No Show With Ella The Elf

jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 03-14-2011, 07:42 PM
Just had a disappointing experience with Elf Ella.

I was excited to see on BP that they're back in town and in particular was very excited about seeing Ella. I've long lusted after her so I called this morning and made an evening appt. She was friendly and we made our arrangements for 8:00 p.m.

So, I called at 7:15 before setting out to the Plaza to confirm our appt and she gave me the name and location of her hotel. She still sounded OK with our meeting. At 7:50, I called once again and told her I was outside her hotel and asked for room #. She explained she wasn't quite ready and to give her a few minutes and she would call me back.

I started to get a sinking feeling. A 4-call system? Each time I had called, she answered right away so I didn't get the sense she was with a client. Anyway, she texted me at 8:00 and apologized but she was cancelling our appt. and suggested I might try again tomorrow. The reason? Something came up.

Hmmm...OK. Really disappointing and a little strange. It would have been nice if she had told me at 7:15 there may be a problem so I wouldn't have wasted a drive and time. I don't really know what could have transpired between 7:50 and 8:00 to cause her to cancel. Oh I know, I know, just about anything including possibly a double booking.

I had heard Ella was the most business conscious of all the Elves and prided herself on customer service. For all she knew, I may have been planning on spending quite a bit with the Elves on this trip. Not now. I'm not real mad but certainly disappointed about the missed opportunity. I just can't see making arrangements again and taking the chance for another problem.

I know it's customary to wait a day or 2 to allow the lady a chance to explain her actions but she pretty much already explained in her text. I hope they do good business while they're here because I know a lot of guys like them but I think I'll spend my money with the local ladies.
lakecat's Avatar
Sorry to hear that, she was on my list. But how they handle their business is important to me. Why deal with drama and hassle if you don't have to? I understand Ella is usually pretty good, but she is only 19 I believe.
bartipero's Avatar
If something did 'come up' she could have called, explained the situation, and found a time right on the spot or set a time to do that and then followed up. This is beyond rude. Manners run both ways. I say scratch her off the list absent making it up to you with her taking the initiative. That's how it was handled with me with someone worth it. It demonstrates mutual value and respect. Personally, I would even accept 'a bigger fish came along' explanation (not excuse) if that was the case. I wouldn't expect someone to lose out, but that's a closer call.
alterego1's Avatar
Bummer. I was going to set up an appt Friday but forget it now. I need certainty.
Just had a disappointing experience with Elf Ella.

I was excited to see on BP that they're back in town and in particular was very excited about seeing Ella. I've long lusted after her so I called this morning and made an evening appt. She was friendly and we made our arrangements for 8:00 p.m.

So, I called at 7:15 before setting out to the Plaza to confirm our appt and she gave me the name and location of her hotel. She still sounded OK with our meeting. At 7:50, I called once again and told her I was outside her hotel and asked for room #. She explained she wasn't quite ready and to give her a few minutes and she would call me back.

I started to get a sinking feeling. A 4-call system? Each time I had called, she answered right away so I didn't get the sense she was with a client. Anyway, she texted me at 8:00 and apologized but she was cancelling our appt. and suggested I might try again tomorrow. The reason? Something came up.

Hmmm...OK. Really disappointing and a little strange. It would have been nice if she had told me at 7:15 there may be a problem so I wouldn't have wasted a drive and time. I don't really know what could have transpired between 7:50 and 8:00 to cause her to cancel. Oh I know, I know, just about anything including possibly a double booking.

I had heard Ella was the most business conscious of all the Elves and prided herself on customer service. For all she knew, I may have been planning on spending quite a bit with the Elves on this trip. Not now. I'm not real mad but certainly disappointed about the missed opportunity. I just can't see making arrangements again and taking the chance for another problem.

I know it's customary to wait a day or 2 to allow the lady a chance to explain her actions but she pretty much already explained in her text. I hope they do good business while they're here because I know a lot of guys like them but I think I'll spend my money with the local ladies. Originally Posted by janwalshs
Do ya happen to be of the darker human variety? :-)
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 03-15-2011, 12:21 AM
Do ya happen to be of the darker human variety? :-) Originally Posted by royamcr
No, I'm not. She didn't even see me as I never got inside the hotel.
Kaboom's Avatar
It seems they've really fallen off after their wonderful debut some months ago.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 03-15-2011, 06:27 AM
Do ya happen to be of the darker human variety? :-) Originally Posted by royamcr
Why do you say (think) so? Can you explain?
Omahan's Avatar
Something has really gone wrong with this agency. Too bad.
Maybe its the agency, maybe its the girls. They are quite young and young ladies like to have fun, hang out with their friends, burn any money that's in their pockets, etc. You know the story.

Very few young ladies in this business have their heads on straight when it comes to running this like a business.

