Time to impeach scotus judge Clarence thomas

winn dixie's Avatar

Many reports have come out on Clarence Thomas's "gifts" aka Bribes. This article shows millions he's received. Far more than any other scotus judge by alot. He's bought and paid for.
He's been dictating legislation from the bench. And is in trumpfs pocket.
Currently his main cause is going after Jack Smith to get trumpf off the hook. This guy is a crook.
Time to impeach Clarence Thomas for Bribes and tax evasion.

Many reports have come out on Clarence Thomas's "gifts" aka Bribes. This article shows millions he's received. Far more than any other scotus judge by alot. He's bought and paid for.
He's been dictating legislation from the bench. And is in trumpfs pocket.
Currently his main cause is going after Jack Smith to get trumpf off the hook. This guy is a crook.
Time to impeach Clarence Thomas for Bribes and tax evasion. Originally Posted by winn dixie

... Nope ... Some "gifts" that are received are NOT "bribes" ...
The Supreme Court has already ruled on this...

... Good Luck Impeaching him.

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
AOC plans to file the paper work for impeachment. @Tiny for a former bartender with an Econ degree, your girl she is pretty good with parlimentry procedure. It would be great if she could get Clarence Thomas removed. Some real estate millionaire from Dallas is paying for most of his vacations.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Anita Hill warned us about that man's warped moral compass when I was in 4th grade. Haha

He is a bought and paid for judge. He should be impeached, but that won't happen.

It is weird to think about the naivety I had when I was younger. I honestly believed that SCOTUS judges were impartial and went by the letter of the law to the best of their ability. I knew other lower-level judges were politically and financially influenced but I foolishly thought that when you reach the pinnacle of being 1 of a team of only 9 in your career, fuck politics and bribes because who cares? You have a job for life... I was wrong.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... which is more pleasurable and enjoyable;, the wailing or the gnashing of their teeth. I should probably start a pop-up poll on the topic. But whatever they do, introspection of their own actions is never an option. They don't even ask themselves the simple questions: Would these latest rulings have even been heard if they had not kicked over the shit-can in the first danged place?
HoHound's Avatar
You mean the justice nominated by George Bush, the RINO?
You people crack me up with this shit. All Judges and Politicians are on the take to some extent or another.
adav8s28's Avatar
You people crack me up with this shit. All Judges and Politicians are on the take to some extent or another. Originally Posted by Levianon17
With Clarence Thomas it is well documented that a millionaire real estate investor has paid for most of the vacations that Thomas takes. I have not read that about any other Supreme Court justice.
winn dixie's Avatar
This article reveals how much Thomas is on the take. He's received millions while other judges have barely fractions of his total.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
With Clarence Thomas it is well documented that a millionaire real estate investor ... Originally Posted by adav8s28
We have a lot of millionaire real estate investors in Texas. Juss say'n...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Well . . . . You know my sentiments.

I called it long before the news came out.


texassapper's Avatar
Democrats sure hate Blacks don't they? Seems like this is an approach motivated by racism. Why are the democrats always racist? From Slavery to Jim Crow they've never changed.
winn dixie's Avatar
Democrats sure hate Blacks don't they? Seems like this is an approach motivated by racism. Why are the democrats always racist? From Slavery to Jim Crow they've never changed. Originally Posted by texassapper
Please don't bring that divisive rhetoric to this thread. And I'm no Democrat.
He should be impeached because of millions of dollars taken by Thomas as Bribes. And not reporting his gifts aka Bribes. Documentation is overwhelming
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I imagine the Lefties will go "apoplectic" when he gets a mega book deal when he retires.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Someone would anonymously write it for him as another gift. He profits enormously sitting on his ass not saying or doing anything.

Just like his day job.