Providers, a question?

notanewbie's Avatar
I thinck I know the answer but I just have to ask.

If you are a provider with a low base rate and your known structure is to have levels of service or provide services at a lower rate with an expectation of a tip and some jackass see's you and tells you your tip is a good review do you,

tell him to f*ck himself next time he wants an appointment

ask him to lose your number

talk sh*t to other providers and out his cheap ass to them

or....fill in the bank

** not to mention you more established ladies that get offered the same payoff of a good review for your pic taken for a discount session**

does it ever pay to be a conscientious hobbiest and assume the lady you see may need your money and not just your line of b.s.?
Wow, I am confused, are you asking about the ala carte option?
pyramider's Avatar
The Luby's version of the hobby?
notanewbie's Avatar

a gal advertises massage 80 per hour and expects tips for extras. Guy gets + + services and for the tip he offers a good review.

a gal whose advertised rate is 200 per hour and after the session the guy says "I will give you 150 and take a couple of pics for you", or "I will give you 150 and write a really good review".

In either scenario what would you do?
Wayward's Avatar
I can't answer without getting banned again. But if we could talk about it this would be one hell of a topic.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar

a gal advertises massage 80 per hour and expects tips for extras. Guy gets + + services and for the tip he offers a good review.

a gal whose advertised rate is 200 per hour and after the session the guy says "I will give you 150 and take a couple of pics for you", or "I will give you 150 and write a really good review".

In either scenario what would you do? Originally Posted by notanewbie
In the first scenario, there is not much you can do but be pissed off. I mean, if you're asking for tips, those seem optional to me. That's why it makes more sense to have all inclusive rates.

But if I did have a guy behave like scenario two, of course I'd be pissed. If I have a posted rate and then at the end of the session the guy tried to finagle a discount by offering a review or photos, well to me that's theft. Rates are posted. Don't show up if you can't pay them. You don't go through the session and then say, "I'm paying you less than you charge but it's OK because I am going to do some favor for you." Would he do that to his doctor, his lawyer, his hair dresser?

Furthermore, reviews should never be bartered for. That taints the process. The point of a review is to offer information to help fellow hobbyists make a decision, not to win favors or finagle discounts.

So did some jackass pull this crap recently?
notanewbie's Avatar
it is the M.O. of a few fellas around here....they know who they are.

The inclusive rate would make it less likely but some of the newer ladies just starting out trying to get business or have the business models of basic w/ + or ++ services they can be preyed upon easier.

oh yeah, SS you are insane hot.
I honesty still see the cheap bastard.
(They tend to be the sales-man trying to save a buck or not get embarrassed at their own job.)
Hey but the next one who applies is normally rejected because I remember the last one.
*shaking my head*
I'd be tempted to respond with, "Tell you what. Since we're negotiating here, I'll counter with: Pay me my usual donation and I won't write an alert."

Tempted, yes, but I doubt I'd ever say it. I try too hard to keep my temper in check, so often my response, no matter how a guy has irritated me, is to smile and ignore provocation. Plus, I'd be writing an alert anyway. LOL. I'd be thinking it really loudly, though.

I'd certainly never see the guy again. I don't believe I know any providers who would consider that an option, if a guy had already shorted the donation once before or even threatened to do so.

Side note: This sort of thing probably has something to do with why quite a number of ladies look for the donation at the start of the session.