What happened on Oct 7 one year ago was horrific. Israel's response? Genocide and state-sponsored terrorism..

I don't defend Hamas for a single microsecond. what they did was a war crime of the highest order. But Israel's response? disproportionate doesn't even scratch the surface. war crimes in black and white. netanyahu and his whole far right likud cabinet-save only 1 or 2 ministers-should be indicted and tried in the Hague, like tomorrow..

and we're covering Israel's back, and sending troops there? total insanity. time to cut Israel loose and wish Netanyahu good luck. what in God's name are the Biden/Harris admin even thinking?

course Trump would just say, fuck it. let's just bomb the Hague instead, and nuke the whole Middle East, save only the Saudis..

need i remind you that 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis? you want to know who the real Islamic State is? ya it's not Isis; it's fucking Saudia Arabia, a bunch of effing pervs who treat women like children and 4th class citizens. and that's the only country-led by a bone-saw murderer who founded the Bone Saw Murderer Golf Tour-that Trump wouldn't nuke, because, let's face it, Trump is enfatuated with despots and shiny things-course the Saudis make their toilets out of gold while the Palestinians suffer as bad or worse than the Jews during the Holocaust..

of course, all of this makes perfect sense, and American blood should be spilled and American treasure expended to support the Fascist Netanyahu's war on basically the better part of the Mideast..
  • Tiny
  • Today, 07:19 AM
Except for the verbiage, what would a Trump administration have done differently from the Biden administration? Not much. There’s strong bipartisan support to arm and fund Israel. Unfortunately the neoconservatives in both parties still control our foreign policy and purse strings.
I don't defend Hamas for a single microsecond. what they did was a war crime of the highest order. But Israel's response? disproportionate doesn't even scratch the surface. war crimes in black and white. netanyahu and his whole far right likud cabinet-save only 1 or 2 ministers-should be indicted and tried in the Hague, like tomorrow..

and we're covering Israel's back, and sending troops there? total insanity. time to cut Israel loose and wish Netanyahu good luck. what in God's name are the Biden/Harris admin even thinking?

course Trump would just say, fuck it. let's just bomb the Hague instead, and nuke the whole Middle East, save only the Saudis..

need i remind you that 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis? you want to know who the real Islamic State is? ya it's not Isis; it's fucking Saudia Arabia, a bunch of effing pervs who treat women like children and 4th class citizens. and that's the only country-led by a bone-saw murderer who founded the Bone Saw Murderer Golf Tour-that Trump wouldn't nuke, because, let's face it, Trump is enfatuated with despots and shiny things-course the Saudis make their toilets out of gold while the Palestinians suffer as bad or worse than the Jews during the Holocaust..

of course, all of this makes perfect sense, and American blood should be spilled and American treasure expended to support the Fascist Netanyahu's war on basically the better part of the Mideast.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
... Please explain what Israel's "war crimes" are, so
we can all understand WHAT was disproportionate there.
Even-that YOU don't defend Hamas for a micro-second.

Hmmm... Do you also defend the Hamas protests in the
streets in citys of America - yelling "Death to the Jews"??
How is THAT not Hate speech??

... Not quite sure which one-sided point you are trying
to make here, mate... Please clue us on.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
I think that Israel needs to decide on what they are going to do here. This get punched, and punch back mentality has no end to it. If Hamas and the Palestinians were ballsy enough to just come in guns a blazing- then I don't really have much sympathy for anyone on the other side....BUT

Ultimately- they need to come up with a solution that is either so effective a punch in the nose, or decide that the escallation game they keep playing has no conclusion. At some point- the Arabs are and the Iranians are going to get directly involved and it's gonna be very hard to stop; Israel's problem is all the collateral damage to civilians (if there are any left in the area), and the worlds view and sympathy for 1200 ppl on Oct 7 2023 will be gone. Then they are literally gonna be fucked without support for their sovereignty.

My opinion- they need to de-escalate now before they can't anymore. It's a zero sum gain to keep chasing rouge agents;
Hamas Hezebollah and the other Iran proxies are the cause of the “disproportionate “ response. If the Palestinians and other Arabs want this to stop they’ll wipe them out themselves. Otherwise Israel should keep destroying anywhere those organizations operate.

As for “Hamas” protests in the US, we tolerate it just like we tolerate the white racists. Even the ones on this site are allowed to post racist drivel. Even the former president thought a bunch of white racists were “good people”. Our tolerance for things we believe are abhorrent thinking is what makes us a great country and why we remain free.

