"Quotes" from a review

How do I quote just a brief segment from someones review, without pulling the whole thing over into my reply?
I F***ed it up and recieved a warning for revealing ROS info.
Copy and paste what you need into the reply box like this:

I F***ed it up

Then put quote tags around it:

[QUOTE ]I F***ed it up[ /QUOTE] <---I intentionally left a space in the quote tags so that you could see what I'm doing.

It'll look like this:

I F***ed it up
If its the ROS, don't forget to put PRIVATE tags around it:

[PRIVATE ][QUOTE ]I F***ed it up[ /QUOTE][ /PRIVATE]

It'll look something like this:

Right about now, there is a person without Premium Access wondering WTF is this guy talking about!!!

If you REALLY want to get fancy...

Hit The QUOTE (the one next to MULTIPLE-QUOTE) button. Then, copy and paste the subject's name and associated number (along with the first QUOTE tag and associated bracket) like this:

[ QUOTE= MARICOPA;1052870870 ]

Then, paste whatever you were going to quote and close the QUOTE tags by typing [/QUOTE] at the end:

[QUOTE=MARICOPA;1052870870 ]I F***ed it up[ /QUOTE]

Once you are done, it'll look like this:

I F***ed it up Originally Posted by MARICOPA
I hope this helps.


Thanks JJ
Not a problem.