Where does the money go?

txAustin202's Avatar
I'm curious. I had one girl tell me that she averages $300 - $450 a night. Assuming that she works 5 nights a week, that's a lot of money. Then I hear how strippers need money to make the car payment, elec. bill, phone bill, etc .... I'm also assuming they're not paying Uncle Sam tax on that money. So I'm wondering where all that money goes. They can't all have a drug habit.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm curious. I had one girl tell me that she averages $300 - $450 a night. Assuming that she works 5 nights a week, that's a lot of money. Then I hear how strippers need money to make the car payment, elec. bill, phone bill, etc .... I'm also assuming they're not paying Uncle Sam tax on that money. So I'm wondering where all that money goes. They can't all have a drug habit. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Easy Money loses value...... SOME Strippers and providers shop, play hard, party hard and never worry about tomorrow because of how easy it was to make today..... Unfortunately.... the amount of disposable cash coming their way is shrinking and the competition for it is growing fast....

And many have habits we don't talk about....

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
car insurance, health insurance, renters insurance, life insurance, home security, two rents, two electric bills, two water bills, two internet bills, three phones (home, personal, hobby), one car payment, childcare, at least a couple hundred on consumable (things that need restocking) hobby supplies such as toiletries, lotions, detergent, beverages. Gas is almost $3 a gallon. And most of us make a habit of eating nutritious food.

And most girls aren't doing as much as ten hours of session a week, even in a great economy, they just choose low to medium volume. Even if they are working as many as ten hours of session a week, most only work three weeks out of four.
JT10's Avatar
  • JT10
  • 01-23-2011, 09:48 PM
"Easy Money loses value...... Strippers and providers shop, play hard, party hard and never worry about tomorrow because of how easy it was to make today..... Unfortunately.... the amount of disposable cash coming their way is shrinking and the competition for it is growing fast....

And many have habits we don't talk about...."

It does blow me away, when a 21 year old comes in with 1000 dollar shoes on and brags about it. Hell, most of my shoes are 100 bucks or under. Must be nice. Trips, etc. Remember these dollars are pre-tax. It makes me wonder what they tell the family and non-pro friends about careers. Along the same lines, I wonder how many have any significant savings?
knotty man's Avatar
taylor, i do agree with you on the provider end. but, i believe the OP is talkin about strippers. most of whom dont have double of any of the things you were referring to. and who usually do work 4 to 5 nights a week
JT10's Avatar
  • JT10
  • 01-23-2011, 10:08 PM
car insurance, health insurance, renters insurance, life insurance, home security, two rents, two electric bills, two water bills, two internet bills, three phones (home, personal, hobby), one car payment, childcare, at least a couple hundred on consumable (things that need restocking) hobby supplies such as toiletries, lotions, detergent, beverages. Gas is almost $3 a gallon. And most of us make a habit of eating nutritious food.

And most girls aren't doing as much as ten hours of session a week, even in a great economy, they just choose low to medium volume. Even if they are working as many as ten hours of session a week, most only work three weeks out of four. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Taylor, I have never had a lady tell me that she sees x number of guys per week at x dollars per session. I have to guess by using little bits of info that I get, such as yours here. There is a vast array of prices charged but you at least give me a number of hours to work with. 10x 250 is 2500 dollars x three weeks per month is 7500 per month x 12 equals 90,000 per year. 200 per would be 72,000 per yr. 300 would be 108,000 per yr. It could be tax free or not, i dont know. Either way, I dont see that the expenses are out of the ordinary from any other line of work or even someone that is employed by others. What does stand out is the great amount of time left for other activities, either another job or just a lot of recreation time. Even if you "work" 2 hours for every one hour in session, that is only 30 hours per week. Help me out here if I am way off base.

Best to you and yours..........
davidsmith0123's Avatar
The ladies are best for answering some of this, but like many of us they may find it uncomfortable talking about personal income.

I am not sure if you are quoting income of strippers or escorts/providers. But some quick calculations base on the OP...

Let's take the average of the claimed daily income:
($450 + $300)/2= $375 (average of her high/low numbers, weekly)

Weekly income:
$375 x 5 = $1875 (weekly)

Annual income:
$1875 x 50 = $93,750 (assumes a couple weeks 'vacation')

So, by your girl's numbers, she makes about $94,000 per year, before expenses.

Main expense for escorts is probably incall expense, say $10,000 ($800 x 12 months), and there are probably some website maintenance and advertising expenses, some photography, etc. Other expenses (gym membership, hair and nail and etc.) may be higher for providers compared to civilians and hence the additions properly calculated as expenses of the job, but I don't know. These will differ between strippers and escorts, for that matter, especially since strippers will not have incall expenses. Some one-time equipment expenses for escorts are toys, and there are ongoing 'minor' expenses such as condoms, lube, drinks for clients, even water, tissues, and laundry. Phone expenses for a second phone. Drivers for outcalls. I am sure I forget something. Strippers will not have many of these expenses. Then again, strippers may need more clothing and shoes.

