Takin' a break

CaptainKaos's Avatar
Hey all, I'm taking an extended vacation from moderating. I've just got too many irons in the fire and am not able to provide the service you all deserve. The owners are in the process of finding a couple of guys to take my place.

What about me? I'm a woman tho
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What will we do without adult supervision?
Kaboom's Avatar
What will we do without adult supervision? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Whatever happens, it'll be all your fault.
What will we do without adult supervision? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You would ask . . . everyone knows THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT - LMAO!

Edit: Damn, Kaboom beat me to it by one minute!


- Jackie
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Odds are, most of you are more adult than me.
Hey the best to you....thanks for your effort

Hope to see ya back!!......Edit post, just saw ur recent review....

Nice to see to see ur back to having fun again,lol
I nominate COG for moderator, that would be interesting and he probably needs a little more "pro bono" work!
Redwolf's Avatar
Thanks Kaos for your work. It is good to see that you will still be able to have some fun.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of this board for a term as your monitor.

If you know where I stole that, you might be as old as me.

Happy Trails, Cap'n. I'll be here taking the blame for you until you get back.
perpetualdesign's Avatar
I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of this board for a term as your monitor.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are a sly one COG! You demonstrated your skills by moderating that statement just enough to make your election not only possible, but certain.
COG for Mod!
COG, or is it LBJ Jr? Unfortunately, I probably qualify as being as old as you are.
Olabid's Avatar
Thanks for the modding Capt Kaos. I can imagine what a time suck it is to watch over all these boards.
Thanks Captain Kaos, I will be helping out until several new mods are choosen for this area. St. C. should be posting something about that soon.

I can't sit by and let SOULMANIKE have all of the fun!!

I am also available to help out until new Staff is announced!!