Some of us even served in the military to preserve that right for others. Sadly the ones that were most unwilling to make any sacrifice whine the most.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hamas Hezebollah and the other Iran proxies are the cause of the “disproportionate “ response. If the Palestinians and other Arabs want this to stop they’ll wipe them out themselves. Otherwise Israel should keep destroying anywhere those organizations operate.

As for “Hamas” protests in the US, we tolerate it just like we tolerate the white racists. Even the ones on this site are allowed to post racist drivel. Even the former president thought a bunch of white racists were “good people”. Our tolerance for things we believe are abhorrent thinking is what makes us a great country and why we remain free.

Some of us even served in the military to preserve that right for others. Sadly the ones that were most unwilling to make any sacrifice whine the most. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

+ 1 good sir!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't defend Hamas for a single microsecond. what they did was a war crime of the highest order. But Israel's response? disproportionate doesn't even scratch the surface. war crimes in black and white. netanyahu and his whole far right likud cabinet-save only 1 or 2 ministers-should be indicted and tried in the Hague, like tomorrow..

and we're covering Israel's back, and sending troops there? total insanity. time to cut Israel loose and wish Netanyahu good luck. what in God's name are the Biden/Harris admin even thinking?

course Trump would just say, fuck it. let's just bomb the Hague instead, and nuke the whole Middle East, save only the Saudis..

need i remind you that 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis? you want to know who the real Islamic State is? ya it's not Isis; it's fucking Saudia Arabia, a bunch of effing pervs who treat women like children and 4th class citizens. and that's the only country-led by a bone-saw murderer who founded the Bone Saw Murderer Golf Tour-that Trump wouldn't nuke, because, let's face it, Trump is enfatuated with despots and shiny things-course the Saudis make their toilets out of gold while the Palestinians suffer as bad or worse than the Jews during the Holocaust..

of course, all of this makes perfect sense, and American blood should be spilled and American treasure expended to support the Fascist Netanyahu's war on basically the better part of the Mideast.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
you make this same claim every time there is trouble caused by HAMAS and Hezebollah .

you say "yes HAMAS and Hezebollah murdered innocent people in a terrorist attack ... but Israel's response is GENOCIDE!"


if Israel wanted to eliminate the Palestinians they would have done it long ago.

Israel in fact would prefer to live in peace with the Palestinians, even Benji Netanyahu.

but make no mistake .. if Iran via it's proxy terrorists Hamas and Hezebollah forces a harsh response to terrorism and unprovoked murder Benji will give them one.

see below on why.

Hamas Hezebollah and the other Iran proxies are the cause of the “disproportionate “ response. If the Palestinians and other Arabs want this to stop they’ll wipe them out themselves. Otherwise Israel should keep destroying anywhere those organizations operate.

As for “Hamas” protests in the US, we tolerate it Our tolerance for things we believe are abhorrent thinking is what makes us a great country and why we remain free.

Some of us even served in the military to preserve that right for others. Sadly the ones that were most unwilling to make any sacrifice whine the most. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
i edited out the false statements otherwise your reasoning on why Israel has had to escalate their response to match the Iranian escalation is correct. and speaking of people who served in the Military i was in the US Navy in the Mediterranean on deployment with a carrier strike group when the Marine barracks in Beirut was bombed. i was there when it happened. spent the next three months on high alert combat status.

and now for pxmcc's benefit a history lesson is needed. the real root cause will be revealed. first lets go back about 3,000 years and determine who did in fact found Jerusalem. hint: it wasn't a bunch of nomadic Palestinian goat herders.

so who does that leave? who else? the ancient tribes of Judaism i.e. the twelve tribes. who knows how or why they ended up there? did Moses lead them? did they read a map wrong and go north instead of south? doesn't matter. once they got there they founded Jerusalem.

from then on there's been animosity towards the legitimate founders of Jerusalem by the Palestinian Arabs. hope that's clear because it's important.

now fast forward to 1947 when the animosity became outright racist antisemitic hatred.

well, it was always there but it boiled over into what we have today. the British Mandate and the UN post WWII proposed a partition of the middle east into two states, a Jewish state and a Palestinian state.

one party refused. the Palestinians of course. why? we all know why, these idiots refused their own nation because the plan also called for a Nation of Israel.

now recall that history lesson about Jerusalem and who founded it? the partition first proposed gave control of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. it was supposed to a neutral city but it was deep in the proposed Palestinian state. and the Jewish people agreed to it, yes they would have given up the ancient city they founded to have a nation of Israel.

