Question for bi-providers: when did you know?

Fringe Hobbyist's Avatar
I've been curious: for providers that do doubles, was being bi something you knew you were before becoming a provider? Or was it something you learned about yourself after entering the hobby?
Something I had always had in the back of my head. But after becoming a provider and a certain blonde that knows how to take the ropes broke me in very nice!
i was always curious!!! -before experiencing it
now im just confused! -after experiencing it
date a a girl? how do i choose just one?
doubles are sooo much fun!!
GenesisNicole's Avatar
My first sexual experience EVER was with a girl, but didn't have sex (penetration) until I was 17.

I prefer to be with men, but can never turn down some fun with a lovely lady!

~Agreed, doubles are awesome.

Genesis Nicole
I actually experienced girls at a very young age. I had a very big breasted friend that may have influenced my desire for big boobs. I know my future is with a man but I knew I was always going to enjoy the taste of a woman.
rrrabbit's Avatar
I always knew I was by by.

Why else would I be seeking provider status ????

Do you feel me yet ?

knotty man's Avatar
ever since i found this site ive been "buy" sexual
Kind of a weird question for some of the providers. Some of them I have met are dyed in the wool lesbians and pretend to like guys, FOR THE MONEY!
Fringe Hobbyist's Avatar
ever since i found this site ive been "buy" sexual Originally Posted by knotty man
Well played :-)
Anyways, lol, I was bi curious in high school but never acted on it til I was in early 20's. And to this date I have only been with 4 females in my life. One of which in fact is my favorite and she knows who she is !!! =) Best lickin I eva had ! Thats for dayum sho !
I never thought of being with a woman until I was a waitress at BDD and a dancer names Amy cornered me and taught me why being with a woman is so much fun! Now I am VERY bisexual!!! I love the taste, feel and kiss of a sexy woman!