If Only D'Souza Were Right

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting review of the movie 2016. The author says D'Souza gets it wrong, and that the movie is essentially a whitewash of GW Bush's policies. He places the blame for the economy on Alan Greenspan, and his successor.

He also chastises Obama for not changing the policies started while W was president.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The movie is not about GWB it is about Obama.
This reviewer is obviously an Obama shill.
See the movie and decide for yourself.
I read the review and saw the movie. It is a bogus review, trying to disguise itself as objective.

The telling sentence is in the 2nd paragraph: "the movie is dead wrong. That is because it misses the fundamental political fact of the last dozen years: the Obama administration is the operational successor of the Bush administration."

Even if the Obama is the extension of Bush (a bogus claim), the fundamental facts of the movie are correct, therefore, how can the movie be wrong ?

The reviewer doesn't dispute any of the historical facts that the movie presents about Obama; it only questions D'Souza's motives behind the movie..

The movie is factually correct; love Obama or hate Obama, go see it and decide for yourself, because you probably don't know Obama.
A G was the voice of corp's that had good mgmt would prosper and the ones with poor mgmt will fall by the wayside.sounds good till they started to fall then they were (too big to fail) and we got TARP...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Mike, go see the movie.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-03-2012, 04:52 PM
The review is spot on.

The problem is that you right wing nuts are to God Damn stupid to see what the reviewer is talking about.

I'm not trying to defend Obama. I am saying that there is not that much difference between political parties where it counts. In your pocketbook.

You Tea Nuts fiddle while Rome burns.

Let us discuss this one fact:

Third, neither Walker nor D'Souza mentions on-screen what should be the obvious constitutional fact — namely, that it is the Congress that legally initiates all spending bills, and it is the House of Representatives that holds the hammer constitutionally. There was not one word in the movie about the Congress of the United States as being constitutionally in authority over the budget of the United States government. How in the world could anyone make a documentary that focuses at the very end on the central problem that the country faces, and then try to pin the tail on Obama as the donkey?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Have you seen the movie?

This is about6 a review of a movie and not about what ifs of GWB and party differences.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-03-2012, 05:03 PM
Have you seen the movie?

This is about6 a review of a movie and not about what ifs of GWB and party differences. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you understand wtf FIDDLE WHILE ROME BURNS means?

I am going to see the movie. I am waiting to find an Obama 2012 sticker to wear first.

But God Damn 2Dog, you are not that stupid. Read the review. It is spot it, it touches on big issues. Not partisian politics. If one side just keeps blaming the other then nothing will be done. Do you really thing Mitt Romney will be any different on the deficit than Obama?

The web site COFool linked to is one of the best one out there. What you are missing are the elephant in the room. What do you say about this fact? A fact the movie glosses over?

Second, Walker has spent years warning the public about the unsustainable increase of the on-budget federal debt. He was eloquent on camera. But, central to that presentation is the fact that he blamed George W. Bush as much as he blamed Obama. He says on camera that the turning point on the deficit began with Bush's presidency. He showed that we are headed for a fiscal disaster, and it may overtake us during the presidency of whoever is elected in 2016.
In terms of the on-budget deficit, Obama's administration is an extension of Bush's.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-03-2012, 05:08 PM
The fiscal killer of killers in Bush's administration was never mentioned: the prescription-drug law that Bush signed in 2003. The vote was close in Congress. If he had vetoed it, it would never have passed. Instead, he turned the signing into a pageant. He brought in thousands of seniors to witness it. He announced: "You are here to witness the greatest advance in health care coverage for America's seniors since the founding of Medicare."
This sell-out to Teddy Kennedy (who refused to attend), added at least $8.7 trillion to the unfunded liability of Medicare. Yet it is never mentioned in the documentary. Instead, the documentary focuses on Obamacare, whose burden is mainly on the private sector and actually relieves some of the Medicare payments. In any case, that law was really Pelosicare. She was the ramrod. The documentary has one brief segment on her. It skips the point: bad as that law is, she was far more responsible for it than he was
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have seen the movie, I do not need to see a review that goes into the aspects of the polictical parties.
Go see the movie, sit and watch respectfully and then do yur own review.

No I am not stupid. I truly understand that there is little differencebetween the two parties and thast both are carrying us to bankruptcy in a leaky bucket.
The fact is that what I see Obama doing to this nation and the direction he is going, I cant say leading because he is as far from a leader as someone can get, is not in the best overall interest of this nation.
The fact is that government cannot spend a single dime without first taking it from somebody that earned it and is currently taking money from people that have yet to earn it. That is a fact. Another fact is that both parties participate in the theft of our wages and the theft of those that have had no sayso in anything that has been done or is planned to be done.

I dont care how much you tax the citizens of this nation, it is not enough to payfor everyuthing that the gov ernment spends or has committed to spend.

The stupic idiocy is the arguement that Obama will somehow stop this spending. He has done nothing to cut the deficit, nothing to cut the sp[ending, has increased taxes on everyone, and is tearing this nation apart to remake it into something other than what the constitution allows.

This movie spends the greatest amount of its time informning the viewer of what makes Obama what he is.Go see the movie then come back and spew your drivel.
joe bloe's Avatar
Very few liberals will see the movie. I think a lot of liberals suspect that Obama may be profoundly flawed. They just don't want to be forced to admit they've supporting an evil son of a bitch for the last 3.5 years. They want to go on pretending that Obama is just a regular patriotic guy who wants what's best for the the country. It would be humiliating for them to have to admit, they were fooled by a conman.
Alan418's Avatar
Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?
joe bloe's Avatar
Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket? Originally Posted by Alan418


Unless Romney wins!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The point is, Obama does not believe that what America has done for the last 200 some odd years has been good for anybody but a very few. He believes that nobody should benefit from the work of others even if they are fairly and justly compensated for their contribution. Further he believes that nobody has a right to develop the natural resources of another country even if it benefits that country. He believes that we should not be a pwerful nation but a subserviant one.
joe bloe's Avatar
The point is, Obama does not believe that what America has done for the last 200 some odd years has been good for anybody but a very few. He believes that nobody should benefit from the work of others even if they are fairly and justly compensated for their contribution. Further he believes that nobody has a right to develop the natural resources of another country even if it benefits that country. He believes that we should not be a pwerful nation but a subserviant one. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He believes America should be punished. "White folks greed runs a world in need"
