Questions for the ladies and gents about 2-3 days long session

I believe there was a thread about this here or on aspd a long time ago but I cant find it so I hope ya'll don't mind if I start another one....

When on a weekend long session do each of you usually have your own room or do you both stay in the same hotel room together?
am-a-pleaser's Avatar

i took a lady from Dallas to San Antonio for 3 days. We enjoyed bcd time and time out on the town. We stayed in the same room along the Riverwalk.

Niether she nor I were seeing any others, so separate rooms were not needed for that. When either of us had a personal call, the other stayed quiet. She and I exchanged real names so we didn't have to guard that info in fears of it coming out or being needed for some unforeseen reason.

I guess she could have gotten another room if anything became uncomfortable. One room worked for us.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Shit, I had an "impromptu" 3day weekend with someone, of course we slept together!
Thats fkn GFE. The first night we fucked for eight hrs straight. Pure exctasy!! Now my favorite of course, but we certainly clicked. Those are nice, arent they am a pleaser! Few and far between though. We traded all kinds of personal data, cus trust was there pretty much instantly.
Only advice I can give is to make sure you spend some extended time together first. And try to have some kind of plan of activites out of the room. Its easy to run out of things to talk about and there is only so much sex before you have to take a break.
Thanks, great advice guys..
Well if we weren't sharing a room I certainly wouldn't be paying for the trip. Simple as that.
Isn't the whole purpose of having the extended session to spend the time with the lady?
I would stay in the same room if that was the only person you were going to be seeing!
same room - 2 double or queen beds...that way, after the last of the evenings' "BCD festivities" & a fair amount of "cuddle time"... if he snores really bad I can sneak over to the other bed & get some sleep...AHH HA HA!! j.k. (seriously, I cannot sleep next to a freight train. Luv ya, but just keepin' it real.)

but of course...wake up early enuff to crawl up under the covers (IN HIS BED) to devour a nice meat burrito to start off the day!!!!!!!! Heck yeah!!

White Tiger's Avatar
Been there a couple of times, but only with ladies that I had known for years. The whole point of it for me was to spend time together, kind of a special arrangement that extends the normal hour or two, so it wouldn't work with just anyone. Both times worked out great, at least for me, and I continued to see both women.
flboy65's Avatar
same room - 2 double or queen beds...that way, after the last of the evenings' "BCD festivities" & a fair amount of "cuddle time"... if he snores really bad I can sneak over to the other bed & get some sleep...AHH HA HA!! j.k. (seriously, I cannot sleep next to a freight train. Luv ya, but just keepin' it real.)

but of course...wake up early enuff to crawl up under the covers (IN HIS BED) to devour a nice meat burrito to start off the day!!!!!!!! Heck yeah!!

ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Princess, you have my attention... me thinks we should find some time to go play.