Study says we're not getting enough. No shit.

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah. Figured as much.

Thought it was just me for a while, but no. It's [mostly] everybody. The problem is the way we let societal stigmas dictate to us.

Most guys aren't getting enough because the ladies won't put out, because they don't want to seem to easy or be perceived as a whore.

Guys have to repress sexual urges because, if they don't society will think of them as a bunch of thirsty horndogs. Plus, it's illegal to grab a woman's matter how pretty it looks in those 50 pair of yoga pants that every woman owns, and wears all the damn time.

It would be so nice if ladies at least let us cop occasional feels. I mean, if you're not going to give it up, the least you could do is let us get a handful of that ass every now and then.

There are a handful of guys who don't have any trouble getting laid. They're the types who take more chances, and bank on the notion that out of 100 women they hit on every day, 3-4 of them will give it up.

Nice guys hit on 2 girls a month...aaaand this is why they don't get laid. Ever. At all. Except when they find their way onto a 'whore board'.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It would be so nice if ladies at least let us cop occasional feels. I mean, if you're not going to give it up, the least you could do is let us get a handful of that ass every now and then. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
certain guys like President Trump and Ex-President GH Bush (a.k.a., David Cop-a-feel) can play grab ass, but the rest of us are relegated to doing what SL does.. we need to remember to close our browsers when we finish.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Etiquette question: Is it necessary to engage a dancer in conversation before one grabs a titty, or can you introduce yourself in that fashion? It's been about three months since I've caressed a breast; I was at BFW on Saturday for three hours and had a really strong hankering to break the drought, especially after not even getting to see anything but fabric the day before at a subAMP. But I thought it would be kind of rude to introduce myself that way.
rexdutchman's Avatar
What is "enough" - we all have different opinions ( once a day - a month - 3 x a year ( so) )
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
For my SO, it's once every 21 years and counting.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Of course we are not getting enough, if we were, there would be no need for providers and websites like this. Yes, there are some guys who couldn't get any without having to pay cash for it or even if they paid double, and given those types of scenarios, that is the reason for the oldest profession in the world.
TheOracle's Avatar
What is "enough" - we all have different opinions ( once a day - a month - 3 x a year ( so) ) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
That's why I thought the article was kind of silly and didn't even bother commenting at first. I couldn't really take the article seriously after the first couple of sentences, especially the way they threw pederasty in so casually.

We owe a lot to the sex lives of Greeks. Ancient Greece gave us the origins of the names and concepts for homosexuality, homophobia and nymphomania, as well as narcissism and pederasty.
It just reeks of liberal propaganda, and coming from The Guardian there's no doubt that's all it is.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
A study from another source (I can't recall off the top of my head) said that over 3/4 of women married after a few years use sex as a manipulating tool to get their husbands to take them places, buy them shit and do housework.
Which made me think escorts are really a good deal after all.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
over 3/4 of women married after a few years use sex as a manipulating tool to get their husbands to take them places, buy them shit and do housework. Originally Posted by Poppa_Viagra

I wish mine was smart enough to have figured that out, lol.
Randall Creed's Avatar
There's no set standard for 'enough'. It's more about how you feel personally and your number of 'get lucky' moments.

It's like food. Do any of you eat 'enough'? Enough would be whatever satisfies you in your daily it 3x a day, twice a day, 4-5 times a day, with a snack or two in between. If you're only eating once every couple days, odds are you feel like you're not eating enough.

Look at it that way.
rexdutchman's Avatar
100% of women married have learned Just saying ( If your young u will see )