Sometime's a matter of.......too much too fast.
Maybe its the agency, maybe its the girls. They are quite young and young ladies like to have fun, hang out with their friends, burn any money that's in their pockets, etc. You know the story.

Very few young ladies in this business have their heads on straight when it comes to running this like a business.

Sometime's a matter of.......too much too fast. Originally Posted by MsElena
Makes sense. They know there are a bunch of older guys licking their
chops in KC. They probably blow off a good chunk of business but have
plenty more waiting. There is no incentive to improve unless they are held accountable for their poor service. Forums like this can correct this problem.
If Ella cancelled , there is a reason, to go about it this way is simply misleading to others. We have tried to maintain a steady business in KC however other agencies listed on this board have attempted to force us out with tactics that are simply pathetic. There should be some honor in this business, however there will always be those who use "pimp tactics" to gain the upper hand in business.
Ella in this case had her reasons for cancelling, I will not join in the tactics of others, nor will I accuse anyone directly as that would not be proper. I will say that if anyone would call Ella unprofessional without first finding out the exact reasons for her cancellation, then I would question their motives. Ella has proven countless times to be one of the very few young ladies at 20yrs old who is very professional in all that she does. Her reputation and services are second to none and her reviews in over 10 different states speak for themselves. The only thing that postings such as this and bandwagon jumpers will ensure is that Ella has to decide if she wants to continue to visit the KC area and risk more damage to her very impressive record. I can simply offer that you remember, every story has 2 sides. I am not stating the OP is a liar, however Elves , especially Ella do things to protect their clients from a bad situation, Ella may have very well kept this client as she has kept others in the past, from ending up on the nightly news. With business in 18 states, we are the only national management company who can HONESTLY state that we have NEVER had a provider arrested, we will continue to ensure this as best we can, if that means cancelling an appointment, then we will advise the Elves to continue to do so and support them every step of the way.
Why do you say (think) so? Can you explain? Originally Posted by modda
There is a New Orleans thread about a cancellation when a black guy was viewed through a peephole...
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 03-15-2011, 12:01 PM
If Ella cancelled , there is a reason, to go about it this way is simply misleading to others. We have tried to maintain a steady business in KC however other agencies listed on this board have attempted to force us out with tactics that are simply pathetic. There should be some honor in this business, however there will always be those who use "pimp tactics" to gain the upper hand in business.
Ella in this case had her reasons for cancelling, I will not join in the tactics of others, nor will I accuse anyone directly as that would not be proper. I will say that if anyone would call Ella unprofessional without first finding out the exact reasons for her cancellation, then I would question their motives. Ella has proven countless times to be one of the very few young ladies at 20yrs old who is very professional in all that she does. Her reputation and services are second to none and her reviews in over 10 different states speak for themselves. The only thing that postings such as this and bandwagon jumpers will ensure is that Ella has to decide if she wants to continue to visit the KC area and risk more damage to her very impressive record. I can simply offer that you remember, every story has 2 sides. I am not stating the OP is a liar, however Elves , especially Ella do things to protect their clients from a bad situation, Ella may have very well kept this client as she has kept others in the past, from ending up on the nightly news. With business in 18 states, we are the only national management company who can HONESTLY state that we have NEVER had a provider arrested, we will continue to ensure this as best we can, if that means cancelling an appointment, then we will advise the Elves to continue to do so and support them every step of the way. Originally Posted by thegfegirls
Your 1st paragraph is rather bizarre, essentially defending Ella's behavior by accusing others of "pimp tactics" and other strongarm methods. I instead saw a lot of responses expressing concern about an NC/NS situation, not a conspiracy to destroy the elves.

Also, you claim every story has 2 sides, well, I would love to hear Ella's response directly about this matter. As I stated in my OP, she does have a good record here, which is one of the reasons I wanted to see her. She seemed like a young lady with a good head on her shoulders. I'm perfectly willing to hear her side. I'm sure others here would also.

BTW, I don't think it invokes much confidence in your visit here to imply that LE may have been the reason for her cancellation. If you read my post thoroughly, my communication with Ella was fine at 7:15, with no hints of problems, fine at 7:50 with no hints of problems, and then I got her cancellation text at 8:00 with no real excuse.

As I stated earlier, her text was polite and she offered to reschedule but as I had already wasted an evening and resources, I was not inclined to try again. This sort of thing is unfortunately, way too commonplace in the hobby, and as evidenced by the response here, clients are getting sick of it.

Once again, I'm sure we all would welcome a response from Ella herself. I, for one, don't think badly of her. I wished her and the Elves well in my earlier post and I still hope they do well here in KC. I think we have a right though to bring out in the open, any questionable business practices from her and any other provider.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 03-15-2011, 12:15 PM
There is a New Orleans thread about a cancellation when a black guy was viewed through a peephole... Originally Posted by royamcr
Thank you....pls check your PM.