What would you do if you won $100 million?

faz's Avatar
  • faz
  • 06-14-2011, 09:09 PM
What would you do if you won $100 million?
Thats after taxes. All of $100 million is yours waiting to be spent.

I would do the obvious first: hire a lawyer, set up a trust, set up momma, pay the family debt & remain anonymous.

After all that ... I don't know what I would do. What would you do?
What would you do if you won $100 million? Originally Posted by faz
I'd have a hundred P411 OKs by then end of next week (I'm at 9 right now LOL).
After hiring a lawyer, set up a trust, pay the freakin taxes etc.

I'd pay off all my debts buy my kids cars, my daughter in law a good car, set up a trust for my grandsons, etc

I'd have to buy a ranch, furnish and build it up the way I want.....

once all set...

I would donate to the local food bank a portion every month to help with the budget.
JohnMacnab's Avatar
Buy a condo in a hi-rise in Houston, I fucking love Houston, and spend the winters here, and spend the summers in Africa.
id do the trust fund, and disappear
id probably go to a 3rd world country or maybe stay stateside, but id definately be investing a lot of my time helping the youth!!!
All the basics you mentioned...then

1) pay off my student loans(and the loans of my close friends and family)
2) get a boob job (I'd like to go from a B cup to a small D)
3) set a portion aside strictly to give out micro-loans to women in third world countries
4)buy or build a few modest but cozy homes all over the world and let my friends live in them rent free in exchange for maintenance of the properties with the understanding that I will show up anytime I damn well please
5) Give more $$$ and time to the causes I already support

Don't get me started daydreaming! LOL.
dwl318's Avatar
Well winning a 100 million would change my lifestyle that for darn sure. First order of the day would be to see all the providers on my wishlist of which there are about as many as days in a year. lol. then set up myself with a good IRA and live off the interest. and then one lucky provider would be come my sugar baby. heehehhee
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I would help pay down the deficit.
Mmmm buy a big house in the country with tons of land and bring home every single animal at every kill shelter in four states.
Give most of it to The Smile Train to assuage the guilt and then indulge my passions.
ElHombre's Avatar
Well to quote "Office Space"....Two chicks man!......
Build a house in the U.S. Virgin Islands, spend winters there and summers in Montana. Fly girls in as needed. BTW Munchmaster, your $100M will pay down .7% of the national debt.
  • PT4ME
  • 06-15-2011, 08:14 AM
BTW Munchmaster, your $100M will pay down .7% of the national debt. Originally Posted by IMAPACKIN

That's .7% more than I see a lot of other folk "virtually" donating. As for me,

#1 is buy a Ferrari
2- hire accountant
3- fire accountant for telling me I should not have purchased Ferrari first
4- (see #2)
5- call Charlie Sheen and ask him what's taking so long on that suitcase

Clear "to do list"............

go back to sleep and dream some more.

  • PT4ME
  • 06-15-2011, 08:24 AM
Ooooooooooooooops!!! "Deleted" (duplicate post)


Set up trust
Contact my bond broker
Invest heavily in Tax Free Munis at .05%
Live well off 5 Million a year in tax free income...
Nice boat, nice place in country, nice place in another country..probably somewhere in Central America.
Drink, Fish, Dive... blow the rest...