Non me-ism Thread of Topics I've Pondered

  • T-Can
  • 05-30-2010, 08:42 AM
*Disclaimer - Most of this is utter BS but we can all assume it is true because it makes it more dramatic. Also, I apologize for speaking of myself in third person but it’s just so fun. *giggles*

So ol’ CanDo01ooeeee was lonely last night and had a lot on his mind - specifically, questions wondering about what providers thought about ol’ CanDo01oooeeeee and what he “can do”(hehe) to make himself more appealing because right now it’s not working - I’ve had the phone slammed in my face, door slammed in my face, spat on, softball bat attack(ouch), asphyxiated, slapped really hard, chased by pimps, beaten by pimps, solicited by pimps(I can be sexy sometimes *giggles*), self esteem drop kicked to the ground, etc….I’m just getting tired of it.

So below I’ve put some topics that could help me and possibly any hobbyist (so the thread won’t just be about me *giggles*) become more appealing. Just need everyone’s input on which topic should be discussed first.

A. Should I go back to my old avatar because my current avatar is creepy and is scaring away providers? Do avatars matter?

B. Do providers like kissing me after I’ve eaten popcorn? I was looking for a super hot session after I see the Eclipse of the Twilight Saga. Is popcorn a nuisance?

C. How can I make myself as cool as Neotek and how do I turn my place into a ninja kitties dojo? Enough said

D. How do I get fubar’s seventh sense of pimp detecting? My senses only go as far as a sixth sense where I can sense when squirrels are depressed.

E. I think the Mods should hand out PWI’s, do you?

F. Can my ATF be someone else’s ATF and still be considered my ATF and how would the provider look at her ATF status from the hobbyists who look at her as an ATF if her ATF hobbyist has a different ATF especially from who I consider my ATF? It could get complicated.

Those are questions ol’ CanDo01ooooeeee pondered last night while alone. (review to follow)

I appreciate your input and I hope y'all get this.
LMAO gawd love ya. Go get laid. You CanDo0 it! hehe
curiousbill101's Avatar
Freckin funny shit!

+1 to c, d, and e!

Hey...I thought Neotek was your ATF? Haha!
Post of the year!!!
A. Should I go back to my old avatar because my current avatar is creepy and is scaring away providers? Do avatars matter? Yes. Change it. The providers are assuming you are of Asian descent and therefore not 'packing'. See question 'C' and the 'Shattered Fantasy' thread. The only reason I decided to see Neotek was because I was under the impression that he was made of steel and rage. Avatars are everything!

B. Do providers like kissing me after I’ve eaten popcorn? I was looking for a super hot session after I see the Eclipse of the Twilight Saga. Is popcorn a nuisance? Only during DATY is it a nuisance. Bring a floss n' toss. No big whoop.

C. How can I make myself as cool as Neotek and how do I turn my place into a ninja kitties dojo? No one can be as cool as Neotek without hurting themselves, but that's sweet of you to try. What kind of pets do you have? Perhaps you could do a Kung Fu Guppy Meditation Room? A Sumo Puppy Pinnacle Chamber? The possibilities are endless.

D. How do I get fubar’s seventh sense of pimp detecting? My senses only go as far as a sixth sense where I can sense when squirrels are depressed. Pimp detection takes years and years of practice. The secret is in the fubar kimono, but I have been sworn not to reveal it's starfish virginity is on the line. Fubar is a professional, folks. That's all you need to know for now. Just let him do his job....

E. I think the Mods should hand out PWI’s, do you?
Nooooooo!! Reading posts such as those by 'Eddieflies' are what's keeping this place mildly entertaining!!

F. Can my ATF be someone else’s ATF and still be considered my ATF and how would the provider look at her ATF status from the hobbyists who look at her as an ATF if her ATF hobbyist has a different ATF especially from who I consider my ATF? It could get complicated.

You can have several ATF's. Just ask Brooke.

I appreciate your input and I hope y'all get this. Originally Posted by CanDo01
Noooooo...! The Lil Kim avatar stays dammit!
wow soo funny!! i love this thread!!
*Disclaimer: This reply is littered with as much and quite possibly more BS than the OP's post. What can I say? I'm in the mood to be a smartass. :P*

A. Yes. I feel repressed just looking at it. Personally, I judge a hobbyist quite harshly on his avatar choice. After all, it speaks volumes about his personality, intelligence quotient, and penis size. Your current avatar tells me that you are clearly above average in that second qualifier, but seriously deficient in the first and third. And, as we all know, size does matter.

B. By all means, indulge in your popcorn munching! Personally, I L-O-V-E finding presents in your teeth. It's like an added bonus! A kiss and a snack! *gag* Perhaps afterwards we can check our belly buttons for lint and knit a sweater.

C. Well, first you have to come up with an equally impressive handle. After all, even those that know nothing about him or his handle are impressed by the fact that it reminds us of the Matrix (and who doesn't love Neo?) and it ends in that super sexy hard K. Consonants are very masculine. Ask the Russians. Also, he has the ninja kitties dojo. That's a level of awesomeness all on its own, my friend.

D. I'm afraid that Fubar seems to harbor that secret fiercely. Even us providers are humbled by his pimp detecting abilities. Best to just pay your respects and move on. He doesn't seem to be in the market for an apprentice at the moment. And don't underestimate the usefulness of detecting depressed squirrels. After all, squirrels are quite likely to try to take you down with them should they decide to end it all. You sir, have the good fortune of being forewarned. Feel the power.

E. Absolutely. But come on, secretly we all love watching those train wrecks. Just accept it, and get your laughs. I know I do. Pass the popcorn?

F. I'm not touching that one with a ten-foot pole. My good humor only goes so far.

In all seriousness, thanks for the laugh. Started my day off right.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Its nice to be under Traci. Just enjoying the view.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Very clever all around!!!


(I don't have any equally clever answers for you, though!)

Lmao! this is so funny!

I like the avatar...keep it!

Eating popcorn while kissing is cool, just share!

Pimp sniffing is not as hard as you think..just observe and chuckle....damn you get chased and beat down by pimps........lmao!! get a pimp dictionary and fit in.

I have nothing to say about neotek, i haven't gotten an invite to see him......i sensed i said something to offend him at one of the gatherings.

ATF - I have acouple of ATF's that providers won't even go near....more meat for me! Yay!

Now this is a look at me thread that i could get into....(giggling)
TinMan's Avatar
"B" is a trick question. You can't watch the Twilight movies without growing a vagina.
Black Sedan's Avatar
*Disclaimer: This reply is littered with as much and quite possibly more BS than the OP's post. What can I say? I'm in the mood to be a smartass. :P*

A. Yes. I feel repressed just looking at it. Personally, I judge a hobbyist quite harshly on his avatar choice. After all, it speaks volumes about his personality, intelligence quotient, and penis size. Your current avatar tells me that you are clearly above average in that second qualifier, but seriously deficient in the first and third. And, as we all know, size does matter. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Thanks for wrapping in that one additional meme from the recent posts. We wouldn't want the posters who always drop a package size reminder to feel left out of the fun. Love it.

My avatar/handle says I like fine, yet understated, german engineering. I must ask the mods to change my handle to "Powder Blue Lamborghini" so I can be judged more accurately*. Being a douchey, narrow-minded tool, with no other redeeming physical qualities has always been a dream of mine!

*Actually had one cut me off yesterday in traffic on the Bush.
*Looks up at Black Sedan with doe eyes*

I just LOVE douchy, narrow-minded tools! Can I be your ATF? :P
loves to laugh