On the subject of payment...

I have read a few threads on payment lately and have a question for everyone on the subject of payment methods. How to you like to be paid? I know, most people prefer cash but there are some who use various cards (ex. green dot), accept credit cards, paypal, and coins. I'm asking about the payment methods, preference, pros and cons.

What do you really prefer? What is easiest for you? Providers and Hobbyists, is there a method you wish you could use but are prevented from doing so? What are some of the less conventional methods? For instance, cash is wonderful but I also accept coins. No, that doesn't mean that you can bring me a sack of nickles but I do accept copper, silver and gold coins. I love the coins because I can save them and they increase in value. Not for every session but they are really nice to get.

If you prefer a less conventional method, why? How does it work? And etc. I really am curious and I'm hoping to learn something here.
I always prefer cash because most other methods it seems require some sort of verification to make sure there actually IS money on that visa gift card, etc. One unconventional thing I was asked before was would it be okay if I were paid in gold or silver, (since I don't know what silver/gold is worth by looking at it), with that and other requests for alternate payment I respond that that would be a great tip if you would like to tip but payment needs to be cash.

I do know some girls accept credit cards but I think this is rare since there is a record of the transactions. The only time I have taken anything other than cash is when a client forgot the envelope at home. I told him that he could pay a couple of my bills online with his card and we did it right there before he left.

Some girls may accept tho, I think that would be your best bet since the payment cant be reversed like a cc. With regulars that I trust I would consider alternate forms of payment if that was best for them but the great majority of the time I personally would say cash only.
All good points, Katie. I have always stuck with cash and some coin but I have no idea how the cards work. Then I heard there are some ladies who accept Pay pal and wondered if that didn't have it's own pitfalls and how they would manage that. All this is in purely hypothetical situations, of course.

Thanks for the response!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm open to all sorts of different alternatives although I prefer cash.

I've bartered in the past and it's worked out for the most part. Generally, it works out beautifully (there was one exception and you know who you are!). But it needs to be something that I sincerely want or need.

Otherwise, I won't accept Paypal because if they find out that something isn't on the up and up, they'll freeze your account. Read paypalsucks.com

I have a Square and "could" accept credit cards now as we speak. I just haven't taken the plunge yet.

I've accepted gift cards plenty of times and that's never been a problem. Although I would suggest calling for the balance while the man sits there and you play with his cock while dialing the number!

Otherwise, it's a good question. I know that bartering is REALLY frowned upon from reading previous topics on the subject. But I encourage it and am always open to suggestions.

I've bartered for plumbing work, computers, firewood, tech work and various sundry things. I'd be VERY open to bartering for a reasonable vehicle at this time if anyone is reading this and has any suggestions. I'm also in the market for a new washing machine for my incall. (hint!!)

Good topic! Again, cash works the best, probably. Always. But why not explore other options if a situation comes up?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Although I would suggest calling for the balance while the man sits there and you play with his cock while dialing the number! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I wish more providers thought as creatively as this, on both the acceptance and verification method! (I once had a provider tell me she had to take a call as the session started, and she actually gave me a BJ while conducting the conversation! But that's a topic for another thread.)

I've long maintained that it's a lot easier to hide a $200 gift-card purchase at Wal-Mart or Lowe's on a credit card than it is to hide a $200 ATM withdrawal. (I know some people disdain Wal-Mart, but you everybody's gotta buy groceries and gas, and the cards are good at Sam's, too.) This is probably a better option for repeat or regular clients, but the provider should still operate on the trust-but-verify principle.

OTOH, if more providers took gift cards, my Visa balance would be up against the limit, so maybe it's a good thing.
smart move Dharma. collect all the US Gold and Silver coins you can afford. keep in a safe place and not in a bank. this is the most pratical way the individual can perserve his/her wealth. just never go into debt to aquire them. keep in mind, these coins are not really going up in value, the dollar in simply declining in value.
That's good advice, Mayday. In this economy, I've found that being flexible is only going to benefit me. I've stayed busy so that tells me it's working. The decline in the value of a dollar is what prompted me to acquire coinage in the first place.
Due to the downturned economy, I have had to get resourceful, on the method of payments I accept. I too have the "square" cc'.s machine, and I must say it was very easy and hassel free to use. All you have to do is download the square app. to your smart phone, and then set up your account online. You need to provide a name for your business, and provide your bank acct. number for your $$ to go to. I thought it was going to be sooo complicated but it was easy. you run the customers card thru your square reader, and have the customer sign your cell phone screen with his finger, and then you ask where he wants his reciept to go. He will either give you his e-mail address or opt out for no reciept. I then have the customer sign a paper disclaimer concerning chargebacks and such. Works well for me...Been using it for a couple of months. There is no monthly fee, and it is just 2.75% per swipe and 3.75% per manual entry.Money goes in your bank next day if done before 5pm. and you get an e-mail RIGHT AWAY on your computer displaying the transaction #.
I prefer cash, but I will take gift cards, wal-mart cards, sometimes bosses give employees amex. cards, and I take those, I take restraunt cards as I eat out almost daily. And once in a while I barter for certain items I want or need...Oh Gas cards are ok too...
In this economy we have to tend to be flexable if we want to gain and keep business...Melissa012
KenMonk's Avatar
If you want to blame the economy for accepting different forms of payment, i would like to blame it on why I can't see a lady daily. Prices are lowered during a down economy, why would a payment method change?
pyramider's Avatar
A couple of problems with gift cards:

1. The lady cannot pay her incall expenses with a gift card.

2. Douche bag fucktards get the card and "forget" to load them, and the lady is shorted.
Pryamider...that is why you check the giftcard prior the session. I always just tell the gentlemen to please let me call and get the "business" out of the way before the session. It is all in how you carry yourself that makes a client feel at ease... And KenMonk, I have been a provider for over 20+years, off and on, and I always accepted various forms of payment. Back in the day we even accepted CHECKS, but that was before so many people started frauding them..LOL I only meant that a lady who wants to market herself more, and make this HER BUSINESS, should look into alternative methods of payment..as well as various ways to market herself to Maximize her finances....And yes cutting prices is another way to keep revenu and gain customers...
KenMonk's Avatar
Checks?!?!?!? LOL... and I believe there was more of a risk in the "good ol'days" with checks than there is now. Most banks even allow for check verifcation, meaning you call the bank and they tell you if a check will clear. Some even have automated systems for this so it can be done 24/7.

Also guys can cancel gift cards after a session takes place. THey "lost it or it was stolen". On top of that the last thing I want to do when i walk in the door is hand over a gift card then wait while she calls the number.

Cash is king, just walk in place it on the dresser, i like to fan it out so visually the lady can see its all there.
I'm still hoping to convince my Doctor to give me a prescription for pussy. That way I can pay with my HSA account...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... (I know some people disdain Wal-Mart, but you everybody's gotta buy groceries and gas, and the cards are good at Sam's, too.) This is probably a better option for repeat or regular clients, but the provider should still operate on the trust-but-verify principle.

OTOH, if more providers took gift cards, my Visa balance would be up against the limit, so maybe it's a good thing. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I prefer practical gift cards and so if anyone reading this wishes to use a Walmart gift card in lieu of cash, I'm GREAT with it.
I agree with the post about a Kroger purchase vs ATM withdrawal. Providers who accept prepaid visa/MC are usually sought out by me. It gives me the flexibility to see you more if you accept it. But I do understand why many don't. If the donation is 160 for the hour I will give 200 on a card before 180 in cash. If you accept visa hit me up ;-)