Nostalgia and Sexuality

So I am actually staying at the exact same apartment complex in Far North Dallas that I had my 1st incall at when I moved here 14 years ago♡ Talk about nostalgia! The floor plan is exactly the same and the bed is exactly where I had my rickety old massage table that I broke and fixed 5 times.

Taking a selfie in the same bathroom and same mirror here is like going back in time! I can't help but remember the highlights from my time here.

So that leads to my question.

What kind of situations, people or times in your life are you sexually nostalgic for?

I'm thinking of mine and will respond soon!

And if you text me the intersection I'm at, I'll treat ya special
Joddxxx's Avatar
May 23, 1934. Soon to be an ambush with Bonnie and Clyde. The last minute being together. That would be the fantasy.

Now for nostalgic, that would be 17 years old sneaking out to my girlfriend while she’s babysitting. Going through the backyard and quietly walking into the home.
I’ve gotten nostalgic over public places I’ve had sex as well as places that were out of the ordinary. One of my favorites was a girl I was dating at the time. We had sex for over an hour in her pool. The 0 gravity environment helped maintain my stamina.
thrakattack82's Avatar
I'm nostalgic for the creative situations my gf and I would have to come up with to be able to fool around in high school. Movie theaters, theme park rides, late night in a public park. At the time, I would have much rather been able to get a hotel room or have the house to myself. Now, there are plenty of times I would rather do it the hard way!
cinderbella's Avatar
I am nostalgic for times when I was infatuated with
someone who I saw every other day in an office.
We used to stare at each other a lot. It felt
very intense. Other people could notice.
I ended up leaving on their day off, so never
got to say goodbye.

I was across the street recently, the closest I
can get now, my heart skipped a beat when that person
walked outside. I said hello out loud, and waved
when they turned to look. I stood there, heart
pounding in my chest nervous. Eventually he turned
back around to look at me again, he gave me a short,
polite wave back as I stood there, saying nothing more.

"Those days are gone forever, I should just let them go, but..."
-Don Henley, Boys of Summer
Omg I feel that so much. Miss even the heartache.
I am nostalgic for dancing for hours upon hours on a stage in an empty black box theatre, the lights and music turning it into a club of our very own. We'd dance til the sweat and heat would get us almost naked. And then, we'd climb to the second floor and screw on the bed used in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was tits!

I am also nostalgic for when I first entered the hobby and thought tease and denial was wearing a short skirt with no panties, flirting a ton, dropping LOTS of pencils, and smacking wandering hands. Only to giggly give in after a little lap time.

I did that for four years until I found out tease and denial is another term for edging lol.
cinderbella's Avatar
I used to be in the Navy, in the aviation side.
I was stationed in San Diego and Hawaii.

We always had these great clubs on base. They
had a great dance floor and that's where I spent
all my nights off. Pilots like to dance in their
flight boots. I would love to be that skinny
and carefree again. Nowadays I dance by myself
in my kitchen. Usually in my pajamas.

One night, after I left the Navy, I was in a
"Ratskellar" in Hamburg, Germany. They had
a German oompa band playing, and the French
navy was in port. All these male French sailors
were wearing these beautifully tailored and designed
uniforms. I could tell they spent a lot of time
together out at sea. They were dancing together,
and some of the guys were taking the role of women.
They were twirling and dipping, it was quite a sight.
mtabsw's Avatar
I had a gf - a coworker for a couple of years. She was married too, and in the same no-sex relationship I was in. We fucked like bunnies every chance we had - usually renting a motel, fucking, going home, returning at 630am or so to fuck again.

Cleanup we would always shower together, and she would always blow me one more time.

Today I can't take a shower without getting a hard on.
ahab11's Avatar
I get nostalgic about the Hobby when I drive past a Hotel where I saw someone.

I wish I knew when a Provider was staying at the Embassy Suites Hilton as that place has so many great memories with girls no longer in the Hobby.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Fucking my young Girlfriend in North Việt Nam, going home and hearing that Michael Jackson had died an hour after our coital union.

Not that one had anything to do with the other, but it left an imprint. Like the cycle of life and death, or something.
Getting a diagnosis of Stage 4 cancer in 2016, about 13 months after having a heart attack in 2015. Finding only one cancer center in all of Texas that would try to zap the tumor with proton radiation. Every other cancer center said that my heart wasn't strong enough to take the radiation.

Doing my homework and finding the most fit, tallest, and kinkiest provider I have ever met.

Going through daily radiation treatments every day for 13 weeks, losing 30% of my body weight. Was at the lowest place in my life. Of course, my shitty HMO wouldn't cover a single penny, so I paid for the entire treatment.

Hanging on for my once weekly 3 hour appointment with my dream provider. Showing up looking and feeling like death warmed over just to have her perfectly ready in exquisite lingerie, soft lighting, quiet classic music, heated massage oil. She never allowed me to swim in self pity, but would always introduce me to some kink that I never even heard of when I spent time in her native European country as a young man, in the 1980's....

She treated me like a god, and my orgasms were sacred, and she never let a single drop go to waste. I may have staggered into her incall a lukewarm mess, but I walked out every time with the confidence in knowing that she could still see the humanity in me, and make me feel whole, without pity or condescension.

I recovered from cancer that was supposed to kill me and saw only her for the next six years. We shared so much - it's the warmth and mischief I still see in her pale blue eyes. She retired from the hobby on 01 January. I sent her a Holiday Card that said, "In my perfect world, I close my eyes and smell the Atlantic Ocean while on a nude beach in Portugal. And when I open them, you are with me, then and forever."

Yes, I fell in love with her. Her kindness, empathy, and sexuality gave me a reason to keep on living. There was not a hint of bitterness or cynicism in her, a heritage of being raised in a sexually free society in northern Europe instead of a repressive one like ours.

I will never find another woman like her. But I have to believe that unicorns like her do exist!
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 01-07-2023, 08:03 AM
Ms SmurfydoesDallas. I am now poignantly nostalgic for my fantasies over the years of rubbing feeler's with you.
I was in the Navy as well. Also in the aviation side.
So I am actually staying at the exact same apartment complex in Far North Dallas that I had my 1st incall at when I moved here 14 years ago♡ ....

So that leads to my question.

What kind of situations, people or times in your life are you sexually nostalgic for?
And if you text me the intersection I'm at, I'll treat ya special Originally Posted by Smurfydoesdallas
When I showed up to your incall, possibly the same one you mentioned. I don't remember the intersection. It was for a massage+ but somehow I ended up getting paddled too.