Another story of our bureacrats and military brass demoralizing our filed troops...I am sick and tired of it.

These guys put their lives on the line killing our enemy......enough is enough..............

From the following story..." sparking outrage and condemnation from U.S. military officials.."

Fuck the military officals !
It's your opinion that our troops should be allowed to desecrate the bodies of enemy combatants? You continue to astonish and amaze with your incredible stupidity. Any recollection of how you felt when the Iraqi primitives hung the bodies of the contractors from that bridge? Or watching the skinnies drag those dead Americans through the streets of Mogadishu? You think we should act like them? I get that it makes you angry, it made me angry too. But, do we want to be like them?

I understand the impulse and get that a lot of these US servicemen are pretty young and immature. But, this kind of shit cannot be tolerated for a lot of different reasons.

Let's leave the barbaric savagery to the savages. We're better than them, let's act like it.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's your opinion

Let's leave the barbaric savagery to the savages. We're better than them, let's act like it. Originally Posted by timpage
It's not about changing them. It's about not changing us.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
In a root cause analysis, the problem goes all the way to the top.
It is Obama's fault, he is in charge. he is the one that plans everything from seal team raids to pissing on bodies.
Except for burning the Holy Kuran and he is still pissed about that.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 08:17 PM
It's your opinion that our troops should be allowed to desecrate the bodies of enemy combatants? You continue to astonish and amaze with your incredible stupidity. Any recollection of how you felt when the Iraqi primitives hung the bodies of the contractors from that bridge? Or watching the skinnies drag those dead Americans through the streets of Mogadishu? You think we should act like them? I get that it makes you angry, it made me angry too. But, do we want to be like them?

I understand the impulse and get that a lot of these US servicemen are pretty young and immature. But, this kind of shit cannot be tolerated for a lot of different reasons. Originally Posted by timpage
:th umbup:

Too bad Whirly Boy can't get past his macho ego trip to understand that. Most military members do not approve of a few like this who do dumb and vulgar things like this. But then I doubt Whirly would have any real way of knowing that.
Typical leftie completely jump to the wrong conclusion in your ignorance....

I never condoned what they did; only criticized the brass (and politicians) for playing to the press.

Think before you post Old Timer.

:hu mbup:

Too bad Whirly Boy can't get past his macho ego trip to understand that. Most military members do not approve of a few like this who do dumb and vulgar things like this. But then I doubt Whirly would have any real way of knowing that. Originally Posted by Old-T
ForumPoster's Avatar
Shit like that and worse happened at war since the 1st military conflict known to man kind.

It is part of war. You can not kill your enemy unless you have dehumanized him. So it has happened, it is happening and it will happen again.

That said, between the marines videotaping themselves while pissing on corpses and then posting it on youtube, secret service checking in hookers into hotel and then not paying the tab, and these guys taking photographs of themselves while violating military regulations ... anyone else feels that IQ tests should be a must during enlistment process?

Oh, and as for "they are putting their lives on the line" - last time I checked USA does not have mandatory draft. Anyone signing up for military service of ANY kind does so voluntarily.

ForumPoster's Avatar
Typical leftie completely jump to the wrong conclusion in your ignorance....

I never condoned what they did; only criticized the brass (and politicians) for playing to the press.

Think before you post Old Timer. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If your subordinates constantly did mind boggling stupid shit like videotaping and photographing themselves while committing illegal/immoral actions, you would have to react in some fashion as well.
More distractions. Fuckem.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I say piss on them all, cut their dicks off and shove them in their mouths.

Did any of you ever see the video of them cutting the mans head off with a knife while he screamed for mercy?

These people are not human and I would not insult an animal calling them that.
Oiss on them all, especially if the fire gets to hot.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 09:05 PM
Typical leftie completely jump to the wrong conclusion in your ignorance....

I never condoned what they did; only criticized the brass (and politicians) for playing to the press.

Think before you post Old Timer. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No wrong conclusion. If something serious is done wrong by the troops it is the responsibility of the seniors to correct it. Everyone who goes in theater to Iraq or Afganistan was told repeatedly that such actions are NOT acceptable. But you think they should be pushed under the rug again? Wrong, when they are of this magnitude they need to be disinfected with openness and sunlight. I have reasons I do not agree with SECDEF and some of the JCS on other issues, but if the message doesn't sink in with more behind closed doors approaches (and for a minority it ha not) then at some time this IS the right approach.
I say piss on them all, cut their dicks off and shove them in their mouths.

Did any of you ever see the video of them cutting the mans head off with a knife while he screamed for mercy?

These people are not human and I would not insult an animal calling them that.
Oiss on them all, especially if the fire gets to hot. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yea we all saw that. Some of us did not forget brother. Sad Sad Stuff.
It's your opinion that our troops should be allowed to desecrate the bodies of enemy combatants? You continue to astonish and amaze with your incredible stupidity. Any recollection of how you felt when the Iraqi primitives hung the bodies of the contractors from that bridge? Or watching the skinnies drag those dead Americans through the streets of Mogadishu? You think we should act like them? I get that it makes you angry, it made me angry too. But, do we want to be like them?

I understand the impulse and get that a lot of these US servicemen are pretty young and immature. But, this kind of shit cannot be tolerated for a lot of different reasons.

Let's leave the barbaric savagery to the savages. We're better than them, let's act like it. Originally Posted by timpage
You have to be "savage" to win a war, so I don't have a problem with the boys acting like "savages". What I do have a problem with is someone photographing it and posting it to the internet. Pretty dumb.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Fucking cockroaches.
ForumPoster's Avatar
You have to be "savage" to win a war, so I don't have a problem with the boys acting like "savages". What I do have a problem with is someone photographing it and posting it to the internet. Pretty dumb. Originally Posted by Energy

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