We need a Provider Appreciation Day...Not that it will ever happen, but it would be nice.

KittyLamour's Avatar
Every day we devote ourselves to pleasing others, doing whatever they want to do... putting our own sexual and emotional needs on a back burner to ensure our clients needs are met. We do things we may not be really into for people we'd probably never fuck if we didn't need the money. Over and over we get sexually teased, sometimes even close to an orgasm and get shut down right when it's feeling good because we couldn't come fast enough when the pressure to come on demand is what makes it so difficult to actually happen. We convincingly fake it while getting pounded from odd angles that bruise our walls , kidneys and bladder... we hop right up with a smile on our face to serve a warm wet washcloth for our partner to clean up comfortably with... we rush to put on clothing because when he's ready to go he won't be considerate and will open the door wide open so anyone outside can see you dressed or not. You scramble out of view, smile, thank him and generously tell him you hope to see him again.

You get so good at wearing a mask and being fake you shove your own needs further and further down. Inside you are lonely, you have no one to really talk to. Nobody to connect to on an emotional level. You don't trust anyone but stay on your guard expecting to be fucked over at any moment.

Your friends only call you when they want something from you.

Guys act interested in you as a person for some free pussy then never call you again whenever you do try to have a sex life outside the hobby.

You wonder if being independent is all it cracks up to be and you wonder if having a pimp and provider wife in laws could substitute for your family that's disowned you and left a void in your heart. You realize you may always be alone.

You contemplate if anyone would notice if you went missing.

You wonder if anyone would even care.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a day like a holiday... when your regulars buy you roses and take you to eat at The Cheesecake factory... if Hallmark had a section for Provider's Day cards and if people took the time to find us just the right one... then eagerly urged us to read theirs first...

Wouldn't it be great to be appreciated just once a year? Wouldn't it feel terrific if for just one day people were actually interested in what you had to say and sat down and wanted to watch your favorite movie without groping on you and insisting you stop watching it to please their needs...

It will never happen, I know. But at least it's something to think about...

Sounds like a good idea to me.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 05-28-2016, 06:15 AM
I think its a wonderful idea!!!!
  • Re
  • 05-28-2016, 06:36 AM
Make every day Appreciation day, no one will ever appreciate you and the work you do more than yourself. That said, sounds like you need to get some better friends. I have a few like that, my social circle is small.

Bottom line, look inside yourself and think of something you WANT to do. Somewhere you WANT to go. Don't think "Could I work there? Who do I know there?" Pull the plug, go invisible for a while. Don't answer calls, texts or emails. Put your feet in the sand somewhere far away and be whoever you really are, not Kitty. When you get a little weight off your soul you can put your mask back on. That's just my two cents, take it for what it's worth.
IMHO - With the amount of Providers in DFW, any day that a guy chooses you(any provider) to pay to have sex with is provider appreciation day.

If a guy only sees 1 or 2 providers a month. The hours, or days looking thru ads, showcases, to find the one or two we want to spend our hard earned money on is already appreciated. We chose to appreciate her above all the other DFW providers.

On the other hand. Any provider willing to see me is appreciated because I know at that point it's Hobbiest Appreciation day or in my case aka "Take Pity on Von Day"
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 05-28-2016, 07:09 AM
Awe Von!!!
Great Idea Kitty....Now get back to work....lol
If that's what you want, I have no problem providing it. I will pick you up for a surprise dinner at a restraunt much nicer than the cheesecake factory. Flowers, suit, the whole deal. After dinner we go out for some dancing and cocktails, or something more low key like a show or movie. I open doors, am interested in what you have to say, your story. I'll hang off your every word trying to understand you that much better. Take you back to your house and open a bottle of wine and surprise you with a small but thoughtful gift. Let you relax as I draw you a bath with bath bombs and candles. While you bathe I'll bake some chocolate chip cookies from scratch and light candles around your bedroom. Pat you dry without groping and lead you to the bed where warm cookies and ice cream await. Have you lay down while I rub the tension away from your neck, back and feet until you drift off to sleep and I let myself out. Just dont expect me to pay 500 to 800 for the privelege.
Not a bad idea Kitty, not bad at all.
  • jwood
  • 05-28-2016, 09:06 AM
I agree 100%
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
An illuminating look behind the curtain. Thank you for sharing, KL.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Oh wow! I am so surprised at the response! In a really good way! I've been avoiding coming back to this thread purposely.

I had a bad case of the blues this am. It happens to the best of us sometime or the other... but I was really worried about the feedback I'd receive from everyone...

Thank you so much. It is refreshing to know that there's REAL people behind all the keyboards.

I love yall... this is a community for all it's bs and drama and it's great that in this misunderstood world of ours we can achieve some understanding at least amongst ourselves.

KittyLamour's Avatar
If that's what you want, I have no problem providing it. I will pick you up for a surprise dinner at a restraunt much nicer than the cheesecake factory. Flowers, suit, the whole deal. After dinner we go out for some dancing and cocktails, or something more low key like a show or movie. I open doors, am interested in what you have to say, your story. I'll hang off your every word trying to understand you that much better. Take you back to your house and open a bottle of wine and surprise you with a small but thoughtful gift. Let you relax as I draw you a bath with bath bombs and candles. While you bathe I'll bake some chocolate chip cookies from scratch and light candles around your bedroom. Pat you dry without groping and lead you to the bed where warm cookies and ice cream await. Have you lay down while I rub the tension away from your neck, back and feet until you drift off to sleep and I let myself out. Just dont expect me to pay 500 to 800 for the privelege. Originally Posted by DrZaius

Dr Zaius! I've never in my whole life ever been treated as extravagantly as you are so temptingly seducing me with. My inner goddess is about to jump right out of me in excitement.

Pay??? You pay me? Absolutely not! I'd be happy to pay you though! For real. I'm available right now.
Chung Tran's Avatar
"I'd wish the world had all happy people, then there'd be no more wishing to do"...

- Lionel Richie -
Randall Creed's Avatar
IMHO - With the amount of Providers in DFW, any day that a guy chooses you(any provider) to pay to have sex with is provider appreciation day.

If a guy only sees 1 or 2 providers a month. The hours, or days looking thru ads, showcases, to find the one or two we want to spend our hard earned money on is already appreciated. We chose to appreciate her above all the other DFW providers. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Exactly. My provider search process isn't a dart throw. If I picked you and am trying to see you, you've beat out some other people.

This is why rejection by a provider is such a letdown for me. It's like, all that work put in, the selection process, the narrowing down, the homework, the flirty PM's, it was all for nothing.

If I like you, ladies....I REALLY like you.

Just know that. Yeah.