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Nothing can stop what is comingothi

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"Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming"
November 7, 2020


As even casual followers of Q Anon or The Anti-New York Times know, one of Q's most used catch-phrases is "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming." Time and time and time again, over the course of the past three years, Q has posted this phrase which has kept the devoted following fired-up and optimistic. Trump himself even re-tweeted someone's "meme" depicting Trump playing a violin with the image captioned "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming." Trump -- always pretending to not know what Q Anon is all about -- added accompanying text reading: "Who knows what this means. But it sounds good to me."

Just last week, on October 31, 2020, Q, in Post # 4944, gave us hope for the election to come by posting:

Are you ready to finish what we started?
'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.

"Not just a catch phrase?" Does that mean that there has been a double meaning to the phrase all along -- besides the obvious implication? We believe there was -- and we are upgrading our "cautious optimism" to what one reader called "realistic optimism."

"Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" -- One of Q's favorite catch-phrases has inspired the creation and sale of tee shirts

As we reviewed in yesterday's bulletin, the word on the "alternative news" street is that Trump had the Department of Homeland Security add a special digital watermark to all of the legitimate ballots. Some have pointed out that this would not have been possible because private companies in various states print the ballots -- not the Feds. But a bit of cyber sleuthing reveals that DHS -- as part of the "Election Infrastructure" protection program which Trump tasked the agency with back in 2018 -- does indeed work with private entities to ensure security. This gem, from the website of DHS's page on election security:

"Elections play a vital role in a free and fair society and are a cornerstone of American democracy. We recognize the fundamental link between the trust in election infrastructure and the confidence the American public places in basic democratic function. A secure and resilient electoral process is a vital national interest and one of our highest priorities at the Department of Homeland Security.

We are committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections – state and local government, election officials, federal partners and the vendor community – to manage risks to election infrastructure. We will remain transparent as well as agile to combat and secure our physical and cyber infrastructure against new and evolving threats." (emphasis added -- webpage here)

In short, the opportunity to watermark and digitally secure (blockchain tracking) exists. So, what's this got to do with "Nothing can stop what's coming?"

// 1. Kirstjen Nielson was Trump's girl at DHS from 2017-2019. She oversaw election security during her tenure -- ostensibly aimed at protecting elections from "Russian interference." She now serves on theNational Infrastructure Advisory Council // 2. Nielson harassed by communists at a Mexican restaurant. // 3. Blockchain technology involves a developing list of records, called blocks. Each block contains cryptology from the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. The technology is designed to prevent alteration because data in a single block cannot be altered without changing all subsequent blocks.

In November of 2018, Trump's DHS established the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) to protect the integrity of US elections. CISA itself oversees another sub-agency to develop the products needed to assist DHS in working with "public safety partners involved in interoperable communications at all levels of government."

In other words, if something like a blockchain communication embedded in a watermark was indeed added to the ballots, this particular sub-division of CISA (itself a subgroup of DHS) would have been tasked with setting up the sting operation by working with "private vendors" and "public safety partners." And the name of this sub-group is (dramatic drum roll) --- the National Council of StateWide Interoperability Coordinators --- official acronym being NCSWIC (here) -- initials which also perfectly match
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming."

Coincidence? We shall know soon enough.

"FROM CISA.GOV -- " #PROTECT2020 is a national call to action initiated by CISA, the lead federal agency responsible for national election security, to enhance the integrity and resilience of the Nation’s election infrastructure, and ensure the confidentiality, truthfulness, and accuracy of the free and fair elections necessary for our American way of life."

1. Oh I think you know very well what that catch-phrase means, Mr. President. // 2a. NCSWIC -- "Not just a catch phrase." --- Indeed -- it's also an acronym. // 2b. Melania's Election Day dress has been interpreted by some to symbolize the "blockchain" technology which can be used to track ballot "transactions" with expanding codes which cannot be altered (like Bitcoin).ng Can Stop What Is Coming
bambino's Avatar
You had to tell the numbskulls Dilbert!!!!! Why do you think the Dems and some crooked RINOS are petrified over forensic audits? The Space Force captured all the cyber hanky panky. As Q would say. “ We have it all”.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
But but but... you got your feelings hurt it when someone referred to your affinity with Q.

Now you get to own it.

Thank you for clearing that up pal’


bambino's Avatar
But but but... you got your feelings hurt it when someone referred to your affinity with Q.

Now you get to own it.

Thank you for clearing that up pal’

hahahahahaahshqqqqqqqqq Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your feelings will be hurt soon enough. Now quit lying and stalking me. My feelings are never hurt on this board.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Quit bellyaching and own your conspiracies!

I’ve got a Jewish Space Laser for sale, if you want one!

bambino's Avatar
Quit bellyaching and own your conspiracies!

I’ve got a Jewish Space Laser for sale, if you want one!

To steal your line “ that’s rude and insulting” try saying something pertinent to a thread. Any thread.

Check your Pms!!!!


Yssup Rider's Avatar
What content is relevant in response to the utter drivel posted in the OP?

Who espoused the Jewish Space Lasers conspiracy?

Check Your PMS, bud.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nothing like a good ban hammer for breakfast
winn dixie's Avatar
Q is right. Its coming. We just need the perfect spark!
bambino's Avatar
What content is relevant in response to the utter drivel posted in the OP?

Who espoused the Jewish Space Lasers conspiracy?

Check Your PMS, bud. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What’s drivel is what’s coming out of the current “Administration”. Whomever they are. But you be a good doobie and do what they tell you. I know you didn’t watch the video I posted. Biden is taking more power away from WE the people.


Except for you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing like a good ban hammer for breakfast Originally Posted by winn dixie
Please explain WD.

Are you on Avenue Q too?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
But but but... how did this BLM supporter suddenly "become" a Trump supporter?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

thank you valued poster
bambino's Avatar
May 4th > Law of War 5.4

Decisions must be made in good faith and based on information "reasonably" available at the time.

"How do you introduce evidence legally?"

Per General Flynn, the election can be overturned but it starts with the discovery of TRUTH. The Arizona audit is key for "reasonable" information availability since no real evidence has been legally introduced in courts.
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar