Dick transplants - when is it happening and how soon after it happens do you think that the hobby world will see them?

A client and I were talking about this a couple weeks ago and I thought it was the perfect topic for coed.

Heart transplants have been around forever, and now we have face transplants - how long before there will be pecker transplants?

Think about all of the severely wounded soldiers who have lost their man parts. I've read some absolutely heart breaking stories - one guy had 42 surgeries and his girlfriend broke up with him via post-it note while he was in the 43rd one. No shit.

So, for the funny part - what happens when a skinny little white dude whips out a big black cock? "I went to Hippie Hollow and forgot sunscreen...?" The only telltale sign will be the scar around the base.

After three and a half years of being in the hobby, it takes a lot to shock me. I remember when I first started and saw this Asian client who was packing some serious heat - I said, "dude, you need to warn a girl before you go whipping that out - you just broke every stereotype I had." (Disclaimer: I honestly don't care what size your cock is - we will have fun regardless!)

Penis transplants - you know they're coming (pardon the pun). Thoughts?
I don't know but hopefully not long after that I can get my wife a new set of ovaries. I suspect stem research will be a big part of all future transplants but wish they would get here sooner.
CSB, you are right, it won't be long before penis transplants are mainstream.
what scares me the most is the men who will make a case for the government to pay for anyone who wants it.
knotty man's Avatar
We already have dick transplants here.
Our technical term for it here is, "resurfacing under another handle".
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-06-2015, 02:32 PM
I'm guessing you haven't heard about the plastic surgeon that hung himself.

"...what happens when a skinny little white dude whips out a big black cock? "

Once I stopped in a small PA town for a quick beer. Hit the john and saw something similar. Told the bartender that I just saw a colored guy with a huge white cock in the john. And if he was a burn victim or something like that.

"Naw", he said. "He's just a coal miner that got married last week."
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Wow I can have a second dick attached and really get my moneys worth from a doubles session.

I can also imagine David Douchurst getting a donkey dick transplant.

So Claire,if you could have a second clitorus implanted, where would you locate it?
Market for donor penises. Clinics install glory holes.
The Allnighter's Avatar
So this guy named Bill worked in a pickle factory…

He’d been employed there 15 years when he came home one day and confessed to his wife that he had a terrible, almost irresistible, compulsion: An urge to stick his penis into the pickle slicer.

His wife was shocked – so shocked that she suggested that Bill go see a psychiatrist to talk about this compulsion before something terrible happened. Bill blanched, and told his wife that he'd be too embarrassed to ever talk about this to another man. He vowed to overcome the compulsion on his own.

A few weeks later, Bill comes home one night, absolutely ashen. His wife could see at once that something terrible had happened. "What's wrong, Bill?" she asks.

"Do you remember I told you I had this irresistible urge to put my penis into the pickle slicer at work?"

"Oh, Bill -- you didn't!"

"Yes, I did."

"Oh my God, Bill, what happened?"

"I got fired…"

"No, no Bill -- I mean, what happened with the pickle slicer?"

"Oh...she got fired too."
I read the title of the thread and thought you were going to discuss a secret relocation program for a handful of hobbyists! Lol!!

Happy week, everyone!

Omg I can't take all of the jolly jokesters of ECCIE all at once.

Please, warn a girl next time so I can put on my depends.
*goes to shower and changes clothes.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar

I can also imagine David Douchurst getting a donkey dick transplant.
Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Ah don't need a donkey dick.

Ah AM a donkey dick!!!
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 07-07-2015, 05:47 AM
Who recalls the plight of John Wayne Bobbit? Not a transplant, but a reattachment.
Surely there have been others.
Who recalls the plight of John Wayne Bobbit? . Originally Posted by HUMP!
Please don't say the name "John Wayne Bobbit" as it causes me to get chills up my spine and tremble at the mere thought of that whacky women running around with a butcher knife.

BTW, hard to imagine the irony of his last name and the dastardly deed that was done to him.

As for a transplant, no thanks. I am thankful the little bit that I have and the ladies who enjoy my company without complaint. Be careful what you ask for...
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 07-07-2015, 08:06 AM
Yes that Bobbit story shivers me timbers, Bugle.