"I was trafficked"

  • pxmcc
  • 11-21-2019, 03:03 AM
i tell all my gals if they ever get in a tight spot, they should assert an affirmative defense: "yes, however, i was trafficked.." how can a prosecutor prove the opposite, exactly? "no, i can prove beyond reasonable doubt you weren't trafficked." ya good luck with that. her pimp isn't exactly listed with the Better Business Bureau or the Biz Org section of registered businesses duly filed with the Texas Secretary of State..

the gestapo is alive and well..


close calls, comments, thoughts, suggestions, and/or ideas going forward?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
That 2nd link had me like wtf is that ..
boardman's Avatar
This stuck out to me in the first article.
"Of the 75 arrests, Cannon said 32 were men, 11 of which were pimps. He added 28 were woman, with some of the women in possession of controlled substances and/or handguns."

There they go again with stupid reporting. Just how many trafficking victims are in possession of a handgun anyway? If they have a handgun they shouldn't be a victim of anything. They media and the NGOs along with politicians will go to any lengths to make trafficking synonymous with prostitution. What should be insulting to any consumer of this drivel is that they try to spoon feed it to us like we don't have the ability to use critical thinking skills...Well, I guess many don't.
I'll just drop this here for the umpteenth time https://freedomnetworkusa.org/app/up..._-HuffPost.pdf

As for the point of the OP. If a girl is pimped I doubt she is going to throw her pimp under the Federal Bus by claiming to be a trafficking victim.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-25-2019, 06:15 PM
This stuck out to me in the first article.
"Of the 75 arrests, Cannon said 32 were men, 11 of which were pimps. He added 28 were woman, with some of the women in possession of controlled substances and/or handguns."

There they go again with stupid reporting. Just how many trafficking victims are in possession of a handgun anyway? If they have a handgun they shouldn't be a victim of anything. They media and the NGOs along with politicians will go to any lengths to make trafficking synonymous with prostitution. What should be insulting to any consumer of this drivel is that they try to spoon feed it to us like we don't have the ability to use critical thinking skills...Well, I guess many don't.
I'll just drop this here for the umpteenth time https://freedomnetworkusa.org/app/up..._-HuffPost.pdf

As for the point of the OP. If a girl is pimped I doubt she is going to throw her pimp under the Federal Bus by claiming to be a trafficking victim. Originally Posted by boardman
my experience in the hobby is just about anyone can get thrown under the bus under the right circumstances, whether it be hobbyist, provider, or even pimp..
boardman's Avatar
my experience in the hobby is just about anyone can get thrown under the bus under the right circumstances, whether it be hobbyist, provider, or even pimp.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Of course anyone can and does get thrown under the bus in the right circumstances.

I'm saying that beating a simple prostitution charge by claiming trafficking and the possibility of the consequences of that is not a likely scenario. I'm not a pimp but if I were my girls would understand that a claim like that would have the most serious repercussions.

Girls that are pimped are pimped for a reason.