Eskimo brothers

So I was watching the league, this site should be called EBDB😂
johnclark's Avatar
Bueller? Bueller?
corona's Avatar
yeah, no idea WTF he's talking about
texassapper's Avatar
Heh I think we should get Eskimo Brother sweatshirts...

milfy2002's Avatar

All my Eskimo brothers are very close ;-)

KittyLamour's Avatar
ummm... what does the DB in the EBDB stand for? I've heard of ED BD I's, or anything close to it, was in the silly...

"C M Snakes?"
"M R not Snakes."
"O S A R!"
"C M ED BD I's?"
"L I B"
"M R snakes." joke...

There's a Duk one too...

"C M Duks?"
"M R not Duks."
"O S A R!"
"C M Wangs?"
"L I B"
"M R duks."

TheEccie214's Avatar
He said he was watching The League. It's a reference from there about men that have fucked the same women. Since many of us have fucked the same girls around here we'd be Eskimo brothers. Surprised more guys don't get the reference - great show until about season 5 and then I feel they jumped the shark. If you don't get the "jumped the shark" reference I suggest getting out of your cave more often.

Urban Dictionary defines it as, "When two males acknowledge having been intimate with the same female and remain on good terms, the men are now bonded by having shared the same igloo at one time or another."
Dang. Them some long peckers. But, they's skinny & pointy,..and no pee power.