An Honest question for the Gals and Guys here requiring an Honest answer..

CG2014's Avatar
"Have you ever faked an orgasm?"

Yes, Guys can fake orgasm too.

Not only Gals.

Ejaculation is not always a required prerequisite for a man's orgasm.

And y'all Gals thought you were the only ones with the upper hand because you were the only ones who could fool your partner during sex, eh?

I fake an orgasm if I find the girl to be a dead fish lay with no IOP - just to get it over with.

Then I tell her how much fun she was and how great of a time I had with her.

Or if she gets that confused look and pout: "What's the problem? Did I do something wrong? You didn't come"

I'll tip her a couple of extra bill just to show her how incredible I found her skills to be.

I actually had a provider last year that got emotional and started crying because the 1 hour was up and I didn't ejaculate.

Got to admire her dedication and her love for her job (no pun intended).

I fake an orgasm if there isn't much time to play before the start of the latest episode of Games of Throne or Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making The Team or a Football game.

I know gals do this too when they find the guy not to their liking once they are doing it.

Or if she is tired and she wasn't too interested in sex to begin with that day and he insisted - she just want to get him off quickly so he can go to sleep.

After all, women wants to small talk and cuddle after sex, guys just want to go to sleep.

Small talk and cuddle? What's there to small talk about?

Weren't: "Oh Baby, you are so hot. Oh Babe, your pussy is so tight. Oh Babe, you are the only one for me, you know that, don't you? Oh Baby, can I put it up your ass, please? Just this one time and I will never pester you about it again, ever, I swear!" [B]enough small talk?

Y'all gals are not the only ones who can do this:

I have faked it to spare her feelings. Sometimes, even though it feels great, I just cannot cum. Typically, but not always, a side effect of ed meds. Rather than have to explain and maybe hurt her feelings, I fake it. At my age, I just run out of energy sometimes too
Brandofan's Avatar
Women, even the pros, can be very sensitive. I sometimes have issues climaxing. Stress, alcohol (even the day before), anxiety plays a role. I get close to climax over and over but can't quite get over the mountaintop. I still enjoy it though.

No matter how much I explain to the lady that it is my issue and not theirs they take it personally. Fortunately I can make my dick throb when I exercise the kegels and with a cover on it is pretty convincing.

So yes, it is possible for a man to fake an orgasm so long as she isn't expecting a Peter North COF experience!
micktoz's Avatar
Hilarious! Lying to a hooker because she was a bad fuck. So she can feel good about herself and carry on charging for a bad fuck. And you pay her more.

I wouldn't lie about not cumming. There is no reason to lie. It happens to me , but I don't see any "dead fish". All the ladies I see around this country are exceptional. I have an injury that sometimes makes it difficult.

So ridiculous to fake anything. This is the one sexual venue that it's easy to be honest about anything. But, I guess if you are fucking 18 year olds, they might not be mature enough to handle the truth. That's why I play with adults.
I seriously can not relate to the OP at any level regarding this subject.

I squirt or I don't.

So if you "fake" a cum shot, can she figure out there is no cum pouring out of her?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have never faked.. like the others said, there has been a few instances when I couldn't quite get there, but I would never pretend I did.. real or hobby world.. shit happens.. when I lick her 9 ways to Sunday, I don't expect her to cum, and I'm not upset if she doesn't.. why should she be bummed if I fail?

CG2014's Avatar
So if you "fake" a cum shot, can she figure out there is no cum pouring out of her?
I said I fake an orgasm.

I didn't say I fake a cum shot.

Read my OP again:

Ejaculation is not always a required prerequisite for a man's orgasm.

And if I were to ever fake a cum shot, she still wouldn't know it from
no cum pouring out of her.
Why? Because I always wear a condom.

Lying to a hooker because she was a bad fuck.
If you claim you never had a disappointing fuck ever, you are fooling yourself, lying to yourself and to others.

As if every review here is a yes.

There are many reviews here that are no because the hobbyist for one reason or another didn't find the provider to his likin;

or the girl's BCD was awful, it immediately turned the hobbyist off.
Brandofan's Avatar
And another thread goes alpha vs beta. SMH.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-27-2017, 11:52 PM
Hilarious! Lying to a hooker because she was a bad fuck. So she can feel good about herself and carry on charging for a bad fuck. And you pay her more Originally Posted by micktoz
The guy really cares for them just like they all fall in love with his $
pmdelites's Avatar
there is a difference between an orgasm and an ejaculation.
which are you asking about??

orgasms can be faked by either sex.
if a guy is wearing a condom, the evidence of cum or no cum is in the condom.
TexTushHog's Avatar
A couple of times I've faked a third or fourth orgasm when a provider just wouldn't take "No" for an answer and it was getting close to feign painful. Other than that, no.
Also, the question did not specify provider /client.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Too bad Suiram77 is still banned. It would be interesting to ask him if he fakes an orgasm when he sucks his own dick...

May be we should revive this thread when he comes out of his vacation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
funny Skywalker, but too early in the morning still, I didn't need to read that
FunInDFW's Avatar
Oh yeah. I have this skin-colored contraption on my thigh that I can squeeze a liquid that has the texture, flavor, color, consistency, etc of cum and just shoot that when I need to fake it and get out of the terrible situation that is being with a woman wanting to please me.