China benefits the Trumps

VitaMan's Avatar
Who turns out to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of money from China ? Well, none other than the lovely Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared....aka senior advisor to the former president of the United States.

They collected millions from Chinese citizens under the Visa program, to invest in real estate projects and similar projects that weren't even identified. They even traveled to China to hold seminars, to collect the money, all under the watchful eye of Dad.

Now they are holed up in Florida enjoying all that money. Thanks Dad !

Post the article where you obtained that information. Because I am sure you have no idea what you are talking about.
bambino's Avatar
Receipts please.
GaGambler's Avatar
I know you hate "aboutism" so here goes

The Bidens finally out did the Trumps in "something" That something of course is sucking Chinese cock, although I will confess I'd be more than happy to let Ivanka suck my Chinese cock, but I digress. lol

Even the most hateful left wingers only accuse Trump of receiving/owing or otherwise benefitting from dealing with China in the tens of millions, while Hunter Biden scored $1.5 BILLION in a single trip to China on Air Force Two.

There is a huge difference in getting rich before taking office and getting rich while being in office. Biden might not be good at many things, but making his family rich at the expense of the American people is something he took to like a sissy takes to dick once he finally made his way to the White House as Obama's "boy"

I can't wait to hear your squawks of outrage for hijacking your post. lol
VitaMan's Avatar
There is plenty of documented information about this. If you don't know anything about the VISA program for foreign investors, study that. Then you will be more informed than what your remarks indicate.
VitaMan's Avatar
People just unable to attend to the topic.

If you disagree, then provide evidence to repute the information in the topic.
If not.....then there is no reason to post, is there ? Because you can't refute it.

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."
bambino's Avatar
There is plenty of documented information about this. If you don't know anything about the VISA program for foreign investors, study that. Then you will be more informed than what your remarks indicate. Originally Posted by VitaMan
If you can post pictures of the 3 stooges you can post links to support your own thread. Don’t tell other people to do your work. But if you’re incapable of posting links, I’ll post one for you.

This article is as unbiased as it gets on anything Trump. Their hatred of Trump is still obvious.
VitaMan's Avatar
Refute the information in the topic, or don't post
GaGambler's Avatar
Refute the information in the topic, or don't post Originally Posted by VitaMan
This is MY thread, post as I say or get off MY Thread!!!

Do you have any idea how foolish and impotent you sound?

I suppose you are going to hold your breath and stomp your feet like a child until you get your way. lol
VitaMan's Avatar can't refute it ?
HedonistForever's Avatar
File this under "refute".

Dear Democrats: Hunter Biden Is No Ivanka Trump

Joe Biden’s campaign can best be summed up as a game of dodgeball. Lately, he’s tried to “dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge” questions about why entities in two foreign countries funneled millions of dollars to his son, despite Hunter’s lack of relevant experience for those “jobs.”
Worse yet are the efforts by Democrats and many in media to provide cover for the Bidens by absurdly comparing Hunter to Ivanka Trump. When it comes to business background and resume: Plain and simple, there is no comparison. Hunter Biden is no Ivanka Trump.

Realizing the severity of the situation for the flagging front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, the left is currently in distraction mode. Democrats want to create a false equivalency between Biden being paid by entities in Ukraine and China while his father was vice president, and Ivanka Trump’s successful business enterprises. Anyone who dares to ask questions about Biden’s shady international business dealings is met with “But, but, but what about Ivanka?” The comparison is ludicrous.

Ivanka Trump spent years in business prior to her father’s leap into politics. As part of building and growing her business, she filed over 120 trademarks to protect her brand and name — all before Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president. It would have been business malpractice for her not to secure legal protections, especially in countries like China where corporate theft is routine. Case in point, within days of President Trump taking office, more than 65 Chinese companies tried to trademark “Ivanka Trump” for different products. As a smart businesswoman, Ivanka fought to prevent companies from stealing and profiting from her name, especially since she was entering public service as an unpaid senior advisor to the president. So, while the media portrays her in a negative light, the truth is that she paid from her own pocket to protect her name while receiving nothing in return.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden had zero experience in Ukraine and zero experience in the international gas market, but while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, a Ukrainian gas company found it useful to pay Hunter $50,000 per month for work that is unknown. Hunter also flew to China on Air Force Two with his father, and his firm later received a $1.5 billion investment from China’s national bank. Both “jobs” occurred while Joe Biden was leading the Obama administration’s policy in those two countries. Coincidence?

Everyone knows Hunter Biden received these incredible business opportunities only because of his last name. He brought no other skills or expertise to the table — just look at his resume. This is a classic example of a political family profiteering from public service. The New York Times reported that Obama State Department officials had concerns about Hunter’s “businesses.” Even his own partner, the stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry, had concerns about these “deals” and severed their business relationship, according to the Washington Post.

In contrast, Ivanka Trump has long been a successful, internationally recognized businesswoman. She has also been a success in her father’s administration, leading the drive to improve skills training for American workers and removing the barriers that hold back women around the world.

So, let me answer the question for you about how Hunter Biden and Ivanka Trump compare: It’s not even close. If you need any further proof, Ivanka is in the White House working hard for the American people, while Hunter Biden dodges questions about his shady business practices, just like his father.

As to the EB-5 Visa program, it sounds like you are implying that Ivanka and her husband created this program with the help of her father the President, in order to make money by corruption which of course is not true.

Who created the EB-5 program?

The United States EB-5 visa, employment-based fifth preference category or EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program, created in 1990 by the Immigration Act of 1990, provides a method for eligible Immigrant Investors to become lawful permanent residents—informally known as “green card” holders—by investing at least $1.8 ...

This is how you should have started your post which explains in detail, the problems with the program that Jared and Ivanka saw as an opportunity for their real estate investment company.

Bad actors force reform of fraud-plagued EB-5 investor program

Jared and Ivanka are not mentioned in this article but you seem to be implying "they" were part of the bad actors. We are all free to make that decision for ourselves.

Not even close to what Hunter was pushing IMHO.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
So a real estate investor made money investing in real estate?

People just unable to attend to the topic.

If you disagree, then provide evidence to repute the information in the topic.
If not.....then there is no reason to post, is there ? Because you can't refute it.

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones." Originally Posted by VitaMan
Why should we even give a shit?
VitaMan's Avatar
Good attempts, but a "news" (opinion piece) from a slanted tabloid media outlet is not going to cut it.

The Trump supporters are thoroughly brainwashed.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't doubt H I M made money in a real estate deal with China.

Why should we care about that?