Idiotic Press Reporting of Speaker votes

The idiotic reporting of Politicians in Washington DC is hiding the real problems and issues. The leadership of both Democrats and Republicans have changed rules from actual debates and votes on amendments on the public record to actually promote compromise to 1 or 2 people dictating what will be in the bills and writing the legislation of thousands of pages with no one having the time to read what is actually in the bill that is being voted on.

The press is more interested in reporting on conflict than honest debate.
The actual member of congress doesn't have time to read the actual bills. Their staffs do all that. That's why they have so many lawyers. And obviously someone reads the bills. They have to make sure there are no loop holes. The congressional members don't know the details until the final draft and after the staff give them a summary.
That's the way it has always been and that's why there are so many lawyers. Hundreds of people work on the bills. Every word has to be checked. There is a big difference between "and" and "or" and using the wrong word(s) can fuck up the meaning.
The idiotic reporting of Politicians in Washington DC is hiding the real problems and issues. The leadership of both Democrats and Republicans have changed rules from actual debates and votes on amendments on the public record to actually promote compromise to 1 or 2 people dictating what will be in the bills and writing the legislation of thousands of pages with no one having the time to read what is actually in the bill that is being voted on.

The press is more interested in reporting on conflict than honest debate. Originally Posted by farmstud60
But they ain't allowed time to go over it, anyone that thinks they do are kidding themselves. They don't have enough staff to go over 5000 pages of bills in 24 hours or less.