Is there something you are afraid to ask

When you set up a date we all know the mind builds up an image of what you would like to happen...Is there anything that you would like too happen bt when you get there and the date starts your mind goes blank and you are afraid to ask for or suggest..
pickupkid's Avatar
Yes open the door and see you naked...Wheeee
Most of the time it's difficult. I like to know if the lady is open to certain activities. However, just referring to those items generally causes the lady to cancel and stop all communication.

So, yes, there are a lot of things that I don't ask. I would normally know by a 2nd session. But alas, there are rarely 2nds in my world.
When you set up a date we all know the mind builds up an image of what you would like to happen...Is there anything that you would like too happen bt when you get there and the date starts your mind goes blank and you are afraid to ask for or suggest.. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Hell NO! I'm a professional Hobbyist. But, yes, I can see it happening with others. My honest O is just lay it out there. Talk and let her know. The best results come from great recon! The rest is your fault.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I think that it depends. For me, On one hand i can have an idea down to the detail of what I would like or how I would like things to go. but when I first lay eyes on her and shes looking back at me...forget about it...I can barely remember what my name is.. and I try not to stutter when I talk or drool too bad LOL. It could have to do with comfort girl is so personable that I would not be afraid to ask her anything because its just like hanging out with a friend.
Still Looking's Avatar
I always wonder if they might take advantage of me... but I never ask! Being a non GFE hobbyist at times I feel I should disclose that up front!
tonytiger4u's Avatar
When you set up a date we all know the mind builds up an image of what you would like to happen...Is there anything that you would like too happen bt when you get there and the date starts your mind goes blank and you are afraid to ask for or suggest.. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Once my mind goes blank, I've got all the answers I need and there is no more need for blood in the brain!
pyramider's Avatar
Hell NO! I'm a professional Hobbyist. But, yes, I can see it happening with others. My honest O is just lay it out there. Talk and let her know. The best results come from great recon! The rest is your fault. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

Just a little full of yourself.
Still Looking's Avatar
Hell NO! I'm a professional Hobbyist. But, yes, I can see it happening with others. My honest O is just lay it out there. Talk and let her know. The best results come from great recon! The rest is your fault. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Question Mijo.... If you had to choose... would you rather have "10" ladies tell you your a great lover, or "99" tell you your fucking average at best. Which would you rather be?

Ahhhh don't forget they're all getting paid! LOL
is that water weight or a trick baby?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Most of the time it's difficult. I like to know if the lady is open to certain activities. However, just referring to those items generally causes the lady to cancel and stop all communication.

So, yes, there are a lot of things that I don't ask. I would normally know by a 2nd session. But alas, there are rarely 2nds in my world. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
My thoughts exactly. I'm pretty conventional when it comes to activities, but MSOG is a must. Usually, I will know by doing research if MSOG is on the menu. Also, I try to build up some type of rapport before hand with the lady. Once we both are comfortable with each other, I'll generally hint at what I'm interested in doing on a date. Other than MSOG, the other touchy subject I would like answered is BBBJ vs CBJ. While it is not a deal breaker, it can be a tie-breaker if I'm interested in seeing 2 different providers-- the BBBJ girl will get my business over the CBJ girl. Again, though, I usually have a good feel because of my research.

On the other hand, dealing with BP girls or agency girls, things tend to get dicey especially if there is little info available on the lady I might be attracted to. These girls seem more flighty and less likely to "get to know you" before meeting. These are the ones I'd really want to ask a ton of questions about their menu and such. When I first started out, I saw agency girls. I tried to get answers to my questions, but probably only succeeded a third of the time. The general response was "don't worry, she will take care of you". I took that to mean my MSOG question was answered but not definitively. That is one reason I like forums (ECCIE) because it allows an avenue for clients and providers to get to know each other before meeting. If done correctly, a guy should never really have a questions for the provider. He should already know.
Agree wholeheartedly. I never saw agency girls until recently whe I needed a plan b. 2 different agencies 2 rather poor experiences. The info on both was slim and each agency should have done much more full disclosure.