San angelo providers today?

Is there any providers here in san angelo today?
DallasRain's Avatar
I will be there tomorrow
CountryGentleman35's Avatar
Dallas, you're coming to San Angelo tomorrow, Sunday??

I thought Abilene was next.

If you are coming to San Angelo, let me know please.
DallasRain's Avatar
oops I will be there tuesday!
CountryGentleman35's Avatar
You're such a tease Dallas.

Oh the highs and the lows you put a man thru..
DallasRain's Avatar
Well guess I deserve a spanking. Mmmmmm
CountryGentleman35's Avatar

I'm to chicken to use BP, but this young lady has been advertising for a few days now.
Super Head 713's Avatar
I can add San angelo to my tour, if there are any interest!