Want To Help Your Lady?

Lana Warren's Avatar
Ok, everyone knows that we're in a recession and it has effected all of us! Some of more than others! I am more fortunate because I do work a full time job, but I always have my resume ready hoping for that dream job! After reading alot of the "Help Me" theads from the ladies, it really concerned me that they have no other way of supporting themselves! That's when I came up with an idea!

Let's help your ladies by encouraging them to get full or part time jobs! They can still provide their services, but they will have an income to fall back on if they're having a slow week! What about an education? I know for me personally, I would love to go back to school to finish where I left off!

So my challenge to you wonderful men is, if your place of employment or if you have heard of any other places that has job openings, by all means, post it! Of course there needs to be discretion when posting your company! I'm sure there will be plenty of ladies that would love to have a job opportunity, but didn't know where to start!

I admire the spirit of your thread, but I'm going to throw my two, semi negative, cents in.

If a lady is smart enough to navigate the world of adult internet, posting ads, posting in threads, being part of the escort community--- then she also has the ability to look for a "regular" job online. Many ladies don't want to. They are accustomed to being able to set their own schedule, work when they want, not work when they don't want to. It is often very hard for ladies to transition into a regular job with a regular schedule.

I submit to you that if a lady wants a second job, they already have all the skills needed to look for one. Likewise, going to school isn't the difficult task that it used to be. There are so many options for educational opportunities now that theres really no reason why someone who wants to go to school, can't. And ladies, if you want to go back to school but don't think you can, contact me. I'm happy to help. I'm very good at navigating the waters of applications, financial aid, etc.

Likewise, I'm sure many of the gents would not be comfortable with posting their work information on an open forum. A few might, but most aren't going to risk too much of a real world link, kwim.

Again, I appreciate what you are trying to do-- just throwing my dos pesos in the mix.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I admire the spirit of your thread, but I'm going to throw my two, semi negative, cents in.

If a lady is smart enough to navigate the world of adult internet, posting ads, posting in threads, being part of the escort community--- then she also has the ability to look for a "regular" job online. Many ladies don't want to. They are accustomed to being able to set their own schedule, work when they want, not work when they don't want to. It is often very hard for ladies to transition into a regular job with a regular schedule.

I submit to you that if a lady wants a second job, they already have all the skills needed to look for one. Likewise, going to school isn't the difficult task that it used to be. There are so many options for educational opportunities now that theres really no reason why someone who wants to go to school, can't. And ladies, if you want to go back to school but don't think you can, contact me. I'm happy to help. I'm very good at navigating the waters of applications, financial aid, etc.

Likewise, I'm sure many of the gents would not be comfortable with posting their work information on an open forum. A few might, but most aren't going to risk too much of a real world link, kwim.

Again, I appreciate what you are trying to do-- just throwing my dos pesos in the mix. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
I totally agree with you 100%! But there has been so much controversy about the "working" girl and the economy! And for posting too much work information, I highly recommend not posting the company that you work for! Networking is the key word!
I run my own business and the SO works with me. We are hiring soon, but Lana I love you dearly but should something go bad between a provider and the "boss" not only could one lose his job, but I could see a harassment suit would soon follow. To do this there has to be a middle party doing the matching where the hiring company has no clue what the source of the resume and candidate is. Good luck making it work because it's a worthy effort.
NeedingMore's Avatar
Well, I tell you this. Posting a job is one thing, but the real and only way to get a job is to use the person inside the company for and interview and as a reference. Otherwise, the likelyhood of you getting a job is as good as posting as some random person.

That being said, the we need real names and more specific info that some might not be willing to share unless you are comfortable...
Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, I tell you this. Posting a job is one thing, but the real and only way to get a job is to use the person inside the company for and interview and as a reference. Otherwise, the likelyhood of you getting a job is as good as posting as some random person.

That being said, the we need real names and more specific info that some might not be willing to share unless you are comfortable... Originally Posted by NeedingMore

You're right, but the whole idea is to make others realize that to get ahead in life, you need to learn how to help yourself! All anyone can is say, "Hey, I know that ABC company is hiring.....go check them out!" Absolutely no harm in that!
  • npita
  • 06-10-2010, 10:43 AM
Let's help your ladies by encouraging them to get full or part time jobs! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
I would think that being a provider is a full or part time job if a provider treats providing as a job. In that case, there are ways to work more hours as a provider which pays a much better hourly rate than just about any more traditional full or part time job pays. I could think of a number of ways to do that, but all of them fall into the ``none of my business category.''