Water torture is American

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I this is controversial but view the enclosed photos and see if you agree.

She gave up everything in the next few hours.

Lives were saved by her words.

This group couldn't turn on each other fast enough.

She became a double agent.
What pics???
What pics??? Originally Posted by ekim008
The ones in his head. The ones with flashing pictures and sounds that hurt.

You and I would call it a thought.

Seriously though, water boarding is an acceptable practice in my opinion.
It may turn up bad intel, may turn up good intel. Worth the hassle of getting your shoes wet, So to speak.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You may have to ask the moderator. They were there when I posted them. And for those who have trouble reading; I said water torture and not water boarding. Here is another example but only one.

You may have to ask the moderator. They were there when I posted them. And for those who have trouble reading; I said water torture and not water boarding. Here is another example but only one.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Looks like you struck out again JD no pic be careful you might get banned.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hell, I check on it a half an hour later and it is there. What do the moderators have against beautiful, large breasted girls being doused with chilled water?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You may have to ask the moderator. They were there when I posted them. And for those who have trouble reading; I said water torture and not water boarding. Here is another example but only one.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hell, I check on it a half an hour later and it is there. What do the moderators have against beautiful, large breasted girls being doused with chilled water? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not a thing sir. Your source for the links is now bad. If I had removed something, everyone would know it already
Try it yourself, this is what you are trying to link to in the above post;