Contacting me

  • katee
  • 09-26-2013, 02:06 PM
I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct forum topic, if I am not please move to the correct one.

I understand some things just go along with being a provider, but I am going to vent here just a little, if for nothing else just to bring the issue to the forefront of the hobbyists minds.

I pride myself on being an upscale,honest, fair, and kind provider. With that being said, if you contact to check on my availability, I do my very best to get back to you within an hour. Perhaps you are checking on rates, or maybe you just are not sure if you are going to actually have the time that you THINK you might to play. I understand, things happen. I am speaking about SEASONED hobbyists that know proper etiquette when contacting a provider, or to newbies, that are just learning. I believe that I am speaking for many providers when stating this.

PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL. As you know providers are paid for our time. If you contact me asking if I am available, stating a specific time that you you would like to see me, references included in your contact, I do my part, getting back with you as soon as humanly possible. PLEASE... At the very minimum, RESPOND. It could be, that's not going to work for me after all, your donation is not in my budget(which if you are contacting me, you should've already checked on that one) you could even just say, never mind!
I am a low volume provider. If I tell you, yes that will work, at that point I have penciled you in. Therefore, you are dipping in my pockets when you do not at least respond.

Again, I love what I do, I treat EVERYONE with the utmost respect, so please, if you take the time to PM me, email or call me, when I respond promptly please do not just leave me hanging.
With all the local news lately of LE, I think all of the reputable local providers have tightened our screening process, which you as a hobbyist, should respect and be thankful for. But it also does rule some "Ify's" out. Some that might be perfectly legit, but also cautious. So Please, if you are lucky enough for me to pencil you in, please be respectful, and let me know, so I'm not left with having to tell you, NO WAY, next time you think that you want to see me.
Yes,I am available ! Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
KATEE of Springfield MO