay the menu price, write a review on Yelp, then get a discount the next visit.. the point is to give a discount for a try-out that is less likely to occur without a discount. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree with you about restaurants, but I think it is a different game when it comes to providing. At a restaurant, they do not give you review discount in hopes you will review, they do it so you can sample the food and if you like it and their service, then you will come back and pay the full price.
Chung Tran's Avatar
true, they are different animals.. a review posted here for a new girl is much more meaningful than a Yelp review that few will read, and even fewer will respect..