bbbj & std's?

can someone give me a general breakdown of common STDs that a male can get from a provider performing bbbj? In leyman realistic terms.

thx u
Arverni's Avatar
CDC will tell you that you can catch everything under the sun. But then again - they are overly alarmist.

HIV - there has never been a VERIFIED case of orally transmitted female to male HIV - so that's the biggie.

Gono - that's mainly the one you want to worry about - but the transmission is EXTREMELY rare. BBBJ is "Low-Risk" for this disease - note that "Low-Risk" doesn't mean "No-Risk". However, I have my doubts on this one too. I've heard a few say ... "Well I got gono from a BBBJ". Oh yeah? What other activity were you involved in? May have gotten it from that.

Gono can live in throat tissue. Some studies show that Gono living in the throat is automatically eliminated by the body on it's own in about 12 weeks if it's not treated otherwise. So this tells us that even throat tissue isn't a good home for Gono.

"BroScience" says that you're more likely to pick up Gono orally if the girl deep throats. That's "BroScience" though - which is slightly less reliable than Urban Legends.

Chlamydia - I have had one doctor who treats STD's exclusively tell me that there is ZERO chance to catch Chlamydia orally - he called it - "No Risk". Other will say that you can catch it.

That's the thing too - not everyone is consistent on their opinions about this. The CDC basically says that every damn thing under the sun is transmitted orally so there's no need to study this stuff. The studies that have been done ... are difficult because few people only engage in oral sex exclusively.

However, I've always thought there were LOTS of gay men out there who didn't engage in Greek but did do oral. Well - at least that's what I've heard. And if they only did oral - they would be an IDEAL population to study orally transmitted disease.

i won't comment on any others since I've not researched anything but the above.
HPV may be the easiest to contract and sometimes doesn't present noticeable symptoms. One of the reasons I never complain about CBJs.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 11-05-2013, 07:43 AM
Don't forget herpes. A person can have herpes and have no visible signs.

If I remember correctly, if a male has unprotected sex with an HIV positive female he has a 1 in 1000 to 2000 chance of contracting the virus. It can happen through intercourse and oral if you have an open sore or cut on your area and she has open sores or cuts inside the cave.
I'm concerned about HPV and cancer. Why doesn't the vaccine work for us folks older than our 20's. I've been down on a lot of women and even was the SO of A hot little provider for several years. So I'm probably cursed.

Herpes is scary too. I knew a provider as a semi-friend back in the day in another city that wouldn't tell anyone she had herpes. I thought that was flat out wrong. She just took her meds to control outbreaks and went on her way. We didn't stay friends for long and thank god I didn't sample her goods. But are there others I don't know about?

And you can get gonno from a rough bbbj. I know of it happening to a close friend. He then gave it to his GF before he got the itch. At least she knew and approved of his activity. What a girl. Lol.
great info! Thank u all. This pretty much confirms everything I was thinking, but it good to hear from other sources. Thanks again.
Arverni's Avatar
I'm concerned about HPV and cancer. Why doesn't the vaccine work for us folks older than our 20's. I've been down on a lot of women and even was the SO of A hot little provider for several years. So I'm probably cursed.

Herpes is scary too. I knew a provider as a semi-friend back in the day in another city that wouldn't tell anyone she had herpes. I thought that was flat out wrong. She just took her meds to control outbreaks and went on her way. We didn't stay friends for long and thank god I didn't sample her goods. But are there others I don't know about?

And you can get gonno from a rough bbbj. I know of it happening to a close friend. He then gave it to his GF before he got the itch. At least she knew and approved of his activity. What a girl. Lol. Originally Posted by Nolatailchaser
Who told you the HPV vaccine doesn't work in older people. It does. There's two issues though - first, the healthcare system is more concerned with protecting populations - vice individuals - so it's most cost effective to inoculate early. Second - if you've been exposed to one of the HPV viruses - the vaccine won't do you any good - you're already infected.

Herpes - I don't have herpes - used to be scared of herpes but ...

A couple of things ...

First - there's no reason any MAN should be more concerned about catching an STD than a provider is. Male to Female transmission rates are ALWAYS higher than Female to Male rates - so the ladies are managing more risk.

For men - having BAREBACK sex with a partner infected with HSV-2 carries a risk of 4 percent per year. That's pretty low - for unsafe sex.

Using a condom further reduces the risk about 30 percent. Using daily suppressive therapy reduces it 48 percent and using both reduces it farther than either method alone.

So I don't see a problem for a provider with HSV-2 who takes daily suppressive therapy and ensures her clients use a condom. She should also refrain from having sex during an outbreak - if and when she has one and not everyone breaks out - especially on suppressive therapy.

Believe me - given the shear number of people who are infected with HSV-2 in this country - if you've been in this hobby for any amount of time you have already experienced and HSV-2 positive provider. And yet - here you are.

As far as your friend that got gono from a blow job - how can you possibly be certain? You have no clue who else he had sex with - or if he had unprotected sex with that girl, or if his girlfriend actually gave it to HIM!
how about when a male goes down on female...risk's? I was always understood that the male had a much greater risk of contracting something. Thoughts? Thx in advance.
herpes and hpv are the most common because it's just skin on skin that can spread it. hiv is a bit more complex and the cdc is uber conservative with the stats. they have to be for our protection but in all reality hiv will show up in 90 percent of the cases in less than 3 months. they have to say six to be sure. remember the one giving always has more risk.