the asshole racist goat herders on the other hand refused. the "official" excuse is they wanted more land. the real reason is they wouldn't accept the existence of the nation of Israel. and that's been the problem in modern times ever since. here's what those asshole racist goat herders could have had .. if they weren't asshole racist goat herders.

to this day those asshole racist goat herders have refused any serious talks to have their own nation, as long as the nation of Israel exists.

and by the way, because those asshole racist goat herders refused, the bulk of the above dual state map became .. Israel.

so glad i could clear that up for you!
^^when was this great offer made that you speak of made? and are you familiar with the '67 war?
i'll provide a more expansive rebuttal to almost everything you said when i get a second.

but i agree that the Beirut bombing was heinous. i'm sorry you had to go through that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^when was this great offer made that you speak of made? and are you familiar with the '67 war?
i'll provide a more expansive rebuttal to almost everything you said when i get a second.

but i agree that the Beirut bombing was heinous. i'm sorry you had to go through that. Originally Posted by pxmcc

i doubt you'll be able to do that. but feel free to try.

in the meantime about that mandate you asked about ..

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine


and here is the before map ..i already posted the proposed dual state map ..

in 1946 .. before the plan

except for Jerusalem .. just a lot of open sand and nothing else.

here's some more light reading


remember what i said about the proposed partition map and it's resemblance to modern day Israel?

modern day Israel

look familiar? it's the 1947 partition map that those asshole racist goat herders refused ..

Israel got it all by default because the asshole racist goat herders are idiots. and they got Jerusalem. it was theirs by right anyway.

speaking of the 1967 war .. here's what Israel by right of victory for could have kept .. but didn't.

In May 1967, Egypt massed its army near the border with Israel, expelled UN peacekeepers, stationed in the Sinai Peninsula since 1957, and blocked Israel's access to the Red Sea.[227][228][229] Other Arab states mobilized their forces.[230] Israel reiterated that these actions were a casus belli and launched a pre-emptive strike against Egypt in June. Jordan, Syria and Iraq attacked Israel. In the Six-Day War, Israel captured and occupied the West Bank from Jordan, the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria.[231] Jerusalem's boundaries were enlarged, incorporating East Jerusalem. The 1949 Green Line became the administrative boundary between Israel and the occupied territories.[232

seems i'm more familiar with the 1967 war and who the real agent provocateur was

they should have kept it.. they won it. they didn't. who again is the "real" problem in the middle east?

Territory held by Israel: before the Six-Day War
after the war
The Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt in 1982.
  • Tiny
  • Today, 09:16 PM
Ultimately- they need to come up with a solution that is either so effective a punch in the nose, or decide that the escallation game they keep playing has no conclusion. At some point- the Arabs are and the Iranians are going to get directly involved and it's gonna be very hard to stop; Israel's problem is all the collateral damage to civilians (if there are any left in the area), and the worlds view and sympathy for 1200 ppl on Oct 7 2023 will be gone. Then they are literally gonna be fucked without support for their sovereignty.

My opinion- they need to de-escalate now before they can't anymore. It's a zero sum gain to keep chasing rouge agents;
Originally Posted by eyecu2
Agreed, especially the bold text
  • Tiny
  • Today, 09:28 PM
Hamas Hezebollah and the other Iran proxies are the cause of the “disproportionate “ response. If the Palestinians and other Arabs want this to stop they’ll wipe them out themselves. Otherwise Israel should keep destroying anywhere those organizations operate.

As for “Hamas” protests in the US, we tolerate it just like we tolerate the white racists. Even the ones on this site are allowed to post racist drivel. Even the former president thought a bunch of white racists were “good people”. Our tolerance for things we believe are abhorrent thinking is what makes us a great country and why we remain free.

Some of us even served in the military to preserve that right for others. Sadly the ones that were most unwilling to make any sacrifice whine the most. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I've been reluctant to post about this because Winn Dixie and/or texassapper actually did serve with the U.S. military in Israel and have strong feelings about this. Anyway, they're not here right now. And although the Waco Kid got close in Lebanon, he's also got thick skin.

That's ironic, criticizing the racist drivel on this web site (with notable exceptions from a few posters who get banned every time they come back), while supporting an apartheid state. What would have happened if the USA hadn't been backing Netanyahu and Likud, economically, militarily and politically, at every turn? What if it had at least pushed them not to colonize the West Bank or to turn Gaza into a prison camp?

