Common Courtesy

Hello all,

I need to vent and ask for some advice, or something. First, let me say that I have met a few friends that I hope to know for a while...but then there are some that I'm not too sure I can keep up with...I'll explain below.

I'm sure everyone has been through this, but I'm beyond frustrated. I am a punctuality freak and when I make an appointment (here, there, or anywhere) I keep it. If I can't keep it, I notify whom I need to, as soon as I know.

Issue #1. No shows or cancellations right before the session is due to start.

Issue #2. Tardiness.

^^^^ I cannot stress enough how absolutely disrespectful it is to show up 20, 30, sometimes even an hour late....and you keep stringing me along with reasons...I know there's traffic, budget your time accordingly. My schedule is not TENTATIVE. If we agree on a time, that's the time I expect you to arrive. Now, if it's a reasonable amount, within 15 minutes or so, I can understand. But please understand, I may not be able to see you, we may have to reschedule. Me being new here, I'm afraid to assert myself for fear of a bad review or someone saying something negative because I stand up for myself and my time. YOU being late may possibly cause ME to be late for a session with an on-time rude would that be??

Issue #3. Taking advantage.

^^^^ If we decide we want to play for 30 min, yes I do understand sometimes it gets hot and heavy and we may go over. That does not mean that I'm ok with you staying an hour and then leaving me with a half hour donation, review special at that...of which many of you aren't even honoring and writing reviews(shame on you). Yes you might be good looking, yes you may be great lovers, yes we may get along great and have chemistry....but please do not misunderstand the purpose of ECCIE....this is how I take care of myself and I think it's disrespectful to try and get as much out of me as you can for as little as possible.

I screen my clients. I read their posts, read their reviews, read the reviews of the girls they've seen, and some other methods. The men who have done this to me have tenure, numerous reviews, and participate on the boards...I hardly think this is the image you want me to form of ECCIE hobbyists.

I'm disappointed, and don't want to become jaded within my first month! I think I should be able to be kind, without being disrespected or manipulated.

I guess the old saying "taking my kindness for weakness" is a legitimate statement.

I will be taking the reigns, my sessions will remain ULTIMATE GFE, BUT! I will have to cancel any sessions that do not start within 15-20 minutes of the AGREED upon time, unless we discuss it and my schedule allows.

I even schedule my eating routine into my day. If I set my schedule to have dinner at 5 and allow myself one hour, and I have a 4pm for the half hour and he doesn't show up until 445 and stays 45 minutes....that leaves me looking for dinner at 530 and I may have a 6pm....yes the thought of cancelling the session has crossed my mind and the response I get is "I just drove an hour to see you and now you're going to cancel"? comes the fear of the BAD REVIEW. Reviews don't allow the provider a rebuttal of WHY she had to shorten the session from an hour to a half hour cause the hobbyist was an hour late. It doesn't allow me to state that the hobbyists scheduled a TENTATIVE session and couldn't commit to a time so I couldn't pencil in "maybe 1pm" on my schedule for the day.

I'm sure you get the jist of what I'm saying.

I manage my time well.
I'm respectful.
I'm punctual.

I expect the same.

Please be mindful when contacting providers, and understand that their time is precious just like yours.
yeah ya bastards. I was suppose to see this doll last night!
Welcome to Eccie!

The disrespect works both ways and you will find out that no matter how many posts you do on the subject or how much you want it to change, it won't, and you have not experienced your last NCNS, late arriving hobbyist, a guy that overstays his time and the dreaded guy who takes advantage of the review special and does not review. The true stories I could tell you and the lack of dignity and common courtesy (not responding to a request, go radio silent on you after you drove across town to see her, improper hygiene, ect.) from some of the ladies, many of them well established/reviewed on this site and it would blow your mind, but that is not what this thread is about.

To help you out:

If he does not, confirm about 90-120 minutes before the scheduled start time of the set appointment and then get the guy to text you when he is leaving. Last minute cancellations happen as does life, so there is not much you can do about them. Take and make good notes of each client and when this guy calls again to schedule, then backs out again last minute, put him on your DNS list.

