
Noticed a lot of new encounters getting a little too close to specific on locations lately.

None of us know who is lurking on here who doesn't agree with the hobby.

Our local ladies and touring ladies especially can't afford to have their locations burned.

Please try to stick to only directional type and very generic locations.

For example, West Omaha or Central Omaha. Honestly, I'd avoid downtown as a location entirely. Just my two cents.

Make those that are against the hobbies work harder, not easier.

We all know how hostile this area can be to the hobby.

It's political season, it's prime time to get "tough" on the hobby, and maybe have a well timed politically human trafficking operation to make those in elected positions look good to potential voters.

We need to tighten up our encounters and stick to the vaguest locations possible.

We can't be sloppy and list intersections or nearby interstates.

The ladies see the results before we do.

I can think of at least one formerly popular incall that instituted measures meant to limit access to guests under the guise of issues with neighboring businesses.

That's the cost of being sloppy with your encounter locations gents. Seriously, if the mods want to chime in that they don't need anything terribly specific to accept an encounter. Then, maybe they can give some specific guidance on how vague we can be.

I could easily change the location to West Omaha on many recent encounters and we'd all get enough of an idea of what part of town we might be traveling to.

Politicians and LE are all in on fighting the hobby.

Why should any of us want to make their jobs easier?

All it takes is an uppity manager for a location to get burned if they think stuff like the hobby is going on in their business.

We've seen that in television and print media many times in the past year pushing the "human trafficking" narrative while completely ignoring labor trafficking in favor of the hot topic du jour.

Rant over, stepping down from my soap box.

Gents, it's on you now.

Ladies, do your part and remind encounters that vague locations like West Omaha are as specific as it needs to get.
Couldn't agree more, and even though some people might say I72 and 50th street have several hotels, why give LE a general idea where people are located? Easier to set a sting at 5 hotels than 100.

Same goes for someone new looking at where to stay. General location OK, specifics need to be given in a private message.
IQ160's Avatar
  • IQ160
  • 09-25-2018, 09:09 PM
Unfortunately, some of our mods, especially those in other regions, will not approve encounter reports without more specific locations. I think major intersections are going to be the minimum required for an approved review unless a specific mandate to allow a regional location is sent to mods.
Strange, every single one of my reviews is approved with nothing more than my example locations listed above.

If I can get approved every time there is absolutely no reason for intersections or interstates in any reviews in this area by anyone posting an encounter.

I get other areas, but even other cities approve routinely with generic locations like Airport area or North KC for example.
I agree with Tank. I try to be vague most of the time. I may have been to specific when I put down for my location “not by a Walmart”.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Farmstud, this just seems like utter common sense to me. Specifying street/intersection just make it more difficult for providers to well, provide. I know I wouldn't return to an incall location again if I had received reviews stating my location. :-/

Like you said, a lot easier to set up something on a small group than an entire section of town.
Unfortunately, some of our mods, especially those in other regions, will not approve encounter reports without more specific locations. I think major intersections are going to be the minimum required for an approved review unless a specific mandate to allow a regional location is sent to mods. Originally Posted by IQ160
That is not how we operate in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska, so your assessment is not accurate locally. Being vauge is acceptable. I could care less where you meet someone.

Proper, working links, accurate physical descriptions and more details for the ROS are much more important in my opinion.