Coming Thursday - Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

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House Oversight Committee

Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

Today, we are announcing the witnesses for our first hearing on the President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Impeachment Inquiry. This hearing will establish the basis for the impeachment inquiry and present the evidence House Republicans have uncovered to date regarding President Joe Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s domestic and international business practices.


Bruce Dubinsky, Founder, Dubinsky Consulting

Eileen O’Connor, Former Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice Tax Division

Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law, George Washington University Law School

September 28 | 10am
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House Oversight Committee


A few months after Joe Biden announced his candidacy in 2019, information available to the Committee shows Hunter Biden received two wires from China for $250,000 and $10,000, including from Jonathan Li.

More alarming, the wires have Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, DE as the beneficiary address.

Weeks after those payments were made, Hunter’s lawyer George Mesires said Hunter Biden served with BHR “only as a member of its board of directors,” which was purportedly an “unpaid position.”
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
Remember that Senile Biden flatly and specifically denied that Hunter was paid by the Chinese, and here we have $250K sent with his home address on the wire transfer.

No one can look at this and say, “Nope, not worth looking into.”

Not with a straight face anyway.
eyecu2's Avatar
Comer - the babbling equivalent of Elmer Fudd will completely fall apart during the so called review of facts. Turley will generalize and say "if there is smoke there is fire"...but what none of these ppl will say or show is Joe received the money. Why? Cause they can't prove one bit of it. Not a conjoined bank account or audio of Joe accepting a penny. I predict a nothing burger with extra nothing fries loaded with nothing.
berryberry's Avatar
Comer - the babbling equivalent of Elmer Fudd will completely fall apart during the so called review of facts. Turley will generalize and say "if there is smoke there is fire"...but what none of these ppl will say or show is Joe received the money. Why? Cause they can't prove one bit of it. Not a conjoined bank account or audio of Joe accepting a penny. I predict a nothing burger with extra nothing fries loaded with nothing. Originally Posted by eyecu2
All-you-can-eat Nothing Burgers!
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Newly released emails and documents show that Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf DID NOT ALLOW AGENTS TO INVESTIGATE SENILE JOE BIDEN as part of a FARA probe.

SO Garland is busted on perjury yet again
Nothing Burger CONFIRMED!
berryberry's Avatar
'The evidence also documents a campaign by the Justice Department to protect the Biden family from investigation, even as Hunter Biden attempted to evade paying taxes on income that came from foreign countries, including China, Ukraine, and others. That Biden protection effort was strongest whenever investigative steps might have led to or implicated actions taken by Joe Biden. During the investigation into his son, officials instructed investigators seeking a search warrant to erase any mention of a “Political Figure 1,” who documents reveal to be Joe Biden.'

berryberry's Avatar
JUST IN: Hunter Biden signed off on a Burisma memo to the Ukrainian prosecutor who replaced Viktor Shokin that warned him not to continue further investigations.

"Moreover it is imperative that allegations of criminal activity made to the media about Burisma and/or Nikolay Zlochevsky come to an end."

Signed: Hunter Biden.

So to recap - Senile Biden took a bribe from Burisma to fire Victor Shokin.

Then Hunter Biden threatens Shokin's replacement that he better fall in line or else

The Senile Biden Crime Family at place
berryberry's Avatar
In October 2019, Hunter Biden said he hadn't made "one cent" from his business deal with Chinese national Jonathan Li.

But in August 2019, Li wired $250,000 to Hunter with Senile Biden's Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address (even though Hunter was living in California then).

If Hunter didn't make a cent off of his business deal with Li, then who did? The Big Guy?

We all know the answer to that
Nothing Burger CONFIRMED! Originally Posted by tommy156
... You keep saying that - as more EVIDENCE is released.

... Are these revelations the REASON that Joe and his
poll numbers are surely collapsing like a tin shithouse roof??

Couldn't be the great economy, could it?

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And China wires $260k to Joe’s house, purportedly for Hunter, who didn’t live there. Could you imagine if commies were sending payoffs to Mar-a-Lago for Don Jr? I’m thinking the “no evidence” crowd might have an issue with it.