The Liberal World Order

berryberry's Avatar
These people hate you and must not just be defeated, they must be destroyed

CNN: "What do you say to those families that say, 'listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?’"

BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "What you heard from the President today was a clear articulation of the stakes - This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm."

berryberry's Avatar
When you see that price on the gas pump, just know that the pain is intentional and that the Senile Biden admin is doing this to you on purpose. It's hilarious to see the guy who used to be the "Global Head of Sustainable Investing" at BlackRock say it out loud.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden’s “Liberal World Order” is a war on the working and middle class:
—Domestic drilling bans to explode energy costs
—Run printing presses to inflate dollar
—Open borders to drain erode family income, resources, stability
—Open jails to release predators upon the community
—Destroy nuclear family, discourage childbirth, promote abortion as “family planning”
—Put gov’t between parents & children
—Use schools & corps to instill woke propaganda, sow gender confusion, teach hatred of self/family/faith/nation
—Erase distinctions of biological sex & force doctors to elevate ideology over science
—Police speech, punish dissent, jail dissenters
—Racial discrimination & stereotyping to divide/demean populace
—Transfer wealth from workers to Wall Street via outsourcing
—Globalist wars
berryberry's Avatar
More evidence libtards hate you and hate America

Pima Democrat Party Bio: “Promoting Democrat Values…”

Pima Democrat Party: “Fuck the 4th of July.”

Again, these people don't just need defeated, they need destroyed. They hate America.

... Biden and his energy people surely make me laugh...

"Liberal World Order" .... Half-a-mo after the Republicans win
Congress and the Senate control - they will be PUSHING Biden
for MORE DRILLING... And when Trump Wins again in 2024
- this "increased costs for energy" bullshit will quickly
come to a halt.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden and the Democrats hate everyday Americans Salty

While the GOP in Congress will push for more drilling after they win in the mid terms, not much they can do unless they don't fund the government unless Senile Biden caves.

He is tripling down on his insanity:

Friday Night News dump:

Senile Biden admin to block new offshore drilling in Atlantic and Pacific and limited lease sales in Gulf of Mexico in a new 5-year plan.

Dept of Interior proposal is consistent with transition to "clean energy economy."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t think they quite understand what ‘transition’ means, other than lopping of a guy’s dick. When you move from one thing to another, the another has to actually exist. What we’re doing now is eliminating, not transitioning, because there is no viable means replacement.
berryberry's Avatar
I don’t think they quite understand what ‘transition’ means, other than lopping of a guy’s dick. When you move from one thing to another, the another has to actually exist. What we’re doing now is eliminating, not transitioning, because there is no viable means replacement. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
True - and that is why it is only going to get worse. Senile Biden and the Democrats hate everyday normal Americans and have sold their soul to the far left nutjobs

Normal Americans are finally pushing back much harder. We must destroy these far left libtards