If a guy arrives late, he should have let you know and kept you informed via text that he is stuck in traffic or whatever so you can make a mutual decision to reschedule or hope that he arrives ASAP. If you schedule back to back sessions to where some unforeseen circumstances arise with your first client and there is not enough time for you be fresh and prepared for the next in line, then you may want to rethink and expand the time gap between appointments so as to be more flexible and have enough time to refresh and recharge without rushing. You do not want to be considered as a clockwatcher, but if he overstays his time (some will get caught up in the moment and lose track of time, especially if you are that good, and you do not say anything to him or give him any indication he is over time, then it is your own fault because you were not cognizant of it for whatever reason either.

As far as a BAD REVIEW goes, if you feel you have just cause, there is a way for you to rebuttal the review in this very forum while linking the review you are rebuking. Remember tho, the review and the rebuttal can only be considered as he said/she said because no one else was there to confirm anything. Good advice on that is have your say, then stop posting on the thread you opened or about the reviewer in an open forum.

Review specials a provider does are appreciated, but IMO, do the first session at your regular rate and give him the special the next time he sees you, as that will give you the spirited initiative to give him a so fantastic of a session that he will be counting the days to see you again and take advantage of the special. If that does not work, and many guys definitely do not like that idea, then give him the special donation rate when he first sees you, then if he does not write a review within a certain time frame, then the next time he wants to see you, tell him you are charging him your full rate plus that discount you gave him for a promised review he did not post. Remember the taking of good notes on the clients that contact you, then when this particular guy arrives, get the money upfront, count it and if it is not right, give it back to him, cancel and send him on his way, then put him on your DNS list.

PS, no, I am not one of the guys who have seen her or have even scheduled a session time, so she is not talking about me!
Yes, I agree, it does work both ways. Girls double booking, having one sitting in the car waiting and calling while she is in session. I find all of it VERY disrespectful. It happens, but not with me! I won't behave that way NOR will I accept that behavior. I take very good notes, as you suggested, and also note those that have utilized the review incentive and haven't posted a review...and subsequently book another session and still leave the review special donation.

I don't want to be the girl who asks for the donation upfront and then count it to make sure..that's not my idea of a girlfriend experience...I don't want to take away from the fantasy I'm trying to fullfill....I know I'll get the hang of it and find that balance. I know there are going to always be situations that throw a monkey wrench into the program, but I'm going to nip it in the bud and make it known that I'm the punctuality Queen and a master of time management. I'm sweet, but not dumb.
...and I know Cage...come to mama!!
Thank you david for your WONDERFUL advice! xoxo
I totally appreciate what you wrote. I am also very punctual, always worried about being late, and most of the time I am a little early to the appointment and wait a little if needed.

I also would like highlight that I had numerous no shows from providers, including after giving me the address, making me drive there, and stop responding to texts/calls while waiting for the room number. It is extremely frustrating.

I wished common courtesy and respect to each other both for other's time and as a person was more common.

I share your pain.
Richardtx's Avatar
I'm just like you Gigi...punctual. I honestly think it makes for a better session when the provider doesn't get aggravated before the session even begins! Lol! Hang in there mama. You'll filter us out naturally as we become your regulars.
Guest072015-2's Avatar
Welcome to Eccie!

The disrespect works both ways and you will find out that no matter how many posts you do on the subject or how much you want it to change, it won't, and you have not experienced your last NCNS, late arriving hobbyist, a guy that overstays his time and the dreaded guy who takes advantage of the review special and does not review. The true stories I could tell you and the lack of dignity and common courtesy (not responding to a request, go radio silent on you after you drove across town to see her, improper hygiene, ect.) from some of the ladies, many of them well established/reviewed on this site and it would blow your mind, but that is not what this thread is about.

To help you out:

If he does not, confirm about 90-120 minutes before the scheduled start time of the set appointment and then get the guy to text you when he is leaving. Last minute cancellations happen as does life, so there is not much you can do about them. Take and make good notes of each client and when this guy calls again to schedule, then backs out again last minute, put him on your DNS list.

If a guy arrives late, he should have let you know and kept you informed via text that he is stuck in traffic or whatever so you can make a mutual decision to reschedule or hope that he arrives ASAP. If you schedule back to back sessions to where some unforeseen circumstances arise with your first client and there is not enough time for you be fresh and prepared for the next in line, then you may want to rethink and expand the time gap between appointments so as to be more flexible and have enough time to refresh and recharge without rushing. You do not want to be considered as a clockwatcher, but if he overstays his time (some will get caught up in the moment and lose track of time, especially if you are that good, and you do not say anything to him or give him any indication he is over time, then it is your own fault because you were not cognizant of it for whatever reason either.

