She cancelled on you! Big deal, at least she gave you an hour+ notice and didn't ghost you.
It happens and is part of the hobby....
Originally Posted by Fizley
Being cancelled on blows, but better than being ghosted, being given an hours notice better than sitting in the parking lot and then getting cancelled on. I’ve dealt with all of those options. Choose either to move on or see her, but to think you’re owed a discount because of a cancellation an hour before, nah. I hate having my time wasted as much as the next guy, but RW shit does occur at inopportune times. Believe her or not is up to you, but just in case it is true, really, do you want her to give you a discount for having to deal with her daughter? Just sounds like bad karma to me bro. If you do decide to see her, just ask her to fuck you extra good