Thought-provoking, entertaining and on-topic: Women Drivers !!

CG2014's Avatar
I am just doing what the description of this forum is telling us to do:

Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

In this next video, starting at aroound the 5:30 mark and continuing for over 4 minutes until the end of the video, a fat black woman and a fat white woman are fighting for position at the entrance to the Taco Bell drive through - arguing over who got there first.

When you are fat and you are getting uncontrollable cravings to make a run for the border, nothing is going to get in between you and them cheap made with sawdust faux beef tacos, not even another fat woman in a 3000 lbs. car.

The first scene in this next video.

They either are driving their daddy's car or they were sugar babies.

They don't even know how to open the hood on a car!

Plus that's a Ferrari.

They look too young to be able to afford a Ferrari on their own.

I was at Race Trac one day and this cute girl, not older than 18, in a $80,000 Mercedes came up to me asking for help.

She didn't know how to open the gas cover on the side of the car.

So I did it for her and returned to my car.

She came back up and needed more help:

she didn't know how to get the gas pump on and put gas in the car.

I asked her if she paid in cash inside already or did she had a credit card and she said she had no credit card and she hadn't paid.

I helped her get the gas pump going after I took her inside to let her pay for her gas and then I left.

I hope she was able to figure out how to put the gas nozzle back and the gas cap back on the car.
Bflexible's Avatar
CG2014's Avatar
berkleigh's Avatar
Ugh Dallas Drivers are the WORST!!!! Austin is coming right behind with all the traffic they have down there!

I've been in 2 car accidents in the past 2 1/2 years!

NEITHER WERE MY FAULT and they were both around FRISCO!!!

The first was a 17 yr old drunk driver who got her shoe caught in the pedal and accelerated in the mall parking lot!

Thanks to her, I increased my policy limits in case it happened again...and guess literally happened not even 24 hours after I settled!!!

You can't make this up.

The second was not my fault either...just idiots on the phone, following too closely, during rush hour, on a Friday...Friday the 13th actually, close to Frisco on 121!!!
And of course the guy who hit me is not from our country nor does he speak our language very well so that was fun to deal with.

Thankfully, I have an amazing attorney, a great team of doctors to treat me and lots of damn insurance.

My anxiety on the Dallas Highways is at an all time high now just being cautious of the people around me.

It's probably time for me to get a driver or just UBER everywhere.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Ugh Dallas Drivers are the WORST!!!!

My anxiety on the Dallas Highways is at an all time high now just being cautious of the people around me.
Originally Posted by berkleigh
Preach it!!

When driving on 635 or DNT, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't say....what the fuck? Why? Among other pleasantries.

I'm not sure why people think it's only women drivers that drive badly. I'm 47 and have had only.3 minor accidents since I was 16 and a couple of traffic tickets.