Predator booking vanilla sessions and then switching to BDSM

There is a gentleman threatening to write a bad review on me because I do not feel safe honoring his appointment.

everyone in this community knows I do not or have I ever offer any type of BDSM session.

Every type of session I have ever offered has been written about.

This man is threatening me saying he will report me to you all for theft saying I'm stealing his deposit because I will not go through this appointment.

This is after he booked a vanilla session but try to switch it to BDSM.

I will not allow this type of slander to my business.

and if this is a type of gentleman you support here please let me know because he thinks that he has your community support.

It is assault to try and force unwanted BDSM on to someone

and yes I do have this person's information if I need to report it to a moderator or any of the ladies

Everyone have a good day and thanks for your time
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Is this something this board now supports? I don't think there's anything funny about this at all
my review going great detail what I offer and I will not have someone bullying me and trying to say that things about me because I will not do what they want

I am so sick of these predators in the community think they have control over ladies all because of the scare tactics of writing a bad review

that is not what a review board is supposed to be it is not supposed to be people supporting guys who are trying to assault people

and doing something against someone's will or without consent is exactly what that is
No one should be scared into doing things because of bad reviews what kind of sick crap is that I am so sick of this crap
for any guys that agree with him or think this is funny or comical shame on you we know that you were also blacklisted as well
You don't have to like my business model or that I no longer engage in review but I will not be bullied by men online
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 02-13-2021, 10:09 AM
It's good to get ahead of things and the info out there in case a review does come out. At least that way people get the gist of why a no review may exist.

Gaming this site in an effort to make people look bad or legit based on lies shouldn't be tolerated.

Not sure what's to come of it, but contacting a mod might be a good call as long as evidence is provided. If it was me, I would make an alert to other ladies as well.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Get used to it. There are plenty of guys that threaten bad reviews or worse if you do not do what they want (BDSM, BBFS, more time for free, ect.). Many of those guys call themselves the king of reviewers, say their word is gold or whatever to try to get providers, especially ones new to the scene, to give in to their demands.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ben dover's Avatar
I wouldn't worry even if he did write a bad review, you have all Yes reviews and his review would be obvious bullshit.
ben dover's Avatar
Love your photos by the way!!
Pangolier's Avatar
Seems to me like refunding the deposit would be a lot easier than the amount of headache and time it may cost to fight contested reviews and questionable accusations. Maybe it boils down to: is the amount of the deposit really worth all of the time and trouble?

Now if he's making other kinds of threats, such as those of violence, then there's probably another route you need to take aside from posting on this board.
myren1900's Avatar

With your great reputation and fantastic looks you do NOT have to worry about one negative review from an idiot who does not respect your boundaries.

I am a vanilla kind of guy, so I like to be covered by chocolate

Boredinop's Avatar
Seems to me like refunding the deposit would be a lot easier than the amount of headache and time it may cost to fight contested reviews and questionable accusations. Maybe it boils down to: is the amount of the deposit really worth all of the time and trouble?

Now if he's making other kinds of threats, such as those of violence, then there's probably another route you need to take aside from posting on this board. Originally Posted by Pangolier
Agree just refund his deposit and move on.