
Hey all,
I've got an upcoming trip to El Paso in a couple of weeks for tour. When I lived in Houston it was still safe to drive to Mexico border towns for cheap prescriptions (antibiotics and such). What's your opinion on a quick in and out daytime Juarez run?
I would stay as far away from Juarez as you can. Even during the day its too dangerous.
I agree. I know of three young men who were stopped, stripped, and relieved of their vehicle in broad daylight...... happened about 2 weeks ago, and the federalies tried to charge them for leaving a vehicle in their country.
Even the Hispanics that work for me, won't go into Juarez now.....
Pls, don't go there. The movies that came out called "BORDER TOWN" watch it.
ncrtt1's Avatar
Would not drive there under any circumstances. It is not that far of a walk to go across the bridge and there are lots of liquor stores and drug stores right on the other side, then walk back asap. However, things have heated up in later years, it has been a decade plus since I did it, not worth it now I think.

You can order drugs from online pharmacies that will mail them to you. One thing to keep in mind about non USA drugs is the much lower standards used. Just in the last week, there was an article in the Journal about lipitor made in Inda generic that was recalled because it contains pieces of glass in it. There is a reason (called the FDA) for higher drug prices of USA made stuff, even generics.