Interesting take on the 2020 election. Things do not look good for Trump

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  • 01-24-2019, 09:30 PM

This model predicted 42 seat gain in 2018 in July 2018.

Negative partisan brings out more voters for the party out of power.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They didn’t look good for Trump in 2016 either.
One thing the article said that I agree with.

“But then again, Trump isn’t just an ordinary President”
But the Republicans lost fewer seats than most off year elections.

The thing is most of the political pundits still have no clue why people voted for Trump. This means they don't have a clue how things will work. They also don't know how negative the Democrats primary election will probably be and how this could affect the actual nominee.
LexusLover's Avatar
They didn’t look good for Trump in 2016 either. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Or in 2015 ....

Or in late October 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since he walked down the stairs to his announcement all the Socialist-Liberal HillariousNoMore Lovers predicted his demise! Just like they keep repeating he will be kicked out of office.....or when they say "impeached" they mean that the House will "indict" him! Like Clinton?

Please do Pelosi ........... please piss off the next year with trying to pass "impeachment" allegations!

I suppose the Socialist-Liberal HillariousNoMore Lovers have some distorted, fucked up belief that if they keep repeating the garbage they spew the "deplorables" will finally agree with them and refuse to support the ALLEGED losing cause ...

so Harris will have a better chance!!!!!!!!!!

or Biden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or Cortez !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or "BEATO" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or Warren !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or HillariousNoMore !!!!!!!!!
Lapdog's Avatar
Or in 2015 ....

Or in late October 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since he walked down the stairs to his announcement all the Socialist-Liberal HillariousNoMore Lovers predicted his demise! Just like they keep repeating he will be kicked out of office.....or when they say "impeached" they mean that the House will "indict" him! Like Clinton?

Please do Pelosi ........... please piss off the next year with trying to pass "impeachment" allegations!

I suppose the Socialist-Liberal HillariousNoMore Lovers have some distorted, fucked up belief that if they keep repeating the garbage they spew the "deplorables" will finally agree with them and refuse to support the ALLEGED losing cause ...

so Harris will have a better chance!!!!!!!!!!

or Biden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or Cortez !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or "BEATO" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or Warren !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or HillariousNoMore !!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump's opposition in 2020 will come from within his own party. Hold me to it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump's opposition in 2020 will come from within his own party. Hold me to it. Originally Posted by Lapdog
He's a Democrat!

You're memory is unusually short ... or have you suppressed it?

As I have mentioned in another posting this week ....

The whimpering, blubber baby, Chuckie, asked Trump to sponsor a fund raiser at Trump's Florida digs for Little Chuckie's Campaign Fund!!!!!!!!!! AS A DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!!!!!

His policies have provided jobs (manufacturing) among the traditional Democratic Party base while the DNC is turning into the Do Nothing Committee consisting of Muslim-Socialists-Liberals. What the HillariousNoMore crowd DIDN'T HEAR were the manufacturing crowd saying we don't expect him to do it in one term (after all how many "terms" did it take Obaminable to get his socialized medicine on track?), but we will give him two terms to get it done!!!!!!!!)

The only way the Do Nothing Committee can win the White House or the Senate in 2020 is to get enough ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country signed up to vote to win the electoral college and stuff the ballot boxes in the Senate races. That's their motive and that's why they don't want a WALL NOW!!!!!!

The "Republicans" didn't elect Trump! The "Democrats" did. They will re-elect him.
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump's opposition in 2020 will come from within his own party. Hold me to it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah

He's a Democrat. I realize that's a difficult concept for the Socialist-Liberals to grasp, but all they can grasp at the moment are STRAWS .... "impeachment" .... "resistance" .... and bullshit. Repeating it daily doesn't make it true and doesn't make it happen. He's doing while the others are jabbering. But that's what he's good at doing, because he's been doing it for his lifetime.

That's why Chuckie Boy wanted his help to raise money. Is that why Chuckie Boy was blubbering!

No more help from The Man! Go look at Chuckie Boy in the photo op at the White House!!! Dejection!

Now Chuckie Boy is trying to cut a deal in the Senate and dropping Pelosi et al in the grease!
Lapdog's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah

He's a Democrat. I realize that's a difficult concept for the Socialist-Liberals to grasp, but all they can grasp at the moment are STRAWS .... "impeachment" .... "resistance" .... and bullshit. Repeating it daily doesn't make it true and doesn't make it happen. He's doing while the others are jabbering. But that's what he's good at doing, because he's been doing it for his lifetime.

That's why Chuckie Boy wanted his help to raise money. Is that why Chuckie Boy was blubbering!

No more help from The Man! Go look at Chuckie Boy in the photo op at the White House!!! Dejection!

Now Chuckie Boy is trying to cut a deal in the Senate and dropping Pelosi et al in the grease! Originally Posted by LexusLover
WHO is a Democrat? Who are you even talking about? I am saying that the Republican party will NOT front Trump in 2020. I am saying that the Republican party will front another candidate for the office of POTUS. Geez, LL. You really need to work on your reading comprehension.
I B Hankering's Avatar
WHO is a Democrat? Who are you even talking about? I am saying that the Republican party will NOT front Trump in 2020. I am saying that the Republican party will front another candidate for the office of POTUS. Geez, LL. You really need to work on your reading comprehension. Originally Posted by Lapdog

GOP sends message to challengers: It's Trump in 2020
RNC to express 'undivided support'

Posted: Jan 24, 2019 08:15 PM MST

(CNN) - Republican Party officials are delivering an unmistakable message as the 2020 campaign season begins: The GOP is the party of Trump.

The Republican National Committee is poised to express its "undivided support for President Donald J. Trump and his effective Presidency" as the committee's members conclude their annual winter meeting here on Friday. The resolution -- a symbolic yet unusual step -- is just the latest indication of GOP officials closing ranks around Trump.


Lapdog's Avatar
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Undivided support, my ass.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Undivided support, my ass. Originally Posted by Lapdog
The RNC is speaking for themselves, and your ass is speaking for you.
WHO is a Democrat? Who are you even talking about? I am saying that the Republican party will NOT front Trump in 2020. I am saying that the Republican party will front another candidate for the office of POTUS. Geez, LL. You really need to work on your reading comprehension. Originally Posted by Lapdog
The last sitting President that ran and lost in a two way race...JIM JIM...President Reagan...KICKED HIS ASS...and an A NEVER BEFORE OR SINCE record 49 STATE landslide of his VP four years later!!
P.S. In 1992 parrot gave slick willy the race...Bushs breaking his no new tax pledge didn't help him.
themystic's Avatar
The last sitting President that ran and lost in a two way race...JIM JIM...President Reagan...KICKED HIS ASS...and an A NEVER BEFORE OR SINCE record 49 STATE landslide of his VP four years later!!
P.S. In 1992 parrot gave slick willy the race...Bushs breaking his no new tax pledge didn't help him. Originally Posted by bb1961
Bush lost because honest Americans wont let a known liar serve two terms. Every Republican in the last 40 years has fucked over the working man while stuffing the pockets of the rich. Trump is just carrying on that tradition. The deplorables who supported him got fucked and no wall