Interesting Article About a New Dating Site

Just when I thought I saw everything...

This just looks like instant trouble, simply add water.
Trouble . . . with a capital "T", And that rhymes with "P", and that stands for prosecution. I wouldn't give them any information you don't want revealed by subpoena.

They're probably incorporated offshore, but they'll eventually catch a case . . . the crap people think up and then spend good money on . . . the guy that owns this also is responsible for, which is highly rumored to be suffering through a cooperative multi-state investigation for facilitating. A young lady I know personally and I am friends with used that site and was interviewed by her State's AG's office three weeks after joining. Gentlemen have reported connecting with decoys there via email or private message and after setting up a meeting and giving cursory identifying information they have had investigators show up at their door . . not something you'd want to explain to the wife and kids . . .

It appears to me like he's going to push back with more and more controversial Websites using every grey area of the law he can find and run and claim 230 immunity (click).


- Jackie
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 04-07-2011, 05:36 PM
I'll go setup my "attractive" account now. I'm sure I'll get a bunch of bites
KCQuestor's Avatar
How is that different from Seeking Arrangements or Sugar Daddy 4 Me?
How is that different from Seeking Arrangements or Sugar Daddy 4 Me? Originally Posted by KCQuestor
They're not all that much different and I beleive a lot of them have common (or related) ownership. The biggest difference with this new Website is that it really pushes remuneration for the date, the first meeting - where the others aren't so overt with the "price" of an introduction. Sugar Daddy Dating and Info Stream, Inc. are common corporate entities for several of the Websites even though they may be listed as being incorporated individually via their published contact information. I did make an error in my previous posting, it should read, not (as being owned by the same entity as Brandon Wade (rumored to be an alias - or what he changed his name to . . ) is the person behind a lot of (if not the majority of) the Websites in this genre. Here is his company's YouTube channel.

Of course, these Websites all exploit the "230 loophole" and there's nothing wrong with that, but, eventually, if the various State AG's can't reign them in, MasterCard and Visa will take enough pressure that they'll change their merchant TOS (again, which they have been doing often) to try to stem the tide by basically eliminating their ability to process payments (this has been happening - credit card processing becoming more restrictive - within the adult industry, especially in the last eighteen months).


- Jackie