Mobile Site Makeover

Puccipleaser's Avatar
Did ECCIE get a makeover on the app? Didn't hear any mention of it. Lettering looks different and different drop down menus. I guess I need to play around with it a little more to know if I like this or not.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-04-2016, 10:31 PM
You're not imagining things. Site has made an unannounced make over.
Fistofdollars's Avatar
Does anyone know how to switch back to the old screens and interface??

Also, if you simply type in into your browser, it takes you to a page that does NOT have any log-in prompts. You choice is new account or Premium Access.

I tricked it into allowing me a log-in by going to where there is a log-in button. Then reverted back to after logging into the site.

I normally use incognito mode on Google Chrome, so there is no history or previous pages to use, getting back into
Puccipleaser's Avatar
Not sure. I'm on the mobile site and it logs me in automatically. If anyone figures that out please post here to share with the rest. Thanks.