Warning! My Tryst account is hacked! Do not send money or drive to their address!

julesmilano's Avatar
Others have informed me about my Tryst account being hacked. I reported it with Tryst and hopefully it will get resolved. I do not recommend that anyone send any money to whoever that person is and cease-and-desist communication before anyone gets hacked too. I’ve heard that the cash app goes to somebody by some other name like Trevon or Lavonne and they send you to somebody’s house (700 Bouldin—-not my location). I’m still investigating and will continue to shut down whatever I can to keep people from getting scammed.

You can tell that it is not me on that account, because I do not do Sexting, video, nor do I take a deposit, credit card, or use cash services. Those who know me can attest to my consistent and above board behavior and whoever has control of my account is not acting like me.

if “Tryst” sends you a message that you have an email and you click on the link from the email, if you do not have extra authentication, your site may be taken over too. If you get one of these notices of an email, just go to Tryst site directly to check your messages and if you don’t see it on there, you know that the email was an attempted hack.

I hope this prevents further detriment by these ne’er-do-wells…

Jules Milano
Phrasing's Avatar
That's crazy.
Celestedoll915's Avatar
I’m sorry that happened and thanks for the heads up. I do get several of these email amd I thankfully have not clicked on it at least I don’t recall doing so.
Oldsailor64's Avatar
Jules, very sorry that this has happened to you. These scammers are experts at hacking into our personal lives. I hope that tryst gets this resolved quickly. Your reputation is solid and anyone who knows you can attest to that.
tried to message you here but your inbox was full