Car payments occupy everyone, as do phone bills for the 'civilian' phone, house payments or rent, etc. These are not expenses attributable to sex work, as everyone bears such expenses. Neither are drugs, for that matter, although there may be a correlation between drug use and choice of employment, and it may differ between strippers and escorts. I don't have any data on those issues, nor would I want to include drugs as a necessary cost of being a stripper or an escort even if they were more likely to use drugs.

If your nightly data is for escorts, I'd say annual income is about $84,000 net (at $375/day), a good income, above average surely, but not a level at which one is getting super rich. If the numbers you quote is for strippers, then $94,000 net, again a nice(r) income, but not one that will make you rich. Further, these numbers are pre-tax. I am not sure that escorts and strippers are not paying taxes. More than one has told me they do pay taxes, but of course I do not know if that is true, nor if they pay tax on all their income.

A related issue is that the income may require a full-time job for strippers, whereas escorts may be able to maintain at least a part-time civilain job and thereby earn additional income. This is a bit besides the point, and in any case I don't have any data.

You provide information on daily income from one girl. If a stripper, I assume that it is the daily income and not easily augmented by additional work as a stripper, but I don't know if that is a good assumption. If an escort, some here will undoubtedly argue that she could see more clients and double her income. While this is hypothetically possible, I am not sure it is really all that easy. In particular, I think she would have to lower hourly prices to attract twice as many clients as she is currently able to attract, and if prices need to be lowered then doubling her clients would not double her income. Further, to the extent that doubling clients lowered the quality of the experience for all clients (and I suspect this is true but certainly I don't know for sure) then doubling clients might well have a negative impact on repeat clients and hence negatively impact future income.

So, what is "all that money"?

There are many unknowns here. This probably requires an academic study -- I'll start preparing the relevant NSF proposal. I'm thinking I should propose myself for in-person interviews with a select group of courtesans, in order to get background information and a good feel for the data.

I've got those same expenses and money in the bank.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar

I've got those same expenses and money in the bank. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill

Then it must be chalked up to poor money management,yes?

I think my take was an average $200 an hour (an average taken from new clients at about $240 an hour to existing clients at $200 or less depending on the arrangement and frequency of the client)

ten hours of session a week times $200 an hour average equals $2000/week

three weeks a month equals a modest $6000/month. After bills, it's easy to donk off the rest on bs.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Even if you "work" 2 hours for every one hour in session, that is only 30 hours per week. Help me out here if I am way off base.

Best to you and yours.......... Originally Posted by JT10
Great point and it's easy to assume that if a gal only sessions ten hours or so a week that she has thirty usable hours left in her week for work either at a civie job or in the hobby.

However, my studies have shown that for every hour of session, two hours of back end work must happen in the form of: grooming, laundry, cleaning, prospecting, marketing, screening, scheduling, etc. So, in that sense, the first hour should be considered the cost of 3 hours which should bring each additional hour of session down to a third of the cost of the first hour.

As a hobbiest (which I guess I am at this point) I would love to see specials that offered X amount for the first hour and each additional hour was a third the cost of the first hour. ie, first hour is 300, each additional hour is only 100.

So, from my stats, 10 hours of session a week is pretty damn close to a full 40 hour work week.

I'd love to hear a take from the stripper point of view. I didn't keep stats when I danced.
Whispers's Avatar
Most smart Providers share incalls among 2-3 girls to defray expenses.
txAustin202's Avatar
Yes I am only talking about strippers here. Using davidsmith0123's $94K number, that to me is a good deal of money. Again my assumption is that most of this money is under the table and not declared. I know one stripper who doesn't deposit her money in the bank because she doesn't want to declare it so she keeps it all at home. I told her to get a fireproof safe. lol I make six figures but I don't know if I take home $94K after taxes. Even so I live pretty comfortably. So I find it hard to believe that someone with $94K would need to text Whispers because her elec. was about to get turned off. Or resort to extras because her car payment was overdue.
maybe that just shes what shes telling you
(and hoped youd never do the math...or perhaps, figured if you did the math, shed smile innocently and blame it on being "young" and does have a nice "nest egg" somewhere....i mean shes only doing this to get through school, right? ) jk
This is very interesting. I have wondered this myself too. What's interesting is that I bet strippers and escorts get a huge return when w2 tax forms come around. Cash payments and all not being declared.
Guest102312's Avatar
dont forget some of us are responsible and are paying off debt, lol.