Why is it? Your thoughts......

I've seen this happen on multiple occasions and I'm bemused at why whenever some providers get an unfavorable review or an alert they try to fall back on the "I've got a stalker story"? Providers feel free to chime in here.

I've seen it happen on multiple occasions and seldom is it the truth! So why not just own up to it, instead of trying to concoct a story? I understand that yes the possibility exists of being stalked and on rare occasions it does happen but your kind of shooting yourself in the foot by crying wolf.
I am certain it can happen by clients, relatives of clients, or someone the provider thought was a friend; and it can certainly be a serious and potentially dangerous situation when it does occur. I have no real expertise to even guess how common, or rare, it might be. When somebody offers that up as a reason for their otherwise questionable behavior, it could be difficult to tell whether it is the truth, or a convenient excuse. Barring some solid reason for reaching a conclusion, I would just let the reputation of the provider speak for itself.
There are several words that draw sympathy, condemnation of the accused, and a huge outpouring of support: Stalker, Fear, Crazy, Abuse, Weird, Obsessive, etc. These words are usually met with immediate support as nobody wants to be considered insensitive, not to mention the White Knight Syndrome, and the words, when used as accusations, are often automatically assumed to be true and in some cases they actually are . You can be assured that those who resort to using these scare/sympathy tactics are well-versed, and experienced, in the use of the words and the desired effects from leveling the accusations. The accusations are often used to mask or (premptively) cover some offense that the accuser has commited. Hey, it works with the police, why not here.....
I am not naive enough to believe that occasionally a provider might concoct a story for cover.

I am also not naive enough to know that more than a few "clients" are blatant misogynists, a bit damaged, and if they did not pay someone, could not get laid on any good day.

There are a host of reasons to make "friends" in this hobby and for many it is the last resort to be able to exercise what is viewed as some kind of warped "buying power and control." Then you write a review of all the things you did to someone not what you experienced with your partner. All of your voyeur friends get to read the bull shit and you get to get into your pickup with your guns and feel like a man.

If you are even hinting about Allie Kat you should go take a shower in shame.
Redwolf's Avatar
If you are even hinting about Allie Kat you should go take a shower in shame. Originally Posted by catnipdipper

The OP spoke of girls who claim 'stalker' precisely to cover a bad review that they have received. Allie Kat has not received a bad review before, definitely not recently.

This is the OP's most current review.

Bad review & girl interrupting the review thread
Sens55's Avatar
Don't hold back CN. Tell us what you really think....
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 04-01-2011, 09:05 AM
I am not naive enough to believe that occasionally a provider might concoct a story for cover.

I am also not naive enough to know that more than a few "clients" are blatant misogynists, a bit damaged, and if they did not pay someone, could not get laid on any good day.

There are a host of reasons to make "friends" in this hobby and for many it is the last resort to be able to exercise what is viewed as some kind of warped "buying power and control." Then you write a review of all the things you did to someone not what you experienced with your partner. All of your voyeur friends get to read the bull shit and you get to get into your pickup with your guns and feel like a man.

If you are even hinting about Allie Kat you should go take a shower in shame. Originally Posted by catnipdipper

Cool down CN...I think you missed some links...don't draw your own conclusions too fast. OP is not at all talking about A.K (Allie Kat), check his history of threads and you will know who he is talking about.

In fact I read what the provider (in question) has posted in one of his review (before mod removed the text). He has a valid point.
lakecat's Avatar
This seems to be a pretty common occurence, I've noticed it in the Dallas, Oklahoma and other threads where a provider either responds to a poor review with a stalker claim or even prempts it. Usually a he said/she said deal, but as they say, there's usually 3 sides to a story, her side, his side and the truth. Just another part of the puzzle as you're determining where to spend your hard earned money in this service industry.