Assault weapon ban/Abortion ban

bambino's Avatar
Who wants to negotiate? Both take innocent lives.

1) I would ban both
2) I would ban assault weapons, not abortion
3) I would ban abortions, not assault weapons
4) I wouldn’t ban either

I voted for neither, if you banned abortions, women would find less than desirable ways to get one. If you ban assault weapons, only criminals would get them.
I voted ban neither as well.

Banning is so total. Now some regulation on both as we have today, I'm fine with.
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2019, 05:48 PM
Banning - take a lesson from Prohibition.

Abortion - I remember the toll of back alley abortions.

Guns - want to start a civil war in America. ??
I too am fine with current regulations. It is the best compromise.
bambino's Avatar
I voted ban neither as well.

Banning is so total. Now some regulation on both as we have today, I'm fine with. Originally Posted by eccielover
Yes, late term abortions, or post birth abortions are ridiculous if the mothers health isn’t at stake. I own 3 rifles and a hand gun. My shotgun is a semi automatic. It’s my favorite gun. I want to keep it. AR-15’s? Never had an interest in one. I’m ambivalent about them. If they banned them, I wouldn’t really care. But I don’t think that will reduce mass murder.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i voted neither. first .. there is no such thing as an assault rifle. it is a liberal falsehood meant to attack the 2nd amendment.

i wonder how many anti-gun people and posters here know what AR-15 stands for? i bet most would think it stands for Assault Rifle. it does not. it stands for ArmaLite Rifle model 15. ArmaLite is the name of the manufacturer of the rifle. given the current debate on guns maybe they should consider changing their name?

as for abortion, i am firmly pro-choice. as i have said before, i think it should be a fundamental right for a woman to have an abortion for forcible rape. this is a pregnancy by crime. also a woman should have a fundamental right to an abortion when it threatens her life. to force a woman to carry a fetus to term and die as a result is murder. the same goes for a fetus known to have severe defects. physical and/or mental. this child has no hope of a normal life. to force such a child to be born is cruel to the child itself. and a huge burden emotionally and financially to the parents. what happens when the parents die. does this child become a ward of the state?

now in the case of each of these scenarios, rape, risk of death to the mother and a deformed child, certainly the parents or the mother in the case of risk to her can opt to have this child. it's their right. it should also be their right not to.

where abortion gets most controversial is termination of a pregnancy due to bad judgement. as the old saying goes .. it takes two to tango. if neither use any contraception then they share the risk. and the responsibility. the fact that the woman ends up carrying the child is merely biological fact. what would many men who oppose abortion feel about it if they had to carry the child? i'd bet their opposition would fade rather quickly.

Adoption is certainly a viable option for women who do not wish to terminate a pregnancy for moral and/or religious reasons. that option should be an option, not forced. how would the feminists feel about forcing women to have a child against their will? my guess is they would find it abhorrent.
bambino's Avatar
i voted neither. first .. there is no such thing as an assault rifle. it is a liberal falsehood meant to attack the 2nd amendment.

i wonder how many anti-gun people and posters here know what AR-15 stands for? i bet most would think it stands for Assault Rifle. it does not. it stands for ArmaLite Rifle model 15. ArmaLite is the name of the manufacturer of the rifle. given the current debate on guns maybe they should consider changing their name?

as for abortion, i am firmly pro-choice. as i have said before, i think it should be a fundamental right for a woman to have an abortion for forcible rape. this is a pregnancy by crime. also a woman should have a fundamental right to an abortion when it threatens her life. to force a woman to carry a fetus to term and die as a result is murder. the same goes for a fetus known to have severe defects. physical and/or mental. this child has no hope of a normal life. to force such a child to be born is cruel to the child itself. and a huge burden emotionally and financially to the parents. what happens when the parents die. does this child become a ward of the state?

now in the case of each of these scenarios, rape, risk of death to the mother and a deformed child, certainly the parents or the mother in the case of risk to her can opt to have this child. it's their right. it should also be their right not to.

where abortion gets most controversial is termination of a pregnancy due to bad judgement. as the old saying goes .. it takes two to tango. if neither use any contraception then they share the risk. and the responsibility. the fact that the woman ends up carrying the child is merely biological fact. what would many men who oppose abortion feel about it if they had to carry the child? i'd bet their opposition would fade rather quickly.

Adoption is certainly a viable option for women who do not wish to terminate a pregnancy for moral and/or religious reasons. that option should be an option, not forced. how would the feminists feel about forcing women to have a child against their will? my guess is they would find it abhorrent. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
My son in law has an AR-15. I’ve shot it. I guess it’s fun to spray some rounds. I wouldn’t buy one. That’s just my opinion. It’s of no use to me. But I agree 200% on abortion. It shouldn’t be used to cover up bad decisions or careless behavior. It adds to societal decay. Maybe that’s why there’s so many murders in this country. People are numb to the sanctity of life.
i voted neither. first .. there is no such thing as an assault rifle. it is a liberal falsehood meant to attack the 2nd amendment. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, I almost included that in my reply as well. The poll should have been "assault style" There is already plenty of regulation on actual assault rifles.

The Clinton era ban ban was simply on "assault style". If it had certain characteristics it was included. That was it. Other rifles with exact same firing characteristics were not included.
bambino's Avatar
Not one Libtard posted yet. I guess they’re confused.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not voting. Every abortion takes a life but my black rifles have not, and will likely never, taken a life.
matchingmole's Avatar
You can't legislate morality...but I'm all for a ban on commercials for Lawyers and all those stupid feel good drug adverts (Humira, Levitra,ad nauseum). Also any adverts with CGI owls should be banned.
I'm pro-war.
I'm pro-death penalty.
And I'm pro-abortion.

I insist that only the guilty are killed.
themystic's Avatar
Ban neither. Also ban the death penalty. I think abortion is killing a baby plain and simple. To me executing someone is just as barbaric as abortion. I’m pro life but I am a gun owner and wouldn’t hesitate to use it. I guess we all have some jacked up contradictions in our so called beliefs. Then There are those people “someone” who are so ignorant that they support everything their political or religious party tells to support
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ban neither. Also ban the death penalty. I think abortion is killing a baby plain and simple. To me executing someone is just as barbaric as abortion. I’m pro life but I am a gun owner and wouldn’t hesitate to use it. I guess we all have some jacked up contradictions in our so called beliefs. Then There are those people “someone” who are so ignorant that they support everything their political or religious party tells to support Originally Posted by themystic

so you are pro crime and support forcible rape of women and no death penalty for murder. why does this not surprise me? or anyone else in this forum?
matchingmole's Avatar
I'm pro-war.
I'm pro-death penalty.
And I'm pro-abortion.

I insist that only the guilty are killed. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I'm pro-stitutes
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'm con-stitution and pro-stitution. Impeachment.

Ban assault weapons.

Que Waco response in three . . . two . . .