As far as a BAD REVIEW goes, if you feel you have just cause, there is a way for you to rebuttal the review in this very forum while linking the review you are rebuking. Remember tho, the review and the rebuttal can only be considered as he said/she said because no one else was there to confirm anything. Good advice on that is have your say, then stop posting on the thread you opened or about the reviewer in an open forum.

Review specials a provider does are appreciated, but IMO, do the first session at your regular rate and give him the special the next time he sees you, as that will give you the spirited initiative to give him a so fantastic of a session that he will be counting the days to see you again and take advantage of the special. If that does not work, and many guys definitely do not like that idea, then give him the special donation rate when he first sees you, then if he does not write a review within a certain time frame, then the next time he wants to see you, tell him you are charging him your full rate plus that discount you gave him for a promised review he did not post. Remember the taking of good notes on the clients that contact you, then when this particular guy arrives, get the money upfront, count it and if it is not right, give it back to him, cancel and send him on his way, then put him on your DNS list.

PS, no, I am not one of the guys who have seen her or have even scheduled a session time, so she is not talking about me! Originally Posted by davidfree986
Great pointers! I'm stealing these!
pyramider's Avatar
Be sure to place them next to taint photos ...
bojulay's Avatar
Yes you should have a cut off time for people that can't show up on time.

You should also not book appointments so close together that they could
run into each other if there is a slight delay. Just a suggestion but I would
allow at least an hour apart between one session and the next.
(I know you are a popular girl but don't burn yourself out trying to please
everyone) Take a lesson from ladies that come on here and burn out and
are gone in just a couple months because they tried to overdo it.

Happens for different reasons, some see all the money they are making
and don't consider the burnout cost, others try and please everyone by
seeing more than they should.
Take care of yourself first and foremost above all else.

There is no chance of a bad review if someone can't show up on time and
you have to cancel, because he never saw you and it's not a NCNS ether, it's
because some dumbass didn't start soon enough to get there on time.

The only real way to do review specials is to give the discount on the next
session after he writes a review, not on one before a review is written,
jerks will take advantage when you do it that way. Just make sure you let
this be known before hand, you need to post it somewhere probably.

If a guy books for 30 min and it is getting that time just be polite and tell him in a
polite way that you need to finish up. No respectable guy will have a problem with that
and it's not a rush session if he booked for 30min and he has been there 30min.

Lastly. Why aren't you on P411 yet??? You will find the best most respectable clients
on there I think. Some guys use it exclusively.

PS. Believe me, everyone already knows that you are a super cool chick.
If some dude proves to be a jerk don't put up with it, no one else will
slight you for that.
I just saw her. She's an amazing lady. Very beautiful, means very well. Eager to please, she explained to me what has been happening. I told her like Davidfree sort of said. There are definitely a lot of good guys on this site. But there are a handful of A-holes. She may not be a clockwatcher per-se' but i try to be when im with a provider.

You guys need to see this girl before she leaves. She's a beauty. enjoy
@Brian, I understand your pain as well. I ADORE punctuality, turns me on really.
Just know this, I will ALWAYS be ready when I've commited to a session. My business and customer service background allows me to manage myself well while totally catering to the needs of my friends. We all have "real life" things that come up, and I understand! Just don't fail to realize that one person can throw off several others, its the domino effect!

@Richard...yesssss! Exactly! I have an amazing personality, but it does aggravate me and throws off the session when people can't follow through with what they agreed to. When I get ready, I GET READY! Imagine the let down and disappointment I feel when someone has a wardrobe request and how they'd like our time to go, I prepare myself and get worked up, only to be waiting, or worse: he never shows.

I know you fellas deal with a lot too in the reverse kind of way.

I'm taking notes and kicking people of my island. LOL
Thank you Brian, I appreciate our talk

...and thank you everyone for listening and offering wisdom to a rehashed topic. It's new for me, but I know I'm definitely not the only one who experiences this!
@bolujay...yes, I agree, I DON'T schedule closely together...I absolutely DO leave at least an hour in between(leaving cushion for resting, errands, and obviously: people with poor time management).
I am doing just that, implementing a cut off time. I just don't see any other way to keep life organized if I don't. I only visit with less than a it shouldn't be so difficult!