I respect those who served in the military, in Iraq and Afghanistan among other places. And don't for a minute believe they were preserving the right to free speech. Rather they were often used as pawns by neoconservatives who made the world a worse place.

Ever heard of Posse Comitatus? The day the president uses the military for the ostensible purpose of preserving first amendment rights will be a sad day.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've been reluctant to post about this because Winn Dixie and/or texassapper actually did serve with the U.S. military in Israel and have strong feelings about this. Anyway, they're not here right now. And although the Waco Kid got close in Lebanon, he's also got thick skin.

That's ironic, criticizing the racist drivel on this web site (with notable exceptions from a few posters who get banned every time they come back), while supporting an apartheid state. What would have happened if the USA hadn't been backing Netanyahu and Likud, economically, militarily and politically, at every turn? What if it had at least pushed them not to colonize the West Bank or to turn Gaza into a prison camp?

I respect those who served in the military, in Iraq and Afghanistan among other places. And don't for a minute believe they were preserving the right to free speech. Rather they were often used as pawns by neoconservatives who made the world a worse place.

Ever heard of Posse Comitatus? The day the president uses the military for the ostensible purpose of preserving first amendment rights will be a sad day. Originally Posted by Tiny

for the record i was actually in Haifa Israel on shore leave partying in a super cool beach front dive bar when it happened.

there's probably a bunch of ugly ass condo's there now.

but it emphasizes who the real racist genocidal hatemongers are .. then and now.
you make this same claim every time there is trouble caused by HAMAS and Hezebollah .

you say "yes HAMAS and Hezebollah murdered innocent people in a terrorist attack ... but Israel's response is GENOCIDE!"


if Israel wanted to eliminate the Palestinians they would have done it long ago.

Israel in fact would prefer to live in peace with the Palestinians, even Benji Netanyahu.

but make no mistake .. if Iran via it's proxy terrorists Hamas and Hezebollah forces a harsh response to terrorism and unprovoked murder Benji will give them one.

see below on why.

i edited out the false statements otherwise your reasoning on why Israel has had to escalate their response to match the Iranian escalation is correct. and speaking of people who served in the Military i was in the US Navy in the Mediterranean on deployment with a carrier strike group when the Marine barracks in Beirut was bombed. i was there when it happened. spent the next three months on high alert combat status.

and now for pxmcc's benefit a history lesson is needed. the real root cause will be revealed. first lets go back about 3,000 years and determine who did in fact found Jerusalem. hint: it wasn't a bunch of nomadic Palestinian goat herders.

so who does that leave? who else? the ancient tribes of Judaism i.e. the twelve tribes. who knows how or why they ended up there? did Moses lead them? did they read a map wrong and go north instead of south? doesn't matter. once they got there they founded Jerusalem.

from then on there's been animosity towards the legitimate founders of Jerusalem by the Palestinian Arabs. hope that's clear because it's important.

now fast forward to 1947 when the animosity became outright racist antisemitic hatred.

well, it was always there but it boiled over into what we have today. the British Mandate and the UN post WWII proposed a partition of the middle east into two states, a Jewish state and a Palestinian state.

one party refused. the Palestinians of course. why? we all know why, these idiots refused their own nation because the plan also called for a Nation of Israel.

now recall that history lesson about Jerusalem and who founded it? the partition first proposed gave control of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. it was supposed to a neutral city but it was deep in the proposed Palestinian state. and the Jewish people agreed to it, yes they would have given up the ancient city they founded to have a nation of Israel.

the asshole racist goat herders on the other hand refused. the "official" excuse is they wanted more land. the real reason is they wouldn't accept the existence of the nation of Israel. and that's been the problem in modern times ever since. here's what those asshole racist goat herders could have had .. if they weren't asshole racist goat herders.

to this day those asshole racist goat herders have refused any serious talks to have their own nation, as long as the nation of Israel exists.

and by the way, because those asshole racist goat herders refused, the bulk of the above dual state map became .. Israel.

so glad i could clear that up for you! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
... +1 there, good mate.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • Today, 09:46 PM
for the record i was actually in Haifa Israel on shore leave partying in a super cool beach front dive bar when it happened.

there's probably a bunch of ugly ass condo's there now.

but it emphasizes who the real racist hatemongers are .. then and now. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Apologies if they're in order Waco Kid. I'd ask what the women were like, but figure since there are mobs of Israeli men in Colombia pursing Latina poontang, they must not be worth writing home about.

I hope this mess comes to a peaceful end soon. Israel's a nuclear power and Iran can be at the drop of a hat.
biomed1's